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Colonization of new land by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

The study describes the primary assembly of arbuscular mycorrhizal communities on a newly constructed island Peberholm between Denmark and Sweden. The AM fungal community on Peberholm was compared with the neighboring natural island Saltholm. The structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal communities was assessed through 454 pyrosequencing. Internal community structure was investigated through fitting th

Small-angle X-ray scattering of BAMLET at pH 12 : a complex of α-lactalbumin and oleic acid

BAMLET (Bovine Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumors) is a member of the family of the HAMLET-like complexes, a novel class of protein-based anti-cancer complexes that incorporate oleic acid and deliver it to cancer cells. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was performed on the complex at pH 12, examining the high pH structure as a function of oleic acid added. The SAXS data for BAMLET species

A complex of equine lysozyme and oleic acid with bactericidal activity against Streptococcus pneumoniae

HAMLET and ELOA are complexes consisting of oleic acid and two homologous, yet functionally different, proteins with cytotoxic activities against mammalian cells, with HAMLET showing higher tumor cells specificity, possibly due to the difference in propensity for oleic acid binding, as HAMLET binds 5-8 oleic acid molecules per protein molecule and ELOA binds 11-48 oleic acids. HAMLET has been show

Antibodies to pneumococcal polysaccharides in human milk : lack of relationship to colonization and acute otitis media

BACKGROUND: This study analyzed antibodies to pneumococcal polysaccharides in human milk and their effect on nasopharyngeal colonization and acute otitis media in breast-fed infants.METHODS: A total of 503 milk samples were collected from 310 mothers. Nasopharyngeal cultures were obtained from their children at 2, 6 and 10 months postpartum, and the capsular groups/types of the Streptococcus pneum

New U–Pb baddeleyite age, and AMS and paleomagnetic data for dolerites in the Lake Onega region belonging to the 1.98–1.95 Ga regional Pechenga–Onega Large Igneous Province

A new U–Pb baddeleyite age of 1970 ± 3 Ma for the Unoi dolerite sill of the Onega structure of Karelia craton matches other 1.98–1.95 Ga units across the Kola craton (Pechenga) and widely separated parts of the Karelian craton, including the Lake Onega sill area and a extensive NW-trending dolerite dyke swarm. Herein these coeval units are combined into the Pechenga–Onega Large Igneous Province. T

New constraints on paleoreconstructions through geochronology of mafic dyke swarms in North Atlantic Craton

Ett antal superkontinenter har existerat under jordens 4.6 Ga ( miljarder år gamla ) historia. Utav dessa är superkontinenten Pangea, som betyder ”allt land”, den senaste och mest väldefinierade. Bildning och uppsprickning av superkontinenter drivs av plattektoniska processer som i sin tur beror på strömningar ( konvektion ) i jordens mantel. Förutom dessa processer så anses numera mantelplymer haEarth history is punctuated by a series of events of supercontinent amalgamation and break-up. Fragments of old continents display rifted margins and orogenic sutures that testify their involvement in supercontinent cycles. Periods of break-up are associated with widespread magmatism due to extensional thinning and rifting of the lithosphere and in some instances the arrival of mantle plumes. Mant

Adolescent and Family-Focused Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Paediatric Bipolar Disorders: A Case Series

Although pharmacological treatments can help alleviate mood symptoms in youth with paediatric bipolar disorder (PBD), residual symptoms still commonly persist. In many cases, these symptoms seriously affect the social and psychological development of children and adolescents suffering from PBD. Complementary interventions, such as psychosocial and psychoeducational treatments, can help children an


Diagnostic investigations with positron-emitting radiopharmaceuticals are dominated by (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG), but other radiopharmaceuticals are also commercially available or under development. Five of them, which are all clinically important, are (18)F-fluoride, (18)F-fluoroethyltyrosine ((18)F-FET), (18)F-deoxyfluorothymidine ((18)F-FLT), (18)F-fluorocholine ((18)F-choline) and (

Multi-vendor, multicentre comparison of contrast-enhanced SSFP and T2-STIR CMR for determining myocardium at risk in ST-elevation myocardial infarction

AIMS: Myocardial salvage, determined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), is used as end point in cardioprotection trials. To calculate myocardial salvage, infarct size is related to myocardium at risk (MaR), which can be assessed by T2-short tau inversion recovery (T2-STIR) and contrast-enhanced steady-state free precession magnetic resonance imaging (CE-SSFP). We aimed to determine how T

Fault-tolerant average execution time optimization for general-purpose multi-processor system-on-chips

Fault-tolerance is due to the semiconductor technology development important, not only for safety-critical systems but also for general-purpose (non-safety critical) systems. However, instead of guaranteeing that deadlines always are met, it is for general-purpose systems important to minimize the average execution time (AET) while ensuring fault-tolerance. For a given job and a soft (transient) e

Validity of a small low-cost triaxial accelerometer with integrated logger for uncomplicated measurements of postures and movements of head, upper back and upper arms

Repetitive work and work in constrained postures are risk factors for developing musculoskeletal disorders. Low-cost, user-friendly technical methods to quantify these risks are needed. The aims were to validate inclination angles and velocities of one model of the new generation of accelerometers with integrated data loggers against a previously validated one, and to compare meaurements when usin

Graph Theoretic Approach for Scan Cell Reordering to Minimize Peak Shift Power

Scan circuit testing generally causes excessive switching activity compared to normal circuit operation. This excessive switching activity causes high peak and average power consumption. Higher peak power causes, supply voltage droop and excessive heat dissipation. This paper proposes a scan cell reordering methodology to minimize the peak power consumption during scan shift operation. The propose

Life History Traits of the Liverwort Herbivore Scatopsciara cunicularius (Diptera: Sciaridae)

We studied the behavior, life cycle, and reproductive biology of the sciarid fly Scatopsciara cunicularius (Lengersdorf, 1943) under two constant temperatures. The sciarid was reared at 12.3 ± 0.6°C and 22 ± 1.7°C on its host, the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha L. Our results show that the sciarid fly is able to complete its life cycle with liverwort tissue as its only source of food. The egg-lay

Pancreas volume and fat fraction in children with Type 1 diabetes

AIMS: People with Type 1 diabetes have smaller pancreases than healthy individuals. Several diseases causing pancreatic atrophy are associated with pancreatic steatosis, but pancreatic fat in Type 1 diabetes has not been measured. This cross-sectional study aimed to compare pancreas size and fat fraction in children with Type 1 diabetes and controls.METHODS: The volume and fat fraction of the panc