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Dimensionsstabilitet hos linoljeimpregnerat trä ; : fuktupptagning och svällning hos linoljeimpregnerad gran (Picea abies) och linoljeimpregnerade träfiberskivor
Mänskliga eller manliga rättigheter? : en normativ studie om jämlikhet i dagens system för mänskliga rättigheter
Länsgränser vid regionbildning - hinder eller möjlighet? : en fallstudie över Kalmer län
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Med humorn som vapen : En studie i Otpors och det civilia samhällets betydelse för Milosevic-regimens fall från makten
Broadening the Concept of Political Power : Societal Factors Affecting the Political Participation of Women in Zimbabwe
Economic Liberalization and Democratic Quality in Chile : The role of the State in a Globalizing Era
När Arbetet är slut : En analys av de demokratiska konsekvenserna av Arbetets nedläggning
How to assess team performance in terms of control - a cognitive systems engineering based protocol
This report presents a protocol for assessing team performance in terms of control based on cognitive systems engineering theories. The protocol changes the focus of team performance assessment from good and bad behaviours towards the team’s activity. By using Hollnagel’s contextual control model (COCOM) a protocol is developed so that team activity can be categorised into four control modes. Data
Inhyrd personal under företrädesrättsperioden - ett lagligt sätt att kringgå LAS?
In the Employment Protection Act there are rules about preferential right to re-employment in the case of employees who have been terminated due to redundancy. The preferential right is valid nine months from the day that the employment is terminated. There is no restriction in the Swedish labour law for an employer to use temporary agency workers. In the case where there are employees with prefer