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"Det var inte meningen" - en granskning av skillnaden mellan medveten oaktsamhet och likgiltighetsuppsåt

I det svenska straffrättssystemet är skuld en fundamental förutsättning för att straffrättsligt ansvar ska kunna utkrävas. Skuld utgör ramen för vilka handlingar som är klandervärda och vilka handlingar som är ursäktliga. Det krävs enligt huvudregeln någon form av uppsåt för att skuld ska kunna anses föreligga, undantagsvis kan vissa brott begås genom oaktsamhet, medveten eller omedveten. Ett exemIn the Swedish criminal justice system, guilt is a necessary and fundamental precondition for criminal liability to be claimed. Guilt constitutes the outer frame for which actions are reprehensible and which actions are excusable. As a main principle, some form of intent is required to ascertain the existence of guilt, although some crimes can be committed through negligence or recklessness. An ex

Deepening or Dampening the Resource Curse? The effects of Chinese lending on the resource curse in African countries

Natural resource abundant countries, especially ones rich in oil, tend to suffer from political and economical problems as an effect of their resource wealth. This phenomenon has been observed and studied by many scholars and has been labelled the “Resource curse”. The occurrence of resource curses is mainly observed in countries that are not wealthy, aside from the wealth they have accumulated fr

Blodbildsanalys på brottsplats - Är domstolens bevisvärdering rättssäker eller snarare "rätt säker"?

Blodbildsanalys på brottsplats är ett av bevismedlen som kan förekomma i åklagarens arsenal när denne har att bevisa en våldsutövning. Genom att en kriminaltekniker undersöker en blodbesudlings utseende och placeringar kan denne nå slutsatser om vad för aktivitet som har föranlett blodbesudlingen. Kriminalteknikerns slutsatser redogörs sedan för i ett blodbildsanalysprotokoll vilket, vanligen tillBloodstain pattern analysis at the crime scene is one of the pieces of evidence that can appear in the prosecutor's arsenal in his endeavors to prove an act of violence. By a forensic technician’s examination of the appearance and locations of a bloodstain, the forensic technician can reach conclusions about what activity has caused the bloodstain. The forensic technician's conclusions are

Mordbestämmelsens utveckling sedan 2009

Bestämmelsen för mord i 3:1 BrB har justerats av lagstiftaren tre gånger sedan 2009, senast den 1 januari 2020. Ett tydligt syfte från lagstiftarens sida har varit att dels generellt skärpa straffen för mord men också, åtminstone i de två senaste reformerna, att öka antalet livstidsdomar. De justeringar som ägde rum 2009 och 2014 fick inte den effekt som lagstiftaren avsåg utan rättstillämparen koThe provision for murder in 3: 1 BrB has been adjusted by the legislature three times since 2009, no later than 1 January 2020. A clear purpose on the part of the legislator has been to generally increase the penalties for murder but also, at least in the last two reforms, to increase the number of life sentences. The adjustments that took place in 2009 and 2014 did not have the effect that the le

(O)Förutsägbara tillståndsprocesser? - En undersökning av kravet på samråd med enskilda som kan anses särskilt berörda enligt 6 kap. miljöbalken

När ett företag vill bedriva en miljöfarlig verksamhet krävs det att de beviljas ett tillstånd för verksamheten i enlighet med miljöbalken (1998:808). När systemet för tillståndsprocessen sattes i bruk var lagstiftaren tvungen att göra flera avvägningar, bland annat mellan nyttan för miljön och ekonomin. Tillståndsprocessen ger myndigheter och domstolar chansen att granska verksamheten. Den ger ocWhen a company wants to create a new business that can be regarded as harmful for the environment, the company in question must apply for a permit in accordance with the Swedish Environmental code (1998:808). The legislator, when creating this process of applying for a permit, had to balance multiple different interests. Some of these interests include the environment and the economic aspect. This

Oil, exploitation, and multinational corporations: A comparative study of oil multinational corporations as perpetrators of structural and slow violence in the Niger Delta and the Ecuadorian Amazon

Oil companies are powerful global actors and are repeatedly accused of violence. Previous research on this topic is limited, however, and the thesis therefore set out to investigate the following question: What role do oil multinational corporations (MNCs) play as perpetrators of structural and slow violence in the areas where they operate? A comparative small-N design was applied, and two cases w

The ESG-Risk Relationship - A study of the relationship between ESG and firm-specific risk of publicly traded firms in Sweden

