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Reasonable time in Swedish courts

Det är viktigt att undvika förseningar i ett rättssystem för att upprätthålla rättssäkerheten. Långa handläggningstider utsätter de berörda individerna för stress och osäkerhet, vilket kan riskera både effektiviteten och trovärdigheten av rättssystemet. Europakonventionen, som också är Svensk lag, innehåller bestämmelser om en rättvis rättegång inom skälig tid. Frågan är dock om Sverige lever up tIn a judicial system it is very important to administer justice without delay to uphold the rule of law. Lengthy proceedings subject the concerned individuals to stress and uncertainty, and might jeopardize the effectiveness and credibility of justice. The European Convention on human rights, which is incorporated in Swedish law, provides a right to a fair trial within reasonable time, but is Swed

Lotsningens bidrag till sjösäkerhet

This master’s thesis aims to investigate how pilotage contributes to maritime safety and if its criteria can be more risk-based in Sweden. The theory of Resilience Engineering was applied to maritime safety which has extended the concept further. Several aspects of how pilots contribute to maritime safety were identified within the literature and empirical studies. These aspects were the pilots

Utländska direktinvesteringar i Afrika söder om Sahara: Bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar direktinvesteringar till regionen

Uppsatsen studerar vilka faktorer som påverkar inflödet av Utländska direktinvesteringar till Afrika söder som Sahara, en region som historiskt sett har en mycket låg andel av världens totala investeringar. Baserade på OLI-modellen och utifrån tidigare studier inom ämnet, har åtta styck variabler valts ut och testas emot flödet av utländska direktinvesteringar via en regressionsanalys. Resultatet

Användning av risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser vid kommunal planering inför extraordinära händelser

The Swedish system for crisis management is changing. Among other things, this has resulted in the law (2002:833) concerning extraordinary events in times of peace in municipalities and county councils, which states that municipalities must produce a plan for the management of extraordinary events. In this thesis, a hypothesis concerning how this plan can be based on risk- and vulnerability analys

Risk analysis of the oil depot in Örfirisey

This thesis estimates the risk of the activity at the oil depot in Örfirisey and its location, to its nearby population. The thesis will consider possible risks from the oil depot it self in case of fire, today, in relation to health and safety. Transportation of the fuel from the depot through the city will be discussed in an attempt to see if other depot locations or strategies can lessen the ri

Off-piste skiers risk perception and the effects on behaviour and risk management

The purpose of this master thesis was to provide reliable information to improve off-piste skiers’ knowledge, behaviour and risk management. This since research concerning human factors in the field of avalanches traditionally had been paid little attention. A literature review covering avalanche, traffic and risk literature and two surveys which gathered approximately 2000 responses were conducte

Säkerhetstänkande vid projektering av komplexa infrastruktursystem - fallstudier av tre svenska järnvägstunnelprojekt

The aim of this master thesis is both to investigate how risk analyses in the layout design phase of railway tunnel projects today are done and to advise how the safety thinking of complex infrastructures could be improved in the future. The thesis is based on case studies of three Swedish railway tunnel projects in Göteborg, Malmö and Stockholm. The thesis is limited to examine sudden risk scenar

GIS och multipel linjär regression som verktyg för sårbarhetsanalys av sjöar

The report aims at quantifying vulnerability of lakes by multiple linear regression, in which transparency of the water is used as a proxy for vulnerability and parameters such as area and depth of the lake as independent descriptors. Data was acquired from Swedish environmental monitoring programs. The analysis results in a model that can be used to predict this trend and thus predict the vulnera