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This paper is intended to give an overview of clinically used imaging methods with special reference to digital techniques and 3D techniques for X-ray and nuclear medicine/molecular imaging such as CT, SPECT and PET. The paper will focus on recent advances and trends.

Female aggressive response and hormonal correlates - an intrusion experiment in a free-living passerine

The optimal mating system is rarely the same for males and females-whereas males usually benefit from attracting additional females to the territory, this could incur costs for the resident female. Females should therefore prevent prospecting females from settling on the territory. We studied the male and female behavioral and hormonal responses to simulated female territorial intrusions in free-l

A machine model for dataflow actors and its applications

In application areas that process stream-like data such as multimedia, networking and DSP, the pipelined concurrent processing is frequently represented as a dataflow network of communicating computational kernels connected by FIFO queues. However, while dataflow is a natural medium for conceptualizing and modeling stream-processing systems, its adoption as a programming methodology has been hinde

Ubiquitin Carboxyl-Terminal Esterase L1 (UCHL1) S18Y Polymorphism In Patients With Cataracts

Methods: aEuro,Patients with cataract (n == 493) and controls (n == 142) were analyzed for the UCHL1 p.S18Y polymorphism using dynamic allele-specific hybridization. Results: aEuro,Significant differences were observed in allele and genotype frequencies of the p.S18Y polymorphism between controls and cataract patients, where a positive UCHL1 allele A carrier status was associated with the cataract

Self-Serving Cognitive Distortions and Antisocial Behavior Among Adults and Adolescents

The reliability and validity of the self-report questionnaire How I Think (HIT), designed to assess self-serving cognitive distortions related to antisocial behavior, was tested among Swedish offender and nonoffender adults and adolescents (N = 364). The results showed self-serving distortions to be more common among offenders and to predict self-reported antisocial behavior when tested among adul

Piscivore-Prey Fish Interactions: Mechanisms behind Diurnal Patterns in Prey Selectivity in Brown and Clear Water.

Environmental change may affect predator-prey interactions in lakes through deterioration of visual conditions affecting foraging success of visually oriented predators. Environmental change in lakes includes an increase in humic matter causing browner water and reduced visibility, affecting the behavioural performance of both piscivores and prey. We studied diurnal patterns of prey selection in p

Antibacterial peptides - key players in host defense at epithelial surfaces

Innate host defense mechanisms at epithelial surfaces are important to prevent bacterial invasion. Streptococcus pyogenes, group A streptococcus (GAS), has an affinity for epithelial cells and cause pharyngitis. During streptococcal pharyngitis, high concentrations of the chemokines CXCL9/MIG, CXCL10/IP-10, CXCL11/I-TAC were found in tonsil fluid. Similarly, these chemokines were produced by activ

Coulomb excitation of Sn-107

The radioactive isotope Sn-107 was studied using Coulomb excitation at the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. This is the lightest odd-Sn nucleus examined using this technique. The reduced transition probability of the lowest-lying 3/2(+) state was measured and is compared to shell-model predictions based on several sets of single-neutron energies relative to Sn-100. Similar to the transition probabilit

Stem cell self-renewal: lessons from bone marrow, gut and iPS toward clinical applications

The hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) is the prototype organ-regenerating stem cell (SC), and by far the most studied type of SC in the body. Currently, HSC-based therapy is the only routinely used SC therapy; however, advances in the field of embryonic SCs and induced pluripotent SCs may change this situation. Interest into in vitro generation of HSCs, including signals for HSC expansion and differen

Syndecan-4 signaling via NFAT regulates extracellular matrix production and cardiac myofibroblast differentiation in response to mechanical stress

Pressure overload activates cardiac fibroblasts leading to excessive production of extracellular matrix which may contribute to compromised heart function. The activated fibroblast acquires smooth muscle-like features such as expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin (SMA) and SM22 and is therefore referred to as myofibroblast. The molecular mechanisms underlying mechanical stress-induced myofibrobl

Care managers' view of family influence on needs assessment of older people

Research has shown that families experience poor involvement in needs assessment of older people while little is known about municipal care managers' views of family participation. The aim was to explore how municipal care managers view families' participation in and influence on needs assessment of older people receiving public home help. Individual interviews (n = 26) were conducted with care ma

Toward a relevant agenda for warehousing research: literature review and practitioners’ input

The main purpose of this research is to provide an agenda for future warehousing research relevant for both academic development and practitioners’ needs. In order to suggest a practically relevant future research agenda, first a comprehensive literature review was performed to identify research areas covered in the literature. Then, 15 warehouse managers and senior consultants were interviewed to

Results and lessons learned from the ESReDA's Accident Investigation Working Group Introducing article to "Safety Science" special issue on "Industrial Events Investigation"

The European Safety Reliability and Data Association (ESReDA) established in year 2000, a Working Group on Accident Investigation (WGAI) that ended in the year 2008. With the objective of improving the quality of accident investigation and as a consequence the learning from experience process and the safety performance, the working group tasked itself at two levels: the first one, at a societal, i

Formal support for informal caregivers to older persons with dementia through the course of the disease: an exploratory, cross-sectional study

Background: In European countries, knowledge about availability and utilization of support for informal caregivers caring for older persons (>= 65 years) with dementia (PwD) is lacking. To be able to evaluate and develop the dementia support system for informal caregivers to PwD, a survey of European support systems and professionals involved is needed. The aim of this study was to explore support

Determination and control of some pollutants in indoor environments

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är känt att kvalitén på inomhusluften har en avgörande betydelse för folkhälsan bla avseende astma, eksem samt luftvägsinfektioner. Detta är ett för samhället mycket kostsamt problem. I avhandlingen har studerats vissa luftföroreningar inomhus som kan bli följden av att en byggnad drabbats av fuktskada. När fukt påverkar byggnadsmaterial frigörs och bildas en rad oUnsatisfactory indoor air quality (IAQ) may result from polluting emissions that are spread from building materials such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and/or microbial components or from various kinds of human activity such as smoking. Different methods are available to limit the exposure to unwanted pollutants and improve human wellbeing and health. One goal of this thesis was to determine

Stem cell factor induces HIF-1alpha at normoxia in hematopoietic cells.

Signaling by the receptor for stem cell factor (SCF), c-Kit, is of major importance for hematopoiesis, melanogenesis and reproduction, and the biological responses are commonly proliferation and cell survival. Thus, constitutive activation due to c-Kit mutations is involved in the pathogenesis of several forms of cancer, e.g. leukemias, gastrointestinal stromal tumors and testicular tumors. Tumor