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Fukt- och temperaturrörelser i fasad- och vindskyddsskivor

Användningen av fasad- och vindskyddsskivor i ytterväggskonstruktioner är i dag utbredd. Skivorna är monterade långt ut i ytterväggen och utsätts således för variationer i omgivande relativ fuktighet och temperatur. På senare tid har skador såsom buktning av skivorna och sprickbildning hos skivorna uppmärksammats. Skadorna kan bero på rörelserna hos skivorna och det är således av intresse att undeThe use of boards as facades and sheathing is today common practice. Facade and sheathing boards are located far out in the building envelope and are thus subjected to variations of the surrounding relative humidity and temperature. Recently different kinds of damage on the boards have been brought to attention. The damage is varying and include cracking or warping of the boards. The damage may de

Power peak reduction and control of automatic sliding doors

When a sliding door is opened there is a sudden current peak that the electric network is subjected to. As a result of this it is difficult to design a power supply that operates the door with adequate performance while still maintaining a low power rating. In the current solution the power rating is designed for the sudden peaks and as there is no buffer of energy everything has to be taken direc

DevOps team – vad ska vara med?

Den konstanta förändringen sker ständigt i dagens snabbt föränderliga och konkurrensutsatta IT-värld. För att hänga med i förändringarna kommer organisationer behöva anamma DevOps. DevOps är en sammanslagning av de två orden Development (Dev) och Operations(Ops) och gör det möjligt för organisationer att snabbt och frekvent kunna leverera mjukvara av hög kvalitet till kund. När organisationer impl

Eoliska avlagringar och vindriktningar under holocen i och kring Store Mosse, södra Sverige

Eoliska sanddyner är en sällan undersökt resurs ur ett paleoklimatperspektiv. Genom att undersöka dynernas geomorfologi och strukturer kan de klassificeras som olika dyntyper. Eoliska sanddyner kräver speciella omständigheter och förutsättningar för att bildas och agerar värdefulla klimatarkiv för de tidperioder då de avsatts. Dessa klimatarkiv kan berätta om den lokala miljön gällande bland annatAeolian sand dunes is a seldom studied resource from the perspective of paleoclimates. By analysing the dunes geomorphology and structures they can be classified into different type of dunes. Aeolian dunes require special circumstances and conditions to be met to enable their deposition. The sand dunes can then act as precious climate archives for the time periods during which they were formed. Th

Our bodies our fights! An explorative analysis of women’s bodies as political territories of struggle and resistance in the global south

The present study represents an explorative analysis on women’s bodily expressions from the global south, more specifically women from five Latin American countries: México, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Peru, in the context of mobilizations from the last International Women’s Day. From theoretical perspectives that interconnect epistemological aspects of feminism and resistance, this research p

Trafikantbeteenden när övergångsställe saknas

Trafiksituationen vid korsningen Carl Krooks gatan – Furutorpsgatan i Helsingborg är komplicerad på grund av den svängande huvudleden och det stora flödet av trafikanter. Den svängande huvudleden har fått mycket kritik eftersom det är ett stort flöde av oskyddade trafikanter som måste korsa gatan som saknar övergångsställe. Syftet med studien är att undersöka trafikanters beteende vid interaktion The traffic situation at the intersection Carl Krooks gatan - Furutorpsgatan in Helsingborg is complicated due to the turning main road and the large flow of road-users. The turning main road has received a lot of criticism because there is a large flow of unprotected road-users who have to cross the street without a pedestrian crossing. The purpose of the study is to investigate the behavior of r

Discursive (re)articulations of development policy in the light of Sustainable development goals: The case of Georgia

The paper analyses the ways Georgian government produced development policy in relation to the changing global and local discursive formations of development. By bringing together post-development theory and Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse analysis method, I illustrated that the neoliberal discourse failed to generate meanings regarding social issues that created a danger of the dislocation of the d

Unemployment in the 21st Century: The Interaction between Macroeconomic Shocks and Institutions

This paper analyses the driving factors of youth- and adult unemployment in the OECD-countries during the 21st century. Focus is on both macroeconomic shock variables, such as the GDP-gap, the real interest rate and total factor productivity-growth, and institutional variables, such as union density, active labour market policies, the tax wedge, the replacement rate and the share of temporary empl

China’s geo-economic gambit in Pakistan An investigation on the strategic implications of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

