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Your search for "*" yielded 528757 hits

Investigations of temporal changes in climate and the geomagnetic field via high-resolution radiocarbon dating

Klimatet har varit relativt stabilt under den nuvarande interglaciala epoken (Holocen) som inleddes för ungefär 11 700 år sedan. Genom klimatrekonstruktioner från olika geologiska arkiv såsom iskärnor, sjösediment och torvmossar har det ändå påvisats att snabba förändringar i klimatet har inträffat under denna epok. En sådan tidsperiod inträffade för omkring 2800 år sedan och den är intressant ur Geological archives have shown periods of abrupt climate change in the relatively stable Holocene epoch (last ca. 11 700 years). One of these periods was around 2800 cal BP. Several records, mainly from Europe, reveal a shift towards wetter, cooler and windier conditions. There are, however, indications for a global extent of the climate change. The climate change coincides with a distinct increas

Social Inequalities and Mortality in Europe - Results from a Large Multi-National Cohort

Background: Socio-economic inequalities in mortality are observed at the country level in both North America and Europe. The purpose of this work is to investigate the contribution of specific risk factors to social inequalities in cause-specific mortality using a large multi-country cohort of Europeans. Methods: A total of 3,456,689 person/years follow-up of the European Prospective Investigation

Can we always trust rhinomanometry?

Objectives: Rhinomanometry before and after decongestion distinguishes a nasal airway organic stenosis from congestion of nasal mucosa in patients with nasal stuffiness. Together with rhinoscopy and patient history, it is used to decide if nasal surgery would benefit the patient. Rhinomanometry measurements should thus be reliable and reproducible. Materials and methods: We performed repetitive ac

Papillon-Lefevre syndrome patient reveals species-dependent requirements for neutrophil defenses

Papillon-Lefevre syndrome (PLS) results from mutations that inactivate cysteine protease cathepsin C (CTSC), which processes a variety of serine proteases considered essential for antimicrobial defense. Despite serine protease-deficient immune cell populations, PLS patients do not exhibit marked immunodeficiency. Here, we characterized a 24-year-old woman who had suffered from severe juvenile peri

47-channel burst-mode recording hydrophone system enabling measurements of the dynamic echolocation behavior of free-swimming dolphins.

Detailed echolocation behavior studies on free-swimming dolphins require a measurement system that incorporates multiple hydrophones (often >16). However, the high data flow rate of previous systems has limited their usefulness since only minute long recordings have been manageable. To address this problem, this report describes a 47-channel burst-mode recording hydrophone system that enables high

Real-Time Multiply Recursive Reflections and Refractions using Hybrid Rendering

We present a new method for real-time render- ing of multiple recursions of reflections and refractions. The method uses the strengths of real-time ray tracing for objects close to the camera, by storing them in a per-frame constructed bounding volume hierarchy (BVH). For objects further from the camera, rasterization is used to create G-buffers which store an image-based representation of the sce

Service quality management and ecosystem theory

This paper proposes an alternative perspective on service quality management (SQM) based on the ecosystem of complex and dynamic service environments. First, the ways in which systems thinking and core principles of Quality Management evolved are analysed in order to understand the past, present and the future. Then, by analysing the theories, models and applications of SQM systems and business ec

Avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for all-cause mortality: results from the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort

Background. Sunlight exposure and fair skin are major determinants of human vitamin D production, but they are also risk factors for cutaneous malignant melanoma (MM). There is epidemiological evidence that all-cause mortality is related to low vitamin D levels. Methods. We assessed the avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for all-cause mortality for 29 518 Swedish women in a prospective 20-

Expansion of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding into Neonatal Intensive Care: Expert Group Recommendations

In the World Health Organization/United Nations Children's Fund document Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative: Revised, Updated and Expanded for Integrated Care, neonatal care is mentioned as 1 area that would benefit from expansion of the original Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. The different situations faced by preterm and sick infants and their mothers, compared to healthy infants and their

Supercurrent and Multiple Andreev Reflections in an InSb Nanowire Josephson Junction

Epitaxially grown, high quality semiconductor InSb nanowires are emerging material systems for the development of high performance nanoelectronics and quantum information processing and communication devices and for the studies of new physical phenomena in solid state systems. Here, we report on measurements of a superconductor-normal conductor-superconductor junction device fabricated from an InS

Perinatal and Family Risk Factors for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Early Life: A Swedish National Cohort Study.

