Studies of high energy lepton-nucleon scattering
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The isolated beta-chain of human complement factor C3 (C3 beta) was fragmented by cyanogen bromide. Nine fragments were defined by gel filtration and high-pressure liquid chromatography, and characterized with respect to their Mr, amino acid composition and N-terminal amino acid sequence. Approx. 30% of the primary structure of C3 beta was determined. Alignment of the 3 N-terminal fragments allowe
Popular Abstract in Swedish Förbättrad effektivitet i tillverkningssystemen för att åstadkomma förbättrad output och sålunda reducera tillverkningsstörningarna är ett viktigt område. Händelsestyrd simulering kan visualisera och studera de dynamiska förloppen relaterade till total effektivitet i tillverkningssystemen. En metodik för reducering av produktionsstörningar är presenterad. Förbättringar Improved efficiency in manufacturing systems to achieve increased output and thus reduced production disturbances is a vital area. DES (Discrete-Event Simulation) can visualize and study the dynamic issues related to total efficiency in manufacturing systems. A methodology for production disturbance reduction is presented. Increased performance of manufacturing systems means not only enhanced valu
A 3D unit cell has been simulated numerically using a commercial software in order to evaluate and quantify various water related phenomena, i.e., electro-osmotic drag, back diffusion, electro-chemical water generation and the saturation effects in the porous media. The water saturation effects were noticed to be more pronounced in the GDL of the cathode as compared to the catalyst layer due to gr
N1s x-ray absorption spectra of bi-isonicotinic acid (2,28-bipyridine–4,48-dicarboxylic acid! on rutile TiO2(110) have been studied experimentally and quantum chemically. Differences between multilayer and monolayer spectra are explained by the adsorbate bonding to the substrate. A connection to the electronic coupling in dye-sensitized electrochemical devices is made.
We present results of an eight-gene molecular study of the subfamily Acronictinae and related Noctuidae. Amphipyrinae are recovered as sister to Acronictinae, but with weak support - not surprisingly, the content of the two subfamilies has often been mixed in classifications. Balsinae, previously placed near Acronictinae or within Noctuinae, is recovered within an unresolved polytomy of Cuculliina
There are many market and organisational barriers to the breakthrough of a new industrial field such as bioenergy. For many observers, recent high prices of oil and the significant policy support measures throughout Europe, would appear to have created economic conditions that should be sufficient for the industry to prosper. However, a significant number of policies supposed to expand bioenergy (
The new undulator beamline 1511 at MAX-lab, now under commissioning, has been optimized for X-ray emission and photoelectron spectroscopies. Using an SX-700 high flux monochromator the accessible photon energy range is from 90 eV to about 1500 eV. The performance of the undulator agrees very well with the specifications, as shown by measurements using a photodiode. The energy resolution of the mon
The influence of preadsorbed oxygen on the CO adsorption properties of a laterally heterogeneous bimetallic surface consisting of Pd islands on Rh(111) at a Pd coverage of 0.5 monolayers has been studied by high resolution core level photoemission. A surface consisting of clean Pd islands surrounded by oxygen-covered Rh(111) patches was prepared by predosing oxygen at room temperature. By applying
Photoelectron spectroscopy results on single crystals of the superconductors Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8,Bi2Sr 2CuO6, Ba0.6K0.4BiO3 and the semiconductor Ba0.9K0.1BiO3 are reported for the photon energy region around the O K absorption threshold. The development of the O-KVV Auger structure has been carefully monitored as a function of photon energy. A non-monotonic behavior displaying a feature at a constant b