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Bemanningskonsult idag - mittemellan två företag?

In the past decade there has been a considerable growth of contingent employment arrangements. In Sweden, the most common among these are the temporary-help service firms. The aim of this study is to investigate how the employees of temporary-help service firms experience their situation as employed by one company and working at another. We have used a qualitative approach to reach an increased un

Är klassröstningen fortfarande signifikant? - en studie om kommunalvalen i Stockholm och Göteborg 2002

The association between social parameters (i.e. socio-economy and level of education) and voting behaviour has been reviewed and analysed based on data from municipal council elections in Stockholm and Gothenburg in 2002. Some social scientists argue that the class voting is in decline and that new social cleavages have emerged. However, by using regression analysis techniques, this study implies

Rörelse och verbalisering- en studie av språkets påverkan på kategoriseringen av rörelsesituationer

This essay attempts to show a relativistic effect on the representation of motion situations. A summarize and defence for lingusitic relativity as scientifically valid and some taxonomic clarifications is initially presented. The relativistic effect is measured by using the elicitation tool Event Triads, developed at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. The tool consists of a set of fil

Tryggare kan ingen vara? En studie om den danska flexicurity-modellens lämplighet för Sverige

This paper discuss the possibilities to transfer the Danish labour market policy, called flexicurity, to Sweden. There are two main purposes of this essay. The first purpose is to discuss the reasons why the Danish labour market policy could be interesting for Sweden. The second purpose is to investigate which obstacles that might occur during the transfer. For guidance I have used two startingpoi

En skildring av sex gymnasiekuratorers erfarenheter och arbete med elever med social fobi

The purpose of this essay was to examine six high school welfare officers' experiences and work with students suffering from social phobia and discuss the welfare officers' view on social phobia from a psychiatric, cognitive and a knowledge theory. The study consists of qualitative interviews with welfare officers from several different high schools and attempts to answer the following que

Ofrivilliga graviditeter - tjejens respektive killens ansvar: en studie av synen på ofrivilliga graviditeter bland personal på ungdomsmottagningen.

The aim of this study was to investigate and gain a deeper understanding of how the staff at the youth clinic approaches, and might influence, participation and responsibility as regards the girl and boy respectively in the process that follows when an unplanned pregnancy has been verified. Qualitative interviews were carried out with staff at five youth clinics in Skåne. All staff did routinely w

Mobility Management: Sustainability Option for Sofia's Urban Transport Policy? Learning from the experience of Lund and exploring its transferability to Sofia

This paper addresses the problem of urban transport management in Sofia ? the capital city of Bulgaria. It highlights the tensions and contradictions in the current policy and practice and suggests that the adoption of mobility management in policy making would elevate municipal capacity to deal with complex transport-environment conflicts and set the framework for a sustainable development of the

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Transnational Advocacy Network in the EU: Accommodative Spaces and Unobjectionable Norms

This is a study on transnational advocacy networks in the context of an accommodative EU multi-level governance system . Using the gay and lesbian network in the EU, I argue that transnational advocacy networks are successful in policy introduction (i.e. the inclusion of anti-discrimination clause in the Amsterdam Treaty) when they use leverage politics, accountability politics, symbolic politics,

Ett förvaltningsmotiv i förändring -fallstudie av Simrishamn-

Den kommunala förvaltningen har sedan 80-talet undergått flera stora förändringar, flera för att anpassa den kommunala verksamheten till konkurrenskraftiga enheter som arbetar efter samma premisser som den privata sektorn. Ekonomismen eller new public management har slagit igenom i de flesta förvaltningsgrenar, det är bara en fråga om grad. Implementeringen visar sig oftast genom omvandlingen till

En teori om konsumentmakt- Marknaden som en lösning på demokratiunderskottet?

