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Frequency-Domain Analysis of Linear Time-Periodic Systems

In this paper, we study convergence of truncated representations of the frequency-response operator of a linear time-periodic system. The frequency-response operator is frequently called the harmonic transfer function. We introduce the concepts of input, output, and skew roll-off. These concepts are related to the decay rates of elements in the harmonic transfer function. A system with high input

Packet loss concealment with natural variations using HMM

Packet loss concealment (PLC) at a receiver has a substantial effect on the speech quality in Voice over IP. Most conventional PLC systems have largely relied upon variations of signal repetition and overlap-add interpolation which can produce speech signals that do not follow the larger overall statistical trends. In this paper, we demonstrate how Hidden Markov Models can be utilized to effect PL

Human papillomavirus subtypes are not uncommon.

While both variants and types of human papillomavirus (HPV) are common, subtypes (2-10% sequence divergence in the L1 gene) have been considered to be rare. We searched GenBank and in-house databases using a 440 nt L1 fragment and identified 7, 30 and 10 subtypes/putative subtypes in the HPV genera Alpha, Beta and Gamma, respectively. The number of types/putative types in each genus was 54, 58 and

Genetic relatedness of hepatitis A virus strains recovered from different geographical regions

A pairwise comparison of the nucleic acid sequence of 168 bases from 152 wild-type or unique cell culture-adapted strains of hepatitis A virus (HAV) revealed that HAV strains can be differentiated genetically into seven unique genotypes (I to VII). In general, the nucleotide sequence of viruses in different genotypes differs at 15 to 25% of positions within this segment of the genome. Viruses from

Crystal structure of an mRNA-binding fragment of Moorella thermoacetica elongation factor SelB.

SelB is an elongation factor needed for the co-translational incorporation of selenocysteine. Selenocysteine is coded by a UGA stop codon in combination with a specific downstream mRNA hairpin. In bacteria, the C-terminal part of SelB recognizes this hairpin, while the N-terminal part binds GTP and tRNA in analogy with elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu). We present the crystal structure of a C-terminal

No serological indications that systemic lupus erythematosus is linked with exposure to human parvovirus B19

OBJECTIVES: Infectious agents like parvovirus have been implicated as exogenous factors that could trigger onset of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A number of case reports describing a SLE-like presentation of acute human parvovirus B19 infection have been published, but no systematic investigation of the actual seroprevalence in epidemiologically defined SLE populations has previously been r

"Har du varit ute och shoppat, Jacob?" : En studie av Finansinspektionens utredning av insiderbrott under 1990-talet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Aktie- och fondsparandet bland allmänheten har ökat dramatiskt i Sverige under 1990-talet, och allt fler företag har valt börsintroducering som finansieringsform. På så sätt har frågor som rör värdepappersmarknaden fått en ökad och mer allmän relevans, inte minst när det gäller regleringen av vad som är tillåtet och otillåtet att göra på marknaden. Både från statligt håIn this dissertation the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority's (FSA) investigation of suspected insider trading offences is examined and analysed. The aim of the study is to describe FSA's investigative activity in insider cases during the 1990?s, a period of both increased activity on the Swedish stock market as well as changed regulation. The study places the investigation of insider offence

Whom to treat? The contribution of vertebral X-rays to risk-based algorithms for fracture prediction. Results from the European Prospective Osteoporosis Study

Introduction: Vertebral fracture is a strong risk factor for future spine and hip fractures; yet recent data suggest that only 5-20% of subjects with a spine fracture are identified in primary care. We aimed to develop easily applicable algorithms predicting a high risk of future spine fracture in men and women over 50 years of age. Methods: Data was analysed from 5,561 men and women aged 50+ year

Low-Dose Prostacyclin Improves Cortical Perfusion following Experimental Brain Injury in the Rat.

It was recently shown that prostacyclin at a low dose reduces cortical cell death following brain trauma in the rat. Conceivably, prostacyclin with its vasodilatory, anti-aggregatory, anti-adhesive and permeability-reducing properties improved a compromised perfusion caused by post-traumatic vasoconstriction, microthrombosis and increased microvascular permeability. The objective of the present st

Evaluation of fetal circulation redistribution in pregnancies with absent or reversed diastolic flow in the umbilical artery

Aim: To record blood flow velocimetry in the superior mesenteric, hepatic and middle cerebral arteries for detection of circulation redistribution and prediction of perinatal outcome in fetuses with absent or reversed diastolic flow in the umbilical artery. Study design: The fetal superior mesenteric, hepatic and middle cerebral artery blood velocimetry was recorded in 33 pregnancies complicated b

On Great 19th-Century Swedish Poets

The most prominent poets in the two golden ages of Swedish Poetry in the 19th Century are presented: Tegnér, Stagnelius, von Heidenstam,Fröding, Karlfeldt. Their formal skills as well as their main themes are described, and citations are given in english and swedish.

High salt intake increases copeptin but salt sensitivity is associated with fluid induced reduction of copeptin in women.

This study investigated if copeptin is affected by high salt intake and whether any salt-induced changes in copeptin are related to the degree of salt sensitivity. The study was performed on 20 men and 19 women. In addition to meals containing 50 mmol NaCl daily, capsules containing 100 mmol NaCl and corresponding placebo capsules were administered during 4 weeks each, in random order. Measurement

Molecular serum portraits in patients with primary breast cancer predict the development of distant metastases.

The risk of distant recurrence in breast cancer patients is difficult to assess with current clinical and histopathological parameters, and no validated serum biomarkers currently exist. Using a recently developed recombinant antibody microarray platform containing 135 antibodies against 65 mainly immunoregulatory proteins, we screened 240 sera from 64 patients with primary breast cancer. This uni

Kittinger and Baumgartner: on a mission to the edge of space

On 15 March 2012, Felix Baumgartner jumped from 71 500 feet [1], a test jump as part of his attempt to beat the earlier record set by Joe Kittinger, who jumped from 102 800 feet in 1960, as part of the US space programme [2] The ascent to these elevations in a helium balloon, followed by free fall, with varying temperatures and speed of sound, and increasing air resistance and density, can lead te

Abnormal auditory forward masking pattern in the brainstem response of individuals with Asperger syndrome.

Abnormal auditory information processing has been reported in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In the present study auditory processing was investigated by recording auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) elicited by forward masking in adults diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (AS). Sixteen AS subjects were included in the forward masking experiment and compared to three control groups

Broad band synthetic seismograms for a spherical inhomogeneity in a many-layered elastic half-space

The propagation of elastic waves in a many-layered elastic half-space is considered. One of the layers contains a bounded inhomogeneity which in the numerical applications is taken as a sphere. The half-space is excited by an explosion, modelled as a sudden isotropic point source. First the time-harmonic problem is solved using the null field approach (the T-matrix method). Starting from surface