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Your search for "*" yielded 533514 hits

Measurement of the centrality dependence of the charged particle pseudorapidity distribution in lead-lead collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS experiment at the LHC has measured the centrality dependence of charged particle pseudorapidity distributions over vertical bar eta vertical bar < 2 in lead-lead collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV. In order to include particles with transverse momentum as low as 30 MeV, the data were recorded with the central solenoid magnet off. Charged partic

Intensity dependence of laser-assisted attosecond photoionization spectra

We study experimentally the influence of the intensity of the infrared (IR) probe field on attosecond pulse train (APT) phase measurements performed with the RABITT method (Reconstruction of Attosecond Beating by Interference in Two-Photon Transitions). We find that if a strong IR field is applied, the attosecond pulses will appear to have lower-than-actual chirp rates. We also observe the onset o

Differential dependence of stretch and shear stress signaling on caveolin-1 in the vascular wall

The role of caveolae in stretch- vs. flow-induced vascular responses was investigated using caveolin-1 deficient (KO) mice. Portal veins were stretched longitudinally for 5 min (acute) or 72 h (organ culture). Basal ERK1/2 and Akt phosphorylation were increased in organ-cultured KO veins, as were protein synthesis and vessel wall cross-section. Stretch stimulated acute phosphorylation of ERK1/2 an

Recent advances in imaging of properties and growth of low dimensional structures for photonics and electronics by XPEEM

Spectroscopic Photoemission and Low Energy Electron Microscopy (SPELEEM) is a very powerful and diverse microscopy technique for the investigation of surfaces, interfaces, buried layers and nanoscale objects like nanoparticles and nanowires. The many significant results from photoemission Electron microscopy (PEEM) in recent years are linked with the exploitation of advanced light sources such as

The Carlina-type diluted telescope Stellar fringes on Deneb

Context. The performance of interferometers has been much increased over the past ten years. But the number of observable objects is still limited by the low sensitivity and imaging capability of the current facilities. Studies have been conducted with the aim to propose a new generation of interferometers. Aims. The Carlina concept studied at the Haute-Provence Observatory consists of an optical

Targeting Free Prostate-Specific Antigen for In Vivo Imaging of Prostate Cancer Using a Monoclonal Antibody Specific for Unique Epitopes Accessible on Free Prostate-Specific Antigen Alone.

This study investigated the feasibility of targeting the free, unbound forms of prostate-specific antigen (fPSA) for in vivo imaging of prostate adenocarcinomas (PCa), as PSA is produced and secreted at abundance during every clinical stage and grade of PCa, including castration-resistant disease. We injected (125)I-labeled monoclonal antibody PSA30 (specific for an epitope uniquely accessible on

Absence of Schroeder's Paradox in a Nanostructured Block Copolymer Electrolyte Membrane

This is a study of morphology, water uptake, and proton conductivity of a sulfonated polystyrene-block-polyethylene (PSS-PE) copolymer equilibrated in humid air with controlled relative humidity (RH), and in liquid water. Extrapolation of the domain size, water uptake, and conductivity obtained in humid air to RH = 100% allowed for an accurate comparison between the properties of PSS-PE hydrated i

Human thermal response with improved AVA modeling of the digits

The arterio-venous anastomoses (AVA) play a major role in the blood circulation in the peripheral body parts. In this work, the segmental bioheat model of Salloum et al. [1] is improved to accurately predict skin blood flow rate in the hands and fingers, and the local and overall human thermal responses in transient environments. The improvements in the model include: 1) extending the artery tree

The osmotic link between hypoglycaemia and hypovolaemia

Objective . Hypoglycaemia is regularly accompanied by hypovolaemia. To suggest a mechanism for this phenomenon, we reviewed data from eight studies conducted by our group and examined the circumstances under which rebound hypoglycaemia develops after intravenous infusion of glucose solutions. Material and methods. Forty healthy volunteers and 40 patients received a total of 122 infusions of glucos

Geminate Charge Recombination in Polymer/Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Films and Implications for Solar Cell Function.

We have studied the influence of three different fullerene derivatives on the charge generation and recombination dynamics of polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cell blends. Charge generation in APFO3/[70]PCBM and APFO3/[60]PCBM is very similar and somewhat slower than charge generation in APFO3/[70]BTPF. This difference qualitatively matches the trend in free energy change of elect

Prediction of Activation Energies for Aromatic Oxidation by Cytochrome P450

We have estimated the activation energy for aromatic oxidation by compound I in cytochrome P450 for a diverse set of 17 substrates using state-of-the-art density functional theory (B3LYP) with large basis sets. The activation energies vary from 60 to 87 kJ/mol. We then test if these results can be reproduced by computationally less demanding methods. The best methods (a B3LYP calculation of the ac

Variability of urinary cadmium excretion in spot urine samples, first morning voids, and 24 h urine in a healthy non-smoking population: Implications for study design

When selecting the least biased exposure surrogate, for example, the concentration of a biomarker in a urine sample, information on variability must be taken into consideration. We used mixed-effects models to estimate the variability and determinants of urinary cadmium (U-Cd) excretion using spot urine samples collected at six fixed times during 2 days about 1 week apart, from 24 healthy non-smok

The same sequence variant on 9p21 associates with myocardial infarction, abdominal aortic aneurysm and intracranial aneurysm

Recently, two common sequence variants on 9p21, tagged by rs10757278-G and rs10811661-T, were reported to be associated with coronary artery disease (CAD)(1-4) and type 2 diabetes (T2D)(5-7), respectively. We proceeded to further investigate the contributions of these variants to arterial diseases and T2D. Here we report that rs10757278-G is associated with, in addition to CAD, abdominal aortic an