Background: The incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in early life has increased in recent decades, but the relevant risk factors remain largely unknown. We examined perinatal and family risk factors for NHL in childhood through young adulthood. Methods: We conducted a national cohort study of 3 571 574 individuals born in Sweden in 1973-2008 who were followed for incidence of NHL through 2009

Ethylene based on woody biomass-what are environmental key issues of a possible future Swedish production on industrial scale

In order to reduce its environmental impact, the chemical industry no longer produces base chemicals such as ethylene, solely from fossil, but also from biomass-based feedstocks. However, a biomass option suitable for one region might not be as suitable for another region due to, e.g., long transport and the related environmental. Therefore, local biomass alternatives and the environmental impact

Smooth Time-Frequency Estimation using Covariance Fitting

In this paper, we introduce a time-frequency spectral estimator for smooth spectra, allowing for irregularly sampled measurements. A non-parametric representation of the time dependent (TD) covariance matrix is formed by assuming that the spectrum is piecewise linear. Using this representation, the time-frequency spectrum is then estimated by solving a convex covariance fitting problem, which also

Effects of different colloid infusions on ROTEM and Multiplate during elective brain tumour neurosurgery.

The European Medicines Agency does not recommend the use of hydroxyethyl starch-based volume replacement solutions in critically ill patients due to an increased risk of renal failure. However, this recommendation is questionable for its perioperative use. Several recent randomised controlled studies do not indicate a risk for renal failure-not even after high-risk surgery. Human albumin is used i

Sexual coercion and health-risk behaviors among urban Chinese high school students.

Objective : To determine the association between health-risk behaviors and a history of sexual coercion among urban Chinese high school students. Design : A cross-sectional study was performed among 109,754 high school students who participated in the 2005 Chinese Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Data were analyzed for 5,215 students who had experienced sexual intercourse (1,483 girls, 3,732 boys). Mul

Enhanced radiation pressure-assisted acceleration by temporally tuned counter-propagating pulses

Within the last decade, laser-ion acceleration has become a field of broad interest. The possibility to generate short proton- or heavy ion bunches with an energy of a few tens of MeV by table-top laser systems could open new opportunities for medical or technical applications. Nevertheless, today's laser-acceleration schemes lead mainly to a temperature-like energy distribution of the accelerated

The psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the Satisfaction with Daily Occupations

Introduction: There is a shortage of tools designed for use by occupational therapy practice in Arabic-speaking countries. The purpose of this study was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the original Satisfaction with Daily Occupations tool to Arabic and assess the psychometric properties of the adapted tool. Method: A cross-cultural adaptation process was performed. Face, content, and crite

Polysulfones with highly localized imidazolium groups for anion exchange membranes

In order to promote phase separation and properties of anion-exchange membranes (AEMs)we have prepared polysulfones with an exceptionally high local concentration of imidazolium groups. Statistical copolymers containing single dioxyphenylene rings directly functionalized with four cationic groups were synthesized by polycondensations of 4,4’-dichlorodiphenylsulfone, 4,4′-isopropylidenediphenol and

Impact of pain characteristics and fear-avoidance beliefs on physical activity levels among older adults with chronic pain: a population-based, longitudinal study.

BACKGROUND: To explore the level of physical activity in a population based sample of older adults; to analyze the influence of pain characteristics and fear-avoidance beliefs as predictors of physical activity among older adults reporting chronic pain. METHODS: Demographics, pain characteristics (duration, intensity), physical activity, kinesiophobia (excessive fear of movement/(re) injury), se