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Social klass och miljömedvetenhet - En kvantitativ studie om social klass och dess påverkan på miljömedvetenheten i Sverige

Klimatkrisen är en av de största utmaningarna vi står inför idag där en stor mängd av utsläppen beror på ohållbara livsstilar. Dessa utsläpp är ojämnt fördelade, där de rikaste står för störst andel och de fattigaste får utstå konsekvenserna av dessa utsläpp. Tidigare forskning har visat att socioekonomisk bakgrund även har en effekt på klimatrelaterade känslor och beteenden, men hittills saknas f

Evolution of cold tolerance in the highly stress-tolerant samphires and relatives (Salicornieae: Amaranthaceae)

Low temperature constitutes one of the main barriers to plant distributions, confining many clades to their ancestrally tropical biome. However, recent evidence suggests that transitions from tropical to temperate biomes may be more frequent than previously thought. Here, we study the evolution of cold and frost tolerance in the globally distributed and highly stress-tolerant Salicornieae (Salicor

Households and Homes. Changing Household Composition and the Dutch Housing Market

The public debate about the housing crisis in the Netherlands is more heated than ever before. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to examine the effect of changing household structures on the Dutch housing market by taking a mixed-methods approach. By combining existing quantitative data and literature with new qualitative data from a conducted survey, the challenges on the housing market in rel

Exploring Civilian Service: An alternative approach to mitigate Labor Shortages in the Long-Term Care Sector

Population aging and labor market variables exacerbate the labor shortage in the Long-term care (LTC) sector in many European countries. In Sweden, existing strategies to manage this issue are questioned. This paper investigates an alternative solution: civilian service, inspired by Austria and Germany, where civilian service complements military service and allows civilian servants to work in the

Cath-up and Capabilities: Resource-for-Infrastructure Loans, Economic Transformation and Catch-Up Growth in Angola

This thesis explores the implications of Chinese Resource-for-Infrastructure (RFI) loans on Angola's economic transformation and catch-up through the lens of social capabilities theory. Initiated in 2004, the "Angola Model" involved RFI loans primarily supported by oil exports to China in return for infrastructure construction. Despite substantial infrastructure inputs, the expected

From Cash to Crop

This study explores the nexus between financial inclusion and agricultural productivity in Tanzania, where agriculture is a key sector for the nation's economy and inclusive growth. Vulnerable to climate change, the sector faces productivity challenges due to rain anomalies and rising temperatures. Previous studies have highlighted financial inclusion as crucial for reducing vulnerability at t

Den allmänna repressionsnivån och brottens relativa allvar : En översikt av repressionshöjningar och straffskärpningar i Sverige 2010-2023

A recently proposed overhaul of Swedish criminal law is characte rized by calls for punitive reforms. The government cites changes in the perception of the severity of different crimes, the appropriate general level of repression, the balance between the interests of the penal system, and the function of punishment, as reasons for a more repressive criminal law. Yet the general level of repressionA recently proposed overhaul of Swedish criminal law is characte rized by calls for punitive reforms. The government cites changes in the perception of the severity of different crimes, the appropriate general level of repression, the balance between the interests of the penal system, and the function of punishment, as reasons for a more repressive criminal law. Yet the general level of repression

Carbon storage capacity in arable land and pasture across Lund Municipality in regard to management techniques

Due to the increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, there is a need for adaptations and mitigations to climate change. Not only is a drastic reduction of emissions necessary, but the uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere needs to be increased and stored long-term. One of the more efficient mitigation strategies to reduce CO2 concentrations in th

Classification of aerosols in CALIOP data using unsupervised semantic segmentation

This thesis investigates the feasibility and efficacy of employing unsupervised semantic segmentation for classifying features in CALIOP data, aiming to address significant bias inherent in current classification methods. By exploring various preprocessing techniques, dimensionality reduction methods, and classification algorithms, the study evaluates the potential of semantic segmentation in impr

En ledning till frihet – frigörande av fastighetstillbehör enligt 12 a § ledningsrättslagen

