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Evaluating the use of spatially varying versus bulk average 3D vegetation structural inputs to modelled evapotranspiration within heterogeneous land cover types

The Western Boreal Plain of north‐central Alberta is prone to water‐deficit conditions and is hydrologically sensitive to changes in climate, natural resource extraction and disturbance. Accurate measurement and modelling of the main components of the water balance are important for ecosystem and reclamation management; however, the lack of hydro‐meteorological instrumentation found within differe

Direction of arrival estimation in the presence of correlated signals with non-ideal uniform circular arrays

The Davies transformation is a method to transform the steering vector of a uniform circular array (UCA) to a vector with Vandermonde form. As this form is similar to that of the steering vector of a uniform linear array (ULA), we can apply to UCAs the many tools that have been developed for ULAs. However, the Davies transformation can be highly sensitive to perturbations of the underlying ideal a

Eye dosimetry and protective eyewear for interventional clinicians

Doses to the eyes of interventional clinicians can exceed 20 mSv. Various protective devices can afford protection to the eyes with the final barrier being protective eyewear. The protection provided by lead glasses is difficult to quantify, and the majority of dosimeters are not designed to be worn under lead glasses. This study has measured dose reduction factors (DRFs) equal to the ratio of the

Live Reality Television : Care structures within the production and reception of talent shows

This article focuses on production and reception practices for live reality television, using critical theory and empirical research to question how producers and audiences co-create and limit live experiences. The concept of care structures is used to make visible hidden labour in the creation of mood, in particular audiences as participants in the management of live experiences. In the case of G

Characterization of the Weimberg Pathway in Caulobacter crescentus

Caulobacter crescentus is a gram-negative bacterium that can utilize xylose as a substrate using the Weimberg pathway, which converts xylose to α-ketoglutarate in five steps without carbon loss. This is an interesting pathway for heterologous expression in other organisms in order to enable xylose utilization in biorefinery processes. C. crescentus was grown on xylose, arabinose and glucose, and m

Primary and secondary effects of climate variability on net ecosystem carbon exchange in an evergreen Eucalyptus forest

To understand the dynamics of ecosystem carbon cycling more than 10 years of eddy covariance data, measured over an evergreen, temperate, wet sclerophyll forest, were analysed and related to climate drivers on time scales ranging from hours to years. On hourly timescales we find that incoming shortwave radiation is the major meteorological driver of net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE). Light use e

Effect of spatial heterogeneity on the validation of remote sensing based GPP estimations

Satellite based remote sensing provides an efficient way to estimate carbon balance components over large spatial domains with acceptable temporal and spatial resolution. In the present study remote sensing based gross primary production (GPP) estimations were evaluated using data from a tall eddy-covariance flux tower, located over a heterogeneous agricultural landscape in Hungary. Four different

Alcohol intake in relation to non-fatal and fatal coronary heart disease and stroke : EPIC-CVD case-cohort study

Objective To investigate the association between alcohol consumption (at baseline and over lifetime) and non-fatal and fatal coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. Design Multicentre case-cohort study. Setting A study of cardiovascular disease (CVD) determinants within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition cohort (EPIC-CVD) from eight European countries. Participants 3

The clinical significance of 10-m walk test standardizations in Parkinson’s disease

Background: The 10-m walk test (10MWT) is a widely used measure of gait speed in Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, it is unclear if different standardizations of its conduct impact test results. Aim of the study: We examined the clinical significance of two aspects of the standardization of the 10MWT in mild PD: static vs. dynamic start, and a single vs. repeated trials. Implications for fall pre

Bloggande patienter, twittrande läkare och vita dokusåpor

Tv har på senare år gjort sjukvården till underhållning. Programmen kan i bästa fall ge oss inblick i vården men vill vi och bör vi filmas när vi är som mest sköra och utelämnade? Hur påverkas den personliga integriteten av mediernas intåg i vården?

Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Multiple Antennas for Cellular Equipment Based on Semidefinite Relaxation

Human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields should not exceed the exposure limits set by the relevant regulatory guidelines. In this paper, we provide approaches to determine upper bounds of maximum exposure from multiple antennas. When the total transmitted power is fixed, the maximum exposure can be determined by an eigenvalue decomposition. If an individual antenna has additio

Exposure, respiratory symptoms, lung function and inflammation response of road-paving asphalt workers

Background: Controversy exists as to the health effects of exposure to asphalt and crumb rubber modified (CRM) asphalt, which contains recycled rubber tyres. Objective: To assess exposures and effects on airway symptoms, lung function and inflammation biomarkers in conventional and CRM asphalt road pavers. Methods: 116 conventional asphalt workers, 51 CRM asphalt workers and 100 controls were inve

Starch digestibility: past, present and future

In the last century, starch present in foods was considered to be completely digested. However, during the 1980s, studies on starch digestion started to show that besides digestible starch, which could be rapidly ors lowly hydrolysed, there was a variable fraction that resisted hydrolysis by digestive enzymes. That fraction was named resistant starch (RS )and it encompasses those forms of starch t