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Prevalence of skin disease in a population-based sample of adults from five European countries

Background: There is a lack of prevalence data on skin diseases in the general adult population; most studies have been carried out in small, national or consecutive clinical samples. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of common skin disease in the general European population and to assess differences in the characteristics of treatment between countries. Methods: A random sample consisting o

Sick Leave After Surgery for Thumb Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis : A Population-Based Study

Purpose: Patients undergoing surgery for thumb carpometacarpal (CMC1) osteoarthritis often require sick leave owing to postoperative immobilization, pain, and decreased function. Our goal was to evaluate the amount of sick leave after surgery for 2 common CMC1 arthroplasty procedures. Methods: Using registry data from the Skåne region of southern Sweden, cross-linked with employment data showing p

The effects of sediment depth and oxygen concentration on the use of organic matter : An experimental study using an infiltration sediment tank

Water flowing through hyporheic river sediments or artificial recharge facilities promotes the development of microbial communities with sediment depth. We performed an 83-day mesocosm infiltration experiment, to study how microbial functions (e.g., extracellular enzyme activities and carbon substrate utilization) are affected by sediment depth (up to 50 cm) and different oxygen concentrations. Re

Pseudouridylation of tRNA-Derived Fragments Steers Translational Control in Stem Cells

Pseudouridylation (Ψ) is the most abundant and widespread type of RNA epigenetic modification in living organisms; however, the biological role of Ψ remains poorly understood. Here, we show that a Ψ-driven posttranscriptional program steers translation control to impact stem cell commitment during early embryogenesis. Mechanistically, the Ψ “writer” PUS7 modifies and activates a novel network of t

Can species-specific prey responses to chemical cues explain prey susceptibility to predation?

The perception of danger represents an essential ability of prey for gaining an informational advantage over their natural enemies. Especially in complex environments or at night, animals strongly rely on chemoreception to avoid predators. The ability to recognize danger by chemical cues and subsequent adaptive responses to predation threats should generally increase prey survival. Recent findings

Pickering emulsions based on CaCl2-gelatinized oat starch

The aim of this study was to investigate calcium chloride-induced gelatinization of oat starch, and its effects on the properties of oat starch-based Pickering emulsions. The starch granules were gelatinized in CaCl2 for up to 24 h and the results indicate that the salt-induced gelatinization of oat granules is not a surface phenomenon, as gelatinization and dissolution of the whole starch granule

‘Paranormal Reality Television: Audience Engagement with Mediums and Spirit Communication’

Reality television is a term that describes a mixture of fact and drama. We cannot understand reality television in isolation, but part of wider social and cultural phenomena, including production practices, communicative modes, and audience practices. As an inter-generic space reality television occupies the world space of observable phenomena, the dramatic space of entertainment, and the enterta

Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments of the ligand binding domain of the human wildtype glucocorticoid receptor and the F602S mutant variant

The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a nuclear hormone receptor that regulates key genes controlling development, metabolism, and the immune response. GR agonists are efficacious for treatment of inflammatory, allergic, and immunological disorders. Steroid hormone binding to the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of GR is known to change the structural and dynamical properties of the receptor, which in tu

Epidemiology of kidney failure and glomerulonephritis in Sweden. Hereditary and non-hereditary factors.

Background: Kidney disease is recognised as an important worldwide health burden. Kidney failure is the result of acute and chronic kidney disease and is associated with morbidity and mortality. Chronic kidney failure is associated with high-costs for society and low quality of life. Kidney failure may progress to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) that requires dialysis or kidney transplantation with

Ultra-High Speed Fuel Tracer PLIF Imaging in a Heavy-Duty Optical PPC Engine

In order to meet the requirements in the stringent emission regulations, more and more research work has been focused on homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) and partially premixed combustion (PPC) or partially premixed compression ignition (PCCI) as they have the potential to produce low NOx and soot emissions without adverse effects on engine efficiency. The mixture formation and charg

Multiband modulation spectroscopy for the determination of sex and species of mosquitoes in flight

We present a dual-wavelength polarimetric measurement method to distinguish species and sexes of disease transmitting mosquitoes in flight. By measuring co- and de-polarized backscattered light at 808 and 1550nm, the degree of linear polarization, wingbeat frequency, reflectance, spectral ratio and glossiness of mosquitoes can be retrieved. Body and wing contributions to these signals can be separ

Twelve fundamental life histories evolving through allocation-dependent fecundity and survival

An organism's life history is closely interlinked with its allocation of energy between growth and reproduction at different life stages. Theoretical models have established that diminishing returns from reproductive investment promote strategies with simultaneous investment into growth and reproduction (indeterminate growth) over strategies with distinct phases of growth and reproduction (determi

Discipline and Punish at Camp : Citizenship and the Issue of Violence at a Swedish Boy Scout Camp

This article examines reports of physical punishment at the national Swedish Boy Scout camp Åvatyr in 1950. The Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Expressen described the events in terms of bullying and violence, while the Camp directors declared that the reports were merely exaggerated accounts of innocent pranks and practical jokes. This article draws information from newspaper articles, ScouThis article examines reports of physical punishment at the national Swedish Boy Scout camp Åvatyr in 1950. The Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Expressen described the events in terms of bullying and violence, while the camp directors declared that the reports were merely exaggerated accounts of innocent pranks and practical jokes. This article draws information from newspaper articles, Scou

Branding and the self : Manifestations of violence in narrative encounters

Self-branding is a central practice in the freelance labour market of the digital knowledge economy. Previous research suggests that self-branding is a form of affective and immaterial labour distinct to advanced capitalism (Arvidsson, 2006; Hearn, 2008). Social media offers a platform for celebrity experts to foster a distinct self-image, which can feed into their lifestyle brands (Gandini, 2016)

Thymoma : a clinicopathological correlation of 1470 cases

We present 1470 surgical resections for thymoma identified in the pathology files of 14 institutions from 11 countries with the purpose of determining and correlating a simplified histological classification of thymoma and pathological staging with clinical outcome. The study population was composed of 720 men and 750 women between the ages of 12 and 86 years (average, 54.8 years). Clinically, 137

The effect of fatty acid binding in the acid isomerizations of albumin investigated with a continuous acidification method

The protein Human Serum Albumin (HSA) is known to undergo conformational transitions towards partially unfolded forms triggered by acidification below pH 4.5. The extent of Fatty Acids (FA) binding has been thought to have an impact on the conformational equilibrium between the native and acid forms and to be a possible explanation for the observation of more than one band in early electrophoretic

A structural study of Ruddlesden-Popper phases Sr3-xYx(Fe125Ni075)O7-δ with x ≤ 0.75 by neutron powder diffraction and EXAFS/XANES spectroscopy

The structures of Ruddlesden-Popper n = 2 member phases Sr3-xYxFe125Ni0.75O7-δ with 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.75 have been investigated using neutron powder diffraction and K-edge Fe and Ni EXAFS/XANES spectroscopy in order to gain information about the evolution of the oxygen vacancy distribution and Fe/Ni oxidation state with x. Both samples prepared at 1300°C under a flow of N2(g), with δ = 1.41-1.00, and samp