How effective is consumer power? Can consumers regulate corporate behavior? And if so is the case, could the mechanisms where consumers regulate corporate behavior have any democratic value to contribute with? These are the questions that this master's thesis comprehends with. The purpose of this writing is to construct a theory of consumer power that is compatible with democratic theory,

Skolbibliotekarien : Image Profil Identitet

International research has shown that through the involvement of the school library and the school librarian in the daily school work with the pupils, the pupil´s learning can be increased and reading comprehensions significantly improved. One purpose of this master`s thesis is to study the school librarian as a brand, representing the school library as well as the school librarian and whether th

Tankar om behov av framtida kompetens för arbetsterapeuter inom reumatologi En kartläggning av vilken typ av kompetensutveckling arbetsterapeuter inom reumatologi behöver för att möta framtidens patienter

Den snabba utvecklingen inom medicinsk forskning har resulterat i nya effektiva läkemedel för de personer som drabbats reumatoid artrit (RA). Organisations- och samhällsförändringar samt en ny generation patienter har betydelse för arbetsterapeutens framtida kompetens. Syftet var att undersöka behov av kompetens för arbetsterapeuter inom reumatologisk specialistvård. Studien är deskriptiv och pro

Hoten mot länsstyrelsen - En analys av dess agerande i en föränderlig omgivning

The purpose with this master thesis is to analyze how the Swedish County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) acts in an environment that changes fast with more regional actors than ever before. There are also proposals regarding new public authorities and eventually a reduction of the Swedish County Administrative Board. By studying a report issued by the Board in December 2005 the aim is to fin

Effektivisering av Bärarelagets arbetsprocess.

Syftet med denna rapport är att noggrant redogöra för och analysera de fråge-ställningar som satts upp och samtidigt beskriva utvecklingsarbetet av ett datoriserat system för att hantera bokningar och för SMS-notifiering. De frågeställningar som, i denna rapport, besvaras är: 1. Går det att skapa ett datoriserat bokningssystem som bidrar till att Bärarelagets arbetsprocess effektiviseras men som

Jämställt språkbruk i jämställdhetsplaner? En språklig granskning och jämförelse av riksdagspartiernas jämställdhetsplaner

Jag har för denna uppsats granskat språkbruket i samtliga riksdagspartiers jämställdhetsplaner, i avseendet språk och kön, detta för att undersöka hur språkbruket ser ut för aspekterna personliga pronomina, titlar och personbeteckningar, böjning av adjektiv i naturligt genus, förekomst av ord och ordkombinationer som ?kvinnor?, ?män? och ?kvinnor och män? och snarlika ord samt omskrivningar. De pa

På spaning efter den psykoterapeutiska förändringsprocessen

The aim of this study was to examine what factors experienced psychotherapists emphasize as central and change developing in psychotherapy. The intention was to highlight the therapists' personal thoughts and experiences of psychotherapeutic change. By personal interviews with three cognitive and three psychodynamic psychotherapists, data was retrieved and then analysed with a qualitative phen

Den svenska monarkin - Ett försvarbart statsskick En normativ analys av den svenska monarkin och en innehållsanalys av tidningsartiklar om Bruneiaffären

Although Sweden has democracy implemented in its Constitution, because of being a monarchy, it has a non-elected Head of State. The purpose of this thesis is on the one hand to show if it is possible to normatively legitimate the Swedish monarchy and on the other hand to display if and how the three biggest Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Expressen justify monarchy by making a c

Environmental Performance in Swedish Municipalities. Challenging diversity and triggers for change

The purpose of this research was to examine how non-mandatory municipal environmental work is carried out. What drives certain municipalities to be more active than others, and what works as barriers? It was also of interest to understand if the mandatory work could influence, trigger or hinder other environmental goals and ideas. Further, the research looked to identify some characteristics that

Älska din nästa om du vågar! De homosexuellas syn på den heterosexuella normen

Abstract Homosexuality is surely accepted in today´s society - or isn´t it? Many things have changed, for instance laws, which are in favour for homosexuals, have been introduced, in Sweden that is. As we although know, many things are not only dependent on what laws tell us to do. The society also contains values and norms and they furthermore exist in individuals. Regarding sexuality, the norm