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This master thesis in social anthropology, is based on fieldwork, conducted in the peruvian village Andamarca, in the region of Ayacucho, from February to April 2018. I have studied the special kind of folk music, called huayno, in order to establish its role in the local community. The inhabitants find themselves living in a vulnerable state, based on a violent history and political oppression. T

Technological innovation and the environment: an analysis based on patent counts

The increasing concern on the present and future impact of climate change has raised the attention on the relationship between technology and the environment. The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of green innovation on carbon emissions. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions per capita are used as a proxy for environmental quality. Technological innovation is measure

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Göteborgs Stadsteater

Denna rapport behandlar en brandteknisk riskvärdering av Göteborgs Stadsteatern, som ligger vid Götaplatsen i Göteborg. Rapporten skrivs som en del av kursen Brandteknisk Riskvärdering som ges det tredje året på Brandingenjörsprogrammet på Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Stadsteatern består av två delar, där Del 2 är en tillbyggnad till den gamla byggnaden som benämns som Del 1. Hela bygganden består av

Gyro Stabilization of a Positioning Unit

Mounting cameras on motorized objects has become possible in greater extent due to the emerging camera technology during the past few decades. This application could prove useful in several areas such as search and rescue operations, surveillance or even news monitoring. One hardship that this brings is the difficulty of keeping the camera unit stable while its setting is not. In the situations me

Twitter bot detection & categorization - a comparative study of machine learning methods

Automated Twitter accounts, or Twitter bots, have gained increased attention lately. In particular, a novel type of bot, so called social bots, are piquing peoples’ interest, as these bots have recently been involved in a number of political events. Most of the previous work on how to detect bots has not distinguished between such novel bot types, and other, less sophisticated ones. Instead, they

Fully automated rudder pedal system for ultralight aircraft

De svenska tillverkarna av ultralätta mikroflygplan, Blackwing Sweden AB, har lämnat en förfrågan gällande uppdatering av den justerbara mekanismen tillhörande roderpedal-systemet i flygplansmodellen BW600RG. Det nuvarande manuella systemet anses bristfälligt sett till den icke ergonomiska justeringsprocessen som för övrigt kräver att flygplanet är stationärt. Målet med detta projekt var att framfThe Swedish ultralight aircraft manufacturer, Blackwing Sweden AB, has requested a reinvention of their adjustable mechanism for the rudder pedal system in the BW600RG aircraft. The current manual system is insufficient in terms of a non-ergonomic adjustment process which requires for the aircraft to be stationary. The ambition of this project was to deliver a concept covering a fully automated ad

Den fria rörligheten för varor i relation till det svenska alkoholmonopolet - Systembolagets framtid om gårdsförsäljning blir tillåtet

Denna uppsats behandlar den fria rörligheten för varor i relation till det svenska alkoholmonopolet. Vidare ligger fokus på Systembolaget och dess framtid om gårdsförsäljning av alkoholdrycker blir tillåtet i Sverige. De bestämmelser som är relevanta i uppsatsens undersökning är artiklarna 34, 36 och 37 FEUF. De frågeställningar som uppsatsen följaktligen syftar till att besvara är för det första This paper deals with the free movement of goods in relation to the Swedish alcohol monopoly. Furthermore, the focus is on Systembolaget and its future if farm sales of alcoholic beverages is allowed in Sweden. The provisions relevant to the essay's examination are Articles 34, 36 and 37 TFEU. The questions that the paper thus aims to answer are firstly how articles 34 and 37 relate to each ot

Vänskap som skyddsfaktor

The aim of our study was to investigate how young adults describe the availability of support from their close friendships in stressful situations, and how this support affects their well-being in these situations. We gathered our empirical data by conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews with young adults aged 23-27. The empirical material was then analyzed using stress buffer theory and

Hierarchical Clustering of Time Series using Gaussian Mixture Models and Variational Autoencoders

This thesis proposes a hierarchical clustering algorithm for time series, comprised of a variational autoencoder to compress the series and a Gaussian mixture model to merge them into an appropriate cluster hierarchy. This approach is motivated by the autoencoders good results in dimensionality reduction tasks and by the likelihood framework given by the Gaussian mixture model. In contrast to simi

Kultur och syntax: expliciteringar i en litteraturvetenskaplig text

Denna magisteruppsats baseras på en översättning av drygt 6000 ord av en komparativ litteraturvetenskaplig text av Herman Beavers om de amerikanska författarna James Baldwin och Ralph Ellison. Uppsatsen består av tre delar. Den första delen är en källtextanalys där textens kontext och viktigaste drag presenteras enligt den analysmodell som presenteras i Hellspongs & Ledins bok Vägar genom text

Does the renewable share of total primary energy supply affect the prospect of economic growth? A study of the OECD economies

This paper navigates the subject of economic growth and energy use, with a focus on environmental sustainability. The aim is to investigate the relationship between the renewable share of total primary energy supply and the GDP per capita growth rate by conducting an empirical study on the OECD member states. The growth rate of GDP has for a long time been used as a measure of economic growth and

Keeping up the PICUP

The aggregation of α-synuclein into fibrils has been long proven to be closely related to the toxicity leading to Parkinson’s disease. In this process, medium-sized intermediates called oligomers are formed, a heterogeneous group of aggregates formed by a small number of monomers. While fibrils have been proven to cause little to no toxicity, oligomers have been demonstrated to induce cell death.

The Potential Features of Civic Sympathy and Affect

This piece of work aims at gaining a better understanding of how cognitive and sensual experiences takes place when we interact within the social encounter processes of shared spaces. The structure of this thesis starts off with a theoretical review based on the aspects of social encounters divided into the following areas: affect theory, the ideal of sympathy, and situated multiplicity. These t

Vägen till säkerhet

I takt med digitaliseringen blir informationssäkerhet ett växande hot. De flesta organisationer arbetar fram säkerhetspolicys för att reglera arbetet. Ett av problemen som organisationer ofta stöter på är att de anställda inte följer de uppsatta riktlinjerna. Vi har genom att utföra en intervjustudie svarat på huruvida företag bör se över hur de arbetar med säkerhet. Vi har även undersökt hur bala

"Relationen börjar från dag ett" : En kvalitativ studie om personal på HVB-hems uppfattning om organisatoriska förutsättningar för att bedriva relationsbaserad vård

The primary aim of this study was to examine how employees at HVB-homes define and use relationship-based praxis in their daily work with youths, and how organizational context and individual ability enable or impede such work. Applying a qualitative method, where individual and nuanced experiences of the topic is a primary focus, a goal oriented snowball sampling was made in order to get in conta

From ‘not in my backyard’ to ‘not on my planet’ : The potential of Blockadia for the climate justice movement: a case study of fossil fuel resistance in Groningen, the Netherlands.

This thesis explores the potential of Blockadia resistance, the resistance of frontline communities against fossil fuel extraction, for the climate justice movement. Driven by the need for alternative forms of climate action that address the root causes of climate change, this study examines if local fossil fuel resistance gives rise to a justice based environmentalism. The analysis is conducted o

Identifying drivers of behaviour change to improve cholera interventions in the urban setting of Lilongwe, Malawi

Cholera is a global threat to public health and a symbol of injustice and absence of social development. It causes thousands of deaths worldwide every year due to lack of sanitation, access to clean water, and poor hygiene. This thesis is motivated by the premise that effective cholera prevention and control efforts benefit from understanding the local context. This explorative research argues in