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Living on the water : a social innovation approach to flood adaptation planning in the river basin Eferding, Austria

In the summer of 2013, devastating floods caused heavy damage along various streams in central Europe. In the river basin Eferding in Austria, the Danube River reached record water levels and flooded hundreds of homes in the low-lying areas over night. The response of the government to resettle people has been heavily criticized by a local citizen initiative, leading to protests in front of the re

Fisken i frysdisken – Konsumentens medvetenhet kring de negativa konsekvenserna gällande fiskmjöl och odlad lax

Fisken i frysdisken Den ljuvliga doften av ört- och honungsmarinerade lax döljer en mycket mörkare sanning bakom fasaden som det hälsosamma och miljövänliga alternativet. I svenska hem äts det allt mer lax och importen från Norge ökar. Vi känner nog alla igen de fyra inplastade rektangulära rosa fiskbitarna som nu står färdiglagade på bordet. Laxens hälsosamma aspekt grundar sig i att den är eFarmed salmon is today commonly available in grocery stores where it is marketed as a healthy and environmentally friendly alternative to many other fish species. The fact that the diet of farmed salmon substantially consists of fishmeal is a fairly unknown fact. I performed a study which in its first part set out to identify the most negative environmental consequences of farming salmon. I show t

Business and IT Alignment: The Factors Affecting Alignment in Small to Medium Sized Businesses

Information technologies are omnipresent in almost every aspect of all businesses. This presence brings the need to align business and information technology strategies in the organization with aims such as increasing performance and gaining competitiveness in the marketplace. Enterprises are defined by their size and economic volume and there is a need to align IT and business strategies in small

"Men barnkonventionen gäller väl inte dem som sitter på institution?" En kritisk rättssociologisk diskursanalys gällande statens rättfärdigande av sitt handlande vid avskiljning av unga på särskilda ungdomshem.

After the ratification of the UN Convention, Sweden has undertaken to adapt national laws so that they conform to the Convention of the Rights of the Child, CRC. Despite the ratification, the Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) allows young persons to be separated up to 24 hours by the staff at state institutions, even though it is contrary to the CRS’s 37th article. The ombudsman for children has rep

Comparing Ips typographus and Dendroctonus ponderosas responses to climate change with the use of phenology models

Barkborrar är en grupp av insekter som lever av och i vedartade växter. Vissa av barkborrarna har förmågan att angripa levande träd, och därav kan de potentiellt orsaka storskaliga skogsskador. Dessa skogsskador kan ha en betydande ekologisk inverkan på skogars ekosystem samt betydande ekonomisk inverkan för skogsägare och samhällen som är beroende av skogsbruk. I den här studien användes fenologiBark beetles are a subfamily of insects living in and breeding on woody plants. Some of the bark beetle species have the ability to attack living trees, and thereby the potential to cause major forest damage. These forest damages can have a significant ecological and economic impact to forest ecosystems and foresters. In this study, phenology models were used to compare the responses to climate ch

Kollektivtrafik och Sociala Investeringar

This study investigates the relationship between social investments and public transport. The purpose is to determine the state of knowledge with regards to social investments and public transport, and if possible determine the factors necessary for this to succeed. To outline the concept of social investments within the framework of transport economics, a thorough review of the relevant theory, a

Social Engineering : A study in awareness and measures

In our technology-based society, there has been a clear focus on technical weaknesses to information security. This study will present another danger that is just as important to be aware of and is just as lethal, Social Engineering. This is an attack against the human element of security. This study covers a basic description of social engineering as well as a more thorough description of how the

The Green Economy In Sweden. Drivers, Challenges and Opportunities.

Hur grön är Sveriges ekonomi? Sveriges ekonomi rankas både högt och lågt av index över grön ekonomi. Framgångarna beror minskade utsläpp och ökad tillväxt på hemmaplan – men landets import av varor utomlands ger ett högt ekologiskt fotavtryck. Sverige rankas högt av flera internationella index över grön ekonomi på grund av en ökande ekonomisk tillväxt och minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser inom lA green economy refers to an economy that is able to create economic welfare, while at the same time being environmentally sustainable. Some indexes, like the Global Green Economy Index and the OECD Better Life Index, ranks Sweden high in this area, while others, such as the Global Footprint Network, ranks the country low. The purpose of this thesis is to critically examine why Sweden receives div

Oro och Rädslor hos barn- Kan Krona/Klave testet identifiera de barn som drivs av rädslor eller oro?

Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka testet Krona/Klaves användbarhet för att identifiera oro och rädsla hos barn. Testet syftar till att identifiera barn som drivs av rädsla och oro i konfliktsituationer genom att undersöka hur deras svarstid förändras när konflikten blir allt viktigare. Testet utgår ifrån teori om Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) som menar att en central funktion för en individ The purpose of the study was to examine the test KronaKlaves usefulness to identify worry and fear in children. The test aims at identifying children who are driven by fear in conflict situations by examining how the answer latency changes in the child when the conflict gets more important. The core concept of the test is the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) which states that a central function

En kvalitetsgranskning av inventeringar enligt MIFO

Den ökande mängden förorenade områden runt om i världen har blivit ett allt större problem. Risken att människor, djur och miljö exponeras för skadliga ämnen ökar, liksom de kostnader som krävs för att åtgärda dessa områden. För att kunna prioritera de värst förorenade områdena för vidare åtgärder använder man sig i Sverige av Naturvårdsverkets Metodik för Inventering av Förorenade Områden, MIFO. The great number of polluted sites has become a big issue for many countries around the globe as the risk of people being exposed to hazardous substances follows. To deal with the problem within Sweden the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) has developed a unified Method for Inventory of Contaminated Sites, called MIFO. In this study a number of inventories that were made

En studie över Nova Lunds resvanor - Kan andelen hållbara arbetsresor utökas med lånecykelsystemet Lundahoj

Ökade koldioxidutsläpp från köpcentrum utanför city Handelsplatser utanför städers stadskärnor kan, på grund av billigare markytor och lägre hyror, erbjuda konkurrenskraftiga priser jämfört med handel i citylägen. Externa handelsplatser är konkurrenskraftiga i jämförelse med andra handelsplatser, på grund av det stora utbud av varor som erbjuds under ett och samma tak, sena öppettider och tillgåOut-town-shopping leads to an increase in greenhouse gases. The increase in greenhouse gases is generated by the added transportation of fossile fules run vehicles to the location of the shopping malls. The aim of this study is to analyse how employees’ travels to the out-of-town work place, the shopping mall Nova 1, in Lund. The analyse is made to find out whether it is possible to increase the s

Integration och olikhetskapande: en kritisk analys av integrationsdebatten

Integrationspolitiken har under senare år blivit ett allt mer prioriterat område. På grund av ett förändrat klimat runt om i världen med krig och förföljelse är det idag fler människor på flyende fot än under andra världskriget. I takt med ett ökat mottagande i Sverige presenteras nya förslag inom integrationspolitiken. Enligt Ipsos marknadsundersökning är idag integration och invandring den näst In the last few years the interest for integration policy has gotten more and more attention. New policy suggestions from the leading parties have drawn the attention to problem solving in the integration debate. Problem representations that suggests new ways in which the migrants conditions for being integrated in the society relies on that there is a problem that needs to be solved. The main pur

Migration, Remittances and Education: A Review of the Educational Performance of Left-behind Children in Rural China

The massive rural-urban population flow has been proceeding in China for decades ever since the 1980s. Millions of labor migrants move to industrialized cities for a better future for themselves, as well as their families. The increasing amount of migrants has led to the phenomenon of the “left-behind”. Among the left-behind group, left-behind children seem to be at a relatively vulnerable situati

“El río es vida” Afro-Colombian resistance to externally driven mining in the river Yurumanguí

Large-scale mining has been declared to be a central development strategy of Colombia which has caused the emergence of resistance movements of peasant, ethno-territorial and indigenous groups. This study analyses the concept of resistance in the framework of the Afro-Colombian community of the river Yurumanguí. This community has managed to keep its territory free from externally driven mining an

Socialsekreterares arbetsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie sett ur enhetschefernas perspektiv

The aim of this study was to get a deeper understanding of how Unit Heads within the Swedish social services view the work environment of social workers in social welfare offices. The study was based on six social services Unit Heads from the southern part of Sweden. Semi structured interviews were used to examine what different factors affect the social workers in social welfare offices work envi

Travelling Football Fans & Hotel Selection

The aim of this study is to investigate the hotel attributes that affect selection by football fans when travelling away from home to participate in a sport event. Attributes that identified in previous researches were segmented into five major sets and the most common and relevant to the purposes of this study were chosen to form the questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed through online c

Why Arab-Muslim Women in War Matters: A Case Study Analysis of Women in the United Arab Emirates' Armed Forces

Knowledge about women’s participation in combat roles, yet alone in national armed forces in the Arab countries is very limited. Although more women are acquiring access to combat roles worldwide, most scholarly investigations have focused on servicewomen in the West. As the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is emerging as a rampant participant in international relations and it contributes forces to glob

The Justice Problem: Individualising Consensus in a Dissenting World of Moral Pluralism

Justice, in the broadest sense of equality and fairness, is a cornerstone aspect of our abilities, as human beings, to lead individual lives in the way we choose according to what we see as the right or the good way to live. A catalyst for any debate over a theory of justice, Immanuel Kant’s work provides a fundamental basis from which we should begin to understand why society, with justice as a k

An Analysis of Volatility Spillover and Contagion Effects to the Frontier Markets

This thesis investigates the volatility spillover and contagion effects to the frontier markets from the developed markets and emerging markets and tries to identify if there exists any potential volatility effect which may have impact on the investment decision of these markets. In view of the growing globalization, financial markets become increasingly interdependent and the chances for the vola

Tackling Violence Against Women through Human Rights Law-Inspired Approaches (With Observations from the Philippines).

Violence against women (“VAW”) is a global matter; and human rights law-inspired approaches, also universal in nature (it is argued), can be the missing link in tackling a global problem. In underlining the universal applicability of human rights standards, principles and norms; it is suggested that drawing inspiration from human rights-based approaches would contribute to implementation of holist