Hur påverkar frigörande av fastighetstillbehör enligt 12 a § ledningsrättslagen fastighetsägare och ledningshavare? Denna studie analyserar lagens syfte och de rättsliga oklarheter som uppstår i praktiken. Föreställ dig att det finns en stor kommunal fastighet där viktiga el- och vattenledningar är nedgrävda. Dessa ledningar betraktas som fastighetstillbehör, vilket innebär att de är juridiskt knIn this thesis, the release of property fixtures under section 12 a § Utility Easements Act has been investigated, with a particular focus on the concept of connection of purpose (swe: ändamålssamband). Section 12 a § Utility Easements Act was introduced in order to be able to break the legal link between an object and a property without having to physically separate the object from the property o

Redox dynamics and surface structures of an active palladium catalyst during methane oxidation

Catalysts based on palladium are among the most effective in the complete oxidation of methane. Despite extensive studies and notable advances, the nature of their catalytically active species and conceivable structural dynamics remains only partially understood. Here, we combine operando transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) a

Patients’ experiences of clinical trial participation involving a product remotely assessing study drug adherence

Background: The participation of patients in clinical trials is crucial for the development of healthcare. There are several challenges in the recruitment of trial participants with acute medical conditions. The registry-based randomized DAPA-MI clinical trial recruited patients during hospitalization for myocardial infarction and provided study drugs in bottles with smart caps that used wireless

Flood vulnerability mapping in an urban area with high levels of impermeable coverage in southern Brazil

Flooding is one of the main social impacts in urban areas, especially in larger, densely impermeable cities. Therefore, developing studies capable of identifying areas that are vulnerable to this type of event is crucial to provide early warning and a quick and effective response to reduce damages. Thus, this study sought to identify areas vulnerable to flood in the Igapó Lake Basin, a densely urb

Hyperspectral lidar for monitoring high-resolution activity patterns of African stingless bee species

Background: Stingless bees are vital pollinators and honey producers in the tropics. Research on stingless bees is generally underrepresented compared to the western honeybees, and while stingless bee studies from some regions are reported, there is a particular lack of reports on the species endemic to Sub-Saharan Africa. Since conventional entomological methods such as mark-recapture and radar h

Risky sexual behavior and associated factors among university students in Ethiopia : a cross-sectional national survey

Background: Risky sexual behavior (RSB) is one of the major youth sexual and reproductive health problems globally, including in Ethiopia. RSB among youth increases the risk of HIV infection, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancy, and unsafe abortion. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine RSB and its associated factors among university students in Ethiopia. M

Consumer Adoption of Sustainability Initiatives within Fashion: Impacts on Behavior

Examensarbetets titel Konsument Anpassning av Hållbarhetsinitiativ Inom Mode: Påverkan På Engagemang och Beteende – En kvalitativ studie som analyserar konsumenters köpintention med klädföretags innovativa och hållbara tillvägagångssätt Seminariedatum 30 maj 2024 Kurs FEKH99, Examensarbete i entreprenörskap och innovation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare Adam Bengtsson, Kristina StoTitle Consumer Adoption of Sustainability Initiatives within Fashion: Impacts on Engagement and Behavior – A qualitative study analyzing consumers’ purchase intention with fashion brands’ innovative and sustainable approaches Date of the seminar May 30th, 2024 Course FEKH99, Bachelor Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business administration, Undergraduate level, 15 Un

Monopsony power, employer size, and gender: An analysis of servants’ nominal wages in Southern Sweden: 1500-1800

Historians have often noted the existence of frictions in early labour markets. Swedish servants, for example, experienced large mobility restrictions and coercion, preventing them from switching employers. Despite this, wage studies have often relied on assumptions of perfect competition, ignoring these findings. This study uses more than 3,000 observations of servant wages for Southern Sweden, c

Sambandsanalys mellan tjocklek på asfalt och bärighet på en gata

Inom en nära framtid kommer ett omfattande projekt, Storstadspaketet (SSP), att genomföras i Malmö. SSP är framtaget av politiker och medför bland annat stora satsningar inom kollektivtrafiken som då även kommer att belasta vägytorna i staden. Av den anledningen misstänks flera gator behöva förstärkas, dels på grund av högre turtäthet inom busstrafiken, dels nya tyngre fordon som trafikerar busstr