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The Market and Animal Welfare in Sweden: A Historical Perspective

This study examines how changes in market structures, especially market concentration and consolidations, within the Swedish livestock sector have affected animal welfare. Through a historical narrative analysis, structural change and its drivers are identified. Subsequently, an outline of animal welfare legislation is covered, comparing the EU and the Swedish context, and governing forces in anim

What does it mean to be "Plausible"?

This article explores what «plausible» means in statements about legal evidence and shows that it is highly ambiguous. Twelve different meanings of «plausibility» are identified and distin-guished from each other by definitions. Contrary to what has been claimed by some evidence scholars (Allen and Pardo, 2019), the article shows that all uses of «plausibility» can be captured in terms of probabil

Drop breakup at reduced energy cost using a turbulent pulse –implications for improving efficiency in emulsification devices

Emulsification devices break drops by rapidly pushing them through a region of intense turbulence–a ‘turbulent pulse’. These devices are widely used in chemical engineering. However, the thermodynamic efficiency is low, and design modifications allowing more breakup at lower energy input is much in need. This study uses a combination of statistical models and direct numerical simulation coupled to

Physicochemical metamorphosis of re-aerosolized urban PM2.5

The toxicity of particulate matter (PM) is dependent on particle physical and chemical properties and is commonly studied using in vivo and in vitro approaches. PM to be used for in vivo and in vitro studies is often collected on filters and then extracted from the filter surface using a solvent. During extraction and further PM sample handling, particle properties change, but this is often neglec

Konsten att distansera sig från ansvar - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av morddömdas framställningar av dödligt våld i nära relationer

Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur dömda gärningspersoner för mord inom nära relationer framställer det misstänkta våldet och dess omständigheter i polisförhör. Studien utgår från ett breddat perspektiv på nära relationer där både familjerelationer och parrelationer inkluderas. Syftet kommer att uppnås genom en riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys av polisförhör. Studien ska även undersöka eventuell

Extrapolating Pseudo-Time Series for SST Interneuron Differentiation by Comparing Single-Cell and qPCR Data

A lack of somatostatin expressing interneurons (SST INs) is known to be a factor in several neurodegenerative and neurospsychiatric diseases, such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia. Being able to efficiently obtain SST INs in vitro could enable a greater understanding and better treatment of these diseases. The development of SST INs is not yet fully understood, but it is

Hur prioriterar svenska kommuner sin fysiska planering?

Svenska kommuner befinner sig just nu i en ansträngd ekonomisk situation med både brist på ekonomiska resurser och personal. Samtidigt råder det en efterfrågan på bostäder och i 180 av 290 svenska kommuner råder det ett underskott på bostadsmarknaden. Till följd av den begränsade resurstillgången måste kommunerna därmed prioritera vilket innebär att de måste fördela sina resurser till det som anseSwedish municipalities are currently in a constrained economic situation with a shortage of both financial resources and personnel. The municipalities hold a zoning monopoly, and due to the limited financial resources they have to prioritize within their physical planning to ensure they allocate their resources on what is most important. The aim of this thesis is to create an understanding of how

Det kommunala planmonopolets syfte - en analys av dess utveckling och effektivitet

Sedan införandet av det kommunala planmonopolet 1947 till följd av den bostadssociala utredningen har planlagstiftningen reformerats flertalet gånger. I förevarande examensarbete studeras den historiska utvecklingen av både det kommunala planmonopolet och dess tillhörande planlagstiftning. Examensarbetet syftar till att studera hur det kommunala planmonopolet kommit att utvecklas och om reformerSince the introduction of the municipal planning monopoly in 1947 following the Housing Social Investigation, the planning legislation has been reformed several times. In this thesis, the historical development of both the municipal planning monopoly and its associated planning legislation is studied. The aim of the thesis is to examine how the municipal planning monopoly has evolved and whether

Kommuner kan bli bättre på att ställa krav som går att följa upp vid markanvisningar

Det är av stor betydelse att förstå hur kommuner hanterar markanvisningsprocessen, vilka krav de ställer vid tilldelning av markanvisningar och hur dessa krav följs upp och genomförs i praktiken. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur Sveriges kommuner når sina mål och ambitioner inom samhällsbyggnad genom verktyget markanvisning. Examensarbetet syftar även till att ge en djupare inblick iThe purpose of the paper is to investigate how Sweden's municipalities achieve their goals and ambitions in community building through the tool of land allocation. The thesis also aims to provide a deeper insight into how Sweden's municipalities work with the land allocation process. The thesis investigates the following questions: • What is the municipality's ambition with land alloca

