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Gene expression profiling across ontogenetic stages in the wood white (Leptidea sinapis) reveals pathways linked to butterfly diapause regulation

In temperate latitudes, many insects enter diapause (dormancy) during the cold season, a period during which developmental processes come to a standstill. The wood white (Leptidea sinapis) is a butterfly species distributed across western Eurasia that shows photoperiod-induced diapause with variation in critical day-length across populations at different latitudes. We assembled transcriptomes and

Outcomes of psychotherapeutic and psychoeducative group interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence

Witnessing violence toward a caregiver during childhood is associated with negative impact on children's health and development, and there is a need for effective interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence in clinical as well as in community settings. The current effectiveness study investigated symptom reduction after participation in two established group interventions (one

Jante's law process

Consider the process which starts with N ≥ 3 distinct points on ℝd, and fix a positive integer K < N. Of the total N points keep those N - K which minimize the energy amongst all the possible subsets of size N - K, and then replace the removed points by K independent and identically distributed points sampled according to some fixed distribution ζ. Repeat this process ad infinitum. We obtain vario

Shopping and Praxitopia : The Place of Local High Streets in Urban Space

Retail and place have always been in a dynamic interrelation throughout the history. However particularly in the last three decadesthere have been some radical shifts in the outcomes of this interrelationship. The spatial formation of stores, shopping streets,malls, and in turn, cities have dramatically changed. These contemporary shifts, formations and transformations in the retailgeographies hav

Beyond Asylum - Labor Market Integration Challenges in Sweden

This article takes stock of recent changes to Sweden’s immigration policy and draws upon statistical data to show the effect of the new immigration regime. It discusses the structural economic challenge of integrating immigrants who lack education and job training, and offers Sweden as a reference (or perhaps cautionary tale) for other coun- tries seeking to change their immigration policies. This

An optimal multitaper time-frequency estimator for multi-component transient signals

Multi-component transient signals show up in many different areas, most commonly in communication and radar but are also often found in measurements of human related signals, such as electrical responses of the heart and the brain. Transient signals are also typical in animal acoustic applications, e.g., dolphin echo locations and bird song syllables. The usual basis functions in linear modeling oMulti-component transient signals show up in many different areas, most commonly in communication and radar but are also often found in measurements of human related signals, such as electrical responses of the heart and the brain. Transient signals are also typical in animal acoustic applications, e.g., dolphin echo locations and bird song syllables. The usual basis functions in linear modeling o

“You can call it a Mufassil Town, but nothing less” : Worlding the new census towns of India

In the census of 2011 in India, more than 2500 new settlements have been classified as urban. Placed under the category of ‘census towns’, not much is known about the urbanization processes unfolding at these sites. This article presents learnings from a qualitative case study of a town in West Bengal, to argue that not only do census towns represent a subaltern urbanization but also that they are

HnRNP G prevents inclusion on the HPV16 L1 mRNAs of the central exon between splice sites SA3358 and SD3632

HPV16 late L1 mRNAs encode a short central exon that is located between HPV16 3′-splice site SA3358 and HPV16 5′-splice site SD3632. While SA3358 is used to produce both HPV16 early mRNAs encoding the E6 and E7 oncogenes, and late mRNAs encoding E4, L1 and L2, SD3632 is used exclusively to produce late L1 mRNA. We have previously identified an 8-nucleotide regulatory RNA element that is required f

Sexual conflict and ecology : Species composition and male density interact to reduce male mating harassment and increase female survival

Sexual conflict is a pervasive evolutionary force that can reduce female fitness. Experimental evolution studies in the laboratory might overestimate the importance of sexual conflict because the ecological conditions in such settings typically include only a single species. Here, we experimentally manipulated conspecific male density (high or low) and species composition (sympatric or allopatric)

Ageing and Work in Sweden : Background Paper on Sweden, presented for the ‘Millennium Project’ conference in Tokyo, December 4th -6th, 2000, organized by the Japanese Ministry of Labour : Studies in the older workforce and the labour market

Sweden experienced a dramatic shakeout of the older workforce in the first half of the 1990s as part of the economic crisis 1991-94. The labour force participation rates and, even more pronounced the employment rates for the older workforce sank dramatically. However, when the Swedish economy recovered in the latter half of the 1990s the employment rates for the older workers, both for men and wom

Glutamine-elicited secretion of glucagon-like peptide 1 is governed by an activated glutamate dehydrogenase

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), secreted from intestinal L cells, glucose dependently stimulates insulin secretion from β-cells. This glucose dependence prevents hypoglycemia, rendering GLP-1 analogs a useful and safe treatment modality in type 2 diabetes. Although the amino acid glutamine is a potent elicitor of GLP-1 secretion, the responsible mechanism remains unclear. We investigated how GLP-

Updated European Association of Urology Guidelines : Recommendations for the Treatment of First-line Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cancer

The randomised phase III clinical trial Checkmate-214 showed a survival superiority for the combination of ipilimumab and nivolumab when compared with the previous standard of care in first-line metastatic/advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC) (Escudier B, Tannir NM, McDermott DF, et al. CheckMate 214: efficacy and safety of nivolumab plus ipilimumab vs sunitinib for treatment-naïve advan