Non-financial metrics have come to play a larger role in financial markets as years pass, impacting decisions made by businesses, investors and policy makers alike. A significant non-financial metric captured by the term ESG or Environmental, Social and Governance. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how ESG relates to risk at a firm-specific level. More specifically, we analyze this rela

Combining Continuous and Event-based Hydrological Modeling in Kävlinge River Basin with HEC-HMS

Prediction of flood and evaluation of the impact of climate change in a catchment needs to be correctly estimated, which can be accomplished by hydrological modelling in HEC-HMS. In this paper, the objectives were to gain an understanding of the rainfall-runoff process and estimate the flood frequency curve in the Kävlinge River Basin. However, due to the complexity of a catchment, models should b

The Rural Awakening

This Master‘s thesis is not about ocean acidification or the sixth species extinction. I want to address the loss of soils, extensive agriculture and inequalities in society. My thesis is not just about listing and analyzing problems; it is about finding a solution through a concrete project. In a time of increasing urbanization and suburbanization, it is important to find alternatives in small vi

Battery Cell Offering for Mid-Market Battery Electric Vehicles

Det snabba skiftet inom bilindustrin mot elektiska fordon sätter stor press på inte bara biltillverkare, utan på hela försörjningskedjan för elbilar. Detta innefattar litiumjonbattericeller som är det mest moderna sättet att lagra energi i elbilar. Den tekniska utvecklingen av litiumjonceller drivs i stor utsträckning av behoven från biltillverkare. Under det senaste årtiondet har det inneburit atThe rapid transformation of the automotive industry to electric vehicles is putting immense pressure on not just vehicle manufacturers (OEMs), but the entire battery electric vehicle (BEV) supply chain. This includes lithium-ion battery cells, the current state-of-the-art technology for energy storage in BEVs. The technological development within lithium-ion battery cells, which is greatly driven

Psykisk ohälsa bland ungdomar - En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers arbete med psykisk ohälsa på högstadiet

The purpose of this essay was to study school counselors’ experiences of mental illness among adolescents focusing on causes and how they work to counteract mental illness among adolescents. To examine this, we conducted six semi-structured interviews with school counselors working with high school students. We analyzed the interviews based on previous research along with the theories systems theo

Classification of Premium and Non-Premium Products using XGBoost and Logistic Regression

In the past few years, many industries have become interested in premium product segmentation to achieve higher unit margins. In this paper, we applied machine learning algorithms to predict whether a product is premium or non-premium. This product is manufactured by a food and beverage company that considers the incorrect classification of products as their primary concern, especially when incorr

Offer eller agent? - Om kvinnor som kreatörer i den digitala världen

The aim of this study is to look into in what ways the creators on the site OnlyFans can be perceived as either victims or their own agents. This will be done by looking at it from different perspectives such as economy, digitalization and self image. There are four main sources that have been used for our study. These are two dissertations, one documentary from SVT and an interview with a school

Constituent Human Rights: A Spinozan study of the radical within human rights theories and the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest

The global human rights regime can only recognise rights that are already known and given, what I’m calling constituted human rights. This mantra poses some immediate obstacles: it effectively invisibilises issues of the productivity and antagonism of human rights movements, the unknown and indeterminate future, and human rights that don’t yet exist. This thesis is an effort to disclose, through c

Sediment Transport and Erosion in Viskan River, South Sweden

This master thesis study presents the results of sediment transport analysis along Viskan, located in south Sweden. The main processes cover building a hydrodynamic model, studying parameters that define sediment transport, modelling sediment transport within the river, mapping out erosive stretches and comparing to observed eroded locations, and finally comparison of different transport functions

Importance Sampling in Wireless Communication Systems with Ultra-Low Error Rates

Simulation mimics the behaviour of real world processes or the system over time. It helps us to understand the impact of modification and the effect of introducing various interventions to a system. One such simulation method is known as Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, which has been utilized to evaluate the performance of digital communication systems over the last 70 years. MC has been the most ex

The (Mis)alignment between Offline and Online Brand Image

Title: The (Mis)alignment between Offline and Online Brand Image: A Qualitative Study based on Customers’ Brand Associations of the Swedish Beauty Retailer Kicks. Purpose: The purpose is to explore the alignment or misalignment of a beauty retailer’s offline and online brand image based on customers’ brand associations. Theory: To explore a beauty retailer’s offline and online brand image, Kelle