Orthonormal expansions for translation-invariant kernels

We present a general Fourier analytic technique for constructing orthonormal basis expansions of translation-invariant kernels from orthonormal bases of ℒ2(R). This allows us to derive explicit expansions on the real line for (i) Matérn kernels of all half-integer orders in terms of associated Laguerre functions, (ii) the Cauchy kernel in terms of rational functions, and (iii) the Gaussian kernel

Formation, Economic Impacts, and Transformation of Industrial Cluster in Resource-based Cities - A Parallel Case Study of Yichun and Pittsburgh

In the past decade, we have witnessed the rise of China's New Energy Vehicle (NEV) market, the expansion of NEVs has emphasized China's dependency on lithium resources, which reshaped the fortunes of Yichun, Jiangxi- a city with the name "the Lithium City of Asia." Along with Yichun's current prosperity under China's NEV market development, the question of how its Lithium

Examining large- and small-cap performance on the Stockholm stock exchange 1999-2024

Stock markets around the world bear one thing in common, the presence of stock companies of different sizes, whereby two common representatives of size are small- and large-cap stocks. As of late, newspapers and financial institutes have reported a on a divergence in performance between these assets, associated with the increasing interest rates. The aim of this paper was to further explore the re

The Classes of Death: Socio-economic mortality differentials in Swedish cities during the harvest failure of 1771-72

This thesis explores the possibility of a socio-economic gradient in mortality during short-term economic stress in pre-industrial Swedish cities using the harvest failure in 1771-72 as an example of economic fluctuations/high prices. Using newly transcribed data in a logit model, the study finds results indicating that the poor and individuals in occupations categorized as “service and agricultur

Synthesis and characterization of Chromium complexes with pyridine-2-ylmethanimine ligand derivatives

The malaria parasite causes the deadly malaria disease that claims thousands of lives every year. While antimalarial drugs such as chloroquine and artemisinin exist, there is a continuous race to overcome the resistance developed by malaria parasites against drugs. Four new chromium complexes have been synthesized and characterized. The complexes contain quinoline structures with four different su

School policies, gender-sex-sexuality and ethnocultural re-production in Sweden, Canada, and Germany

In this text, I analyze the role of gender-sex-sexuality in school policies in Sweden, Canada, and Germany. Policies concerning young people’s negotiations of gender-sex-sexuality in schools draw on specific understandings of societal belonging and cohesion. Invariably such policies are part of national discourses regarding values and norms of gender and relationships, informed by concepts of ethn

Designing a Multifunctional Chromatography Stationary Phase for (Bio)Product Purification via Green Chemistry

The multifunctional cryogels were synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) using hemoglobin as a biocatalyst (ATRPase) and post-modified to purify hemoglobin and glycoprotein simultaneously. Meanwhile, the optimization of purified glycoprotein was also conducted by introducing epoxy group nanoparticles. The nanoparticle concentrated concanavalin A, the ligand, to adsorb glycoprot

High prevalence of antibiotic resistance in commensal Escherichia coli from healthy human sources in community settings

Antibiotic resistance is a global health crisis that requires urgent action to stop its spread. To counteract the spread of antibiotic resistance, we must improve our understanding of the origin and spread of resistant bacteria in both community and healthcare settings. Unfortunately, little attention is being given to contain the spread of antibiotic resistance in community settings (i.e., locati

Three tales of welfare chauvinism

This chapter examines how three parties of the radical right reinterpret the Nordic welfare model to serve a nativist purpose. These parties are the Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkeparti, DF), the Finns Party (Perussuomalaiset/Sannfinländarna, PS), and the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna, SD). The period under analysis stretches from 2009 to 2019, which saw the electoral consolidation of t

Forest restoration effects on soil preferential flow in the paleo-periglacial eastern liaoning mountainous regions, China

To provide a practical reference index for the protection of water conservation forests and the establishment of vegetation in different forest restoration areas, we seek to clarify the preferential flow development and its influencing factors under different rainfall events in the forest restoration areas of paleo-periglacial landform in eastern Liaoning Province of China. To quantify the prefere