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Your search for "*" yielded 531622 hits

Effect of spatial heterogeneity on the validation of remote sensing based GPP estimations

Satellite based remote sensing provides an efficient way to estimate carbon balance components over large spatial domains with acceptable temporal and spatial resolution. In the present study remote sensing based gross primary production (GPP) estimations were evaluated using data from a tall eddy-covariance flux tower, located over a heterogeneous agricultural landscape in Hungary. Four different

Alcohol intake in relation to non-fatal and fatal coronary heart disease and stroke : EPIC-CVD case-cohort study

Objective To investigate the association between alcohol consumption (at baseline and over lifetime) and non-fatal and fatal coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. Design Multicentre case-cohort study. Setting A study of cardiovascular disease (CVD) determinants within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition cohort (EPIC-CVD) from eight European countries. Participants 3

The clinical significance of 10-m walk test standardizations in Parkinson’s disease

Background: The 10-m walk test (10MWT) is a widely used measure of gait speed in Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, it is unclear if different standardizations of its conduct impact test results. Aim of the study: We examined the clinical significance of two aspects of the standardization of the 10MWT in mild PD: static vs. dynamic start, and a single vs. repeated trials. Implications for fall pre

Bloggande patienter, twittrande läkare och vita dokusåpor

Tv har på senare år gjort sjukvården till underhållning. Programmen kan i bästa fall ge oss inblick i vården men vill vi och bör vi filmas när vi är som mest sköra och utelämnade? Hur påverkas den personliga integriteten av mediernas intåg i vården?

Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Multiple Antennas for Cellular Equipment Based on Semidefinite Relaxation

Human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields should not exceed the exposure limits set by the relevant regulatory guidelines. In this paper, we provide approaches to determine upper bounds of maximum exposure from multiple antennas. When the total transmitted power is fixed, the maximum exposure can be determined by an eigenvalue decomposition. If an individual antenna has additio

Exposure, respiratory symptoms, lung function and inflammation response of road-paving asphalt workers

Background: Controversy exists as to the health effects of exposure to asphalt and crumb rubber modified (CRM) asphalt, which contains recycled rubber tyres. Objective: To assess exposures and effects on airway symptoms, lung function and inflammation biomarkers in conventional and CRM asphalt road pavers. Methods: 116 conventional asphalt workers, 51 CRM asphalt workers and 100 controls were inve

Starch digestibility: past, present and future

In the last century, starch present in foods was considered to be completely digested. However, during the 1980s, studies on starch digestion started to show that besides digestible starch, which could be rapidly ors lowly hydrolysed, there was a variable fraction that resisted hydrolysis by digestive enzymes. That fraction was named resistant starch (RS )and it encompasses those forms of starch t

Gruppens grepp : Hur vi flockvarelser kan lära oss leva tillsammans

Vi och dom, mitt gäng och deras, vän eller fiende – hur ska vi kunna leva tillsammans i vår globaliserade och polariserade värld?Den här boken handlar om fördomar, om hur vi generaliserar och kategoriserar. Men också om tolerans och vad som begränsar den – och hur den skulle kunna utvidgas.Våra hjärnor hanterar information om andra på olika sätt beroende på om vi placerar dem i kategorin ingrupp e

Spring photosynthetic onset and net CO2 uptake in Alaska triggered by landscape thawing

The springtime transition to regional-scale onset of photosynthesis and net ecosystem carbon uptake in boreal and tundra ecosystems are linked to the soil freeze-thaw state. We present evidence from diagnostic and inversion models constrained by satellite fluorescence and airborne CO2 from 2012 to 2014 indicating the timing and magnitude of spring carbon uptake in Alaska correlates with landscape

Written pretest information and germline BRCA1/2 pathogenic variant testing in unselected breast cancer patients : predictors of testing uptake

Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate predictors of testing uptake among unselected breast cancer patients who were offered germline BRCA1/2 testing in a prospective study. Methods: Pretest information was provided by a standardized invitation letter instead of in-person counseling. Data was abstracted from medical records. Using multivariate logistic regressions, predictors of testing uptake were

Effects of the dopant concentration in laser wakefield and direct laser acceleration of electrons

In this work, we experimentally study the effects of the nitrogen concentration in laser wakefield acceleration of electrons in a gas mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen. A 15 TW peak power laser pulse is focused to ionize the gas, excite a plasma wave and accelerate electrons up to 230 MeV. We find that at dopant concentrations above 2% the total divergence of the electrons is increased and the high