States are increasingly applying economic means of power to pursue political objectives. The Chinese geo-economic mega-project the Belt and Road Initiative is the worlds foremost example of this trend. At the heart of this strategy, both geographically and strategically, is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. This infrastructure project, worth approximately $62 billion, is expected to revitalise

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Användningen av persondata har blivit ett allt vanligare fenomen och utnyttjandet av data spelar en mer central roll i ekonomin. Data är en värdefull resurs men det har blivit svårare för konsumenter att kontrollera hur data om dem samlas in och delas eller säljs vidare. Många aktörer är ofta involverade i datautvinningsprocessen utan att det framgår vilken roll de spelar och till vilket ändamål d

Development of a Method to Quantify Stickiness of Filling Products in Tetra Recart

Vidhäftning är ett fenomen som naturligt uppstår i livsmedelsindustrin. Fenomenet uppstår främst då livsmedelsprodukter klibbar sig fast och fäster till ytor i processutrustning. I flera fall kan vidhäftning vara till god nytta till exempel som en sensorisk aspekt, men i livsmedelsindustrin kan fenomenet utgöra en nackdel. Tetra Pak har i ett projekt tillsammans med Lunds Tekniska Högskola utveckStickiness of different food products on surfaces can occur naturally during food filling in Tetra Recart form- and seal machines. The aim of this thesis was to develop a model and an adhesion test method for determining and understanding this stickiness. More specifically for the food products whole peeled tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, mandarin chops and peach halves on stainless-steel. Additionall

Jag tänker inte ge upp så lätt: en kvalitativ studie om föräldrars upplevelser av multisystemisk terapi

The objective of this study was to analyze parent’s experiences on multisystemic therapy after their juvenile had completed their treatment. As MST is a family-oriented intervention, we wanted to research the parent’s experiences of the method since they have a significant role in their youth’s lives. The study was conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews with five parents in a joi

Individens tillit till samhälle, medmänniskor och media

Syftet med denna uppsats berör hur kön, utbildningsgrad och ålder påverkar en individs tillit till andra människor, samhällets institutioner och olika typer av media. Vidare undersöks sambandet mellan social tillit och förtroende för olika typer av media. En enkätundersökning används som underlag för att kunna mäta skillnader mellan de olika grupperna. Det är endast svensk media och svenska instit

The effect of financial liberalization on economic growth: A panel data analysis of 38 countries

This paper empirically surveys the actual links between financial liberalization and economic growth by drawing lessons from both developed and emerging economies over 26 years. The macroeconomic indicators for economic growth are GDP per capita growth, growth volatility, and real lending interest rate. Previous researches hold differing views about whether the impact of liberalization reform on m

The day-of-the-week effect in Swedish stock returns

One implication of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is that it is not possible to consistently and over time create abnormal returns without taking on additional risk. However, the hypothesis has become one of the most debated theories in financial economics. Numerous studies suggest that seasonal patterns exist in stock returns, so-called calendar effects, which violates the assumption of st

Kontroll i anstaltsmiljö? Statlig-, social- och självkontroll av transpersoner inom Kriminalvården

International studies suggest that transgender prisoners are a conundrum for the prison and probation systems when it comes to both management and housing, are at risk of victimization by both inmates and prison staff and that this might impact on transgender inmates’ gender expression or gender identification. There are no studies on transgender inmates’ contact with the Swedish prison and probat

Teknisk analys - hokuspokus eller avkastningslokus?

Objective: The objective of this study is to examine whether ten stock-trading strategies based on common technical indicators can prove to generate higher risk-adjusted returns than buy-and-hold strategies for the same stocks. Method: To examine this, trading for the ten strategies is simulated for 213 Swedish stocks, through the years 2006 to 2018. The risk-adjusted returns are calculated as sh

The Rural-Urban Divide Between Zimbabwean Voters

Sub-Saharan African voters have long been regarded to be predominantly influenced by ethnicity when casting their ballots. New research in the field of African voting behaviour has established, to the contrary, that rural and urban contexts play a pivotal role in influencing voters. This research investigates the case of Zimbabwe. It researches the differences between contextual factors in rural a

Can the Arm’s Length Principle in the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines Fulfil the Minimum Requirements of the Transaction Approach in the Controlled Foreign Company Rules under Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive?

Generally, the ALP in TP regulations is widely applied in order to prevent price manipulation which will cause tax avoidance. And CFC regulations have usually been regarded as a “backstop” of TP regulations in terms of combating tax avoidance. While CFC regulations aim at achieving this goal in a divergent way of re-attributing the undistributed income back to the parent state. Thus, although CFC