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On Low-Cycle Fatigue

Popular Abstract in English The present work deals with fracture in structures which are exposed to relatively few cycles of static loading during their life-time (maximum some ten thousand). Structures exposed to nearly monotonic loading are rare, except for such loaded mainly by their own weight. In spite of this fact, fracture mechanic methods developed for monotone loading are commonly used onThe experimental results presented confirm the anticipation that it is extremely important not to confuse the concept of 'static loading' with the one of 'monotonic loading'. In principle three different crack configurations were investigated in: edge-cracks, internal flaws and surface cracks. The results showed that the same calculation method could be used for all the investigated crack types. T

Antithrombotic Effects of Activated Protein C and Heparins in Deep Arterial Injury

Popular Abstract in Swedish När en kärlskada uppstår måste skadan repareras innan alltför mycket blod hinner lämna blodbanan. Kärlet självt kan dra ihop sig till viss del för att minska blodflödet. Vid kärlskadan exponeras strukturer som normalt inte skall ha kontakt med blodet, en sådan struktur är t.ex. ämnet kollagen. Till kollagenet binds blodplättar (trombocyter) som tillfälligt täpper till sThe investigations presented in this thesis have evaluated different strategies to prevent thrombosis in an experimental model of deep arterial injury in rats. Unfractionated heparin (UFH) is often used to prevent thrombosis in microvascular surgery and in other vascular interventions, but a major drawback of UFH is increased bleeding. In the first paper the low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) da

The Enteric Nervous System, Plasticity and Survival

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund. Det enteriska nervsystemet (ENS) — mag-tarmkanalens eget nervsystem betraktades tidigare i stor utsträckning enbart som en passiv omkopplingscentral inom det parasympatiska nervsystemet. Forskningsresultat från det senaste decenniet har emellertid gett oss ett helt nytt synsätt. ENS ― ibland refererat till som ‘The second brain’ ― uppvisar trots tillhörighet tThe thesis deals with plasticity in terms of neurotransmitter expression and survival of neurons in the adult enteric nervous system (ENS). Several motility disorders have been suggested to originate in developmental defects, neurodegeneration, or insufficient innervation by the ENS. Normal distribution of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), found in close relationship to enteric neurons, is al

Lundensiska olympier

Kort populärhistorisk översikt över ett antal lundastudenter som deltagit i Olympiska spel.

Att leva som utbränd - En etnologisk studie av långtidssjukskrivna

THIS STUDY IS CONCERNED with burnout and long-term sick leave, although instead of looking for several explanatory models and trying to answer the question as to why people are affected by this syndrome, the study is instead based on the idea of illness as experience. The methodology is traditionally ethnological, but with a phenomenological slant. The author makes use of an empirical material c

Infantile colic. Risk factors in pregnancy, maternal reports and outcome at 4 years of age

Popular Abstract in Swedish För ett halvsekel sedan publicerade den amerikanske barnläkaren Wessel en numera klassisk beskrivning av det skrikande kolikbarnet och dess omgivning, bekymrade och pressade föräldrar. Orsakerna till spädbarnskolik är fortfarande till stor del okända, och åsikterna om förebyggande åtgärder och behandling varierar avsevärt. Prognosen brukar beskrivas som god, men mycket AIM: To study infantile colic in terms of occurrence, risk factors in pregnancy, distress patterns, caregiving practices, and outcome. STUDY DESIGNS: Paper I: Population study, 376 mothers and newborn infants, diaries or telephone interviews. Paper II: 116 colic and 119 control cases, telephone interviews, and diaries. Papers III-IV: Population study, 1099 mother-infant dyads, pregnancy inquiries