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Your search for "*" yielded 528477 hits

Tramadol misuse in treatment-seeking adolescents and young adults with problematic substance use – Prediction of treatment retention

Non-medical prescription use of opioids (NMPUO) is a public health concern worldwide. Recently, tramadol misuse is increasing, but the systematic research of misuse of this specific opioid is limited. This study set out to assess the relationship between tramadol use and completion of treatment for substance use among adolescents and adults ≤ 25 years in an outpatient clinical setting. A retrospec

Periodic corner holes on the Si(111)-7×7 surface can trap silver atoms

Advancement in nanotechnology to a large extent depends on the ability to manipulate materials at the atomistic level, including positioning single atoms on the active sites of the surfaces of interest, promoting strong chemical bonding. Here, we report a long-time confinement of a single Ag atom inside a corner hole (CH) of the technologically relevant Si(111)-7×7 surface, which has comparable si

Durable and highly proton conducting poly(arylene perfluorophenylphosphonic acid) membranes

Phosphonated aromatic polymers show several important advantages as proton exchange membranes (PEMs), including high thermal and chemical stability. However, the conductivity needs to be significantly enhanced for most electrochemical applications. Here, we have prepared a series poly(p-terphenyl perfluoroalkylene)s functionalized with highly acidic perfluorophenylphosphonic acid by first carrying

A Design Method to Minimize the Impact of Bit Conversion Errors in SAR ADCs

This paper analyzes the bit conversion errors in high speed SAR ADCs and proposes a design method to minimize their impact on the ADC performance. By removing the SR latch from the output stage of the differential comparator, while using only one comparator output to generate the differential signals for the internal capacitive DAC, sparkle-code errors are avoided, and conversion errors from a pre

Health-promoting and preventive interventions for community-dwelling older people published from inception to 2019 : a scoping review to guide decision making in a Swedish municipality context

Background: Despite the promising evidence of health-promoting and preventive interventions for maintaining health among older people, not all interventions can be implemented due to limited resources. Due to the variation of content in the interventions and the breadth of outcomes used to evaluate effects in such interventions, comparisons are difficult and the choice of which interventions to im

Low-lying electric dipole γ-continuum for the unstable 62,64Fe nuclei: Strength evolution with neutron number

The γ-ray emission from the nuclei 62,64Fe following Coulomb excitation at bombarding energy of 400-440 AMeV was measured with special focus on E1 transitions in the energy region 4-8 MeV. The unstable neutron-rich nuclei 62,64Fe were produced at the FAIR-GSI laboratories and selected with the FRS spectrometer. The γ decay was detected with AGATA. From the measured γ-ray spectra the summed E1 stre

Time-resolved luminescence and excitation spectroscopy of Co-doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 scintillating crystals

Cerium doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 (GGAG) single crystals as well as GGAG:Ce single crystals co-doped by divalent (Mg2+, Ca2+) and tetravalent (Zr4+, Ti4+) ions have been studied by means of time-resolved luminescence as well as the excitation luminescence spectroscopy in vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and soft X-ray (XUV) spectral range. Tunable laser excitation was applied for time-resolved experiments in orde

Maternal predation risk increases offspring's exploration but does not affect schooling behavior

The environment that parents experience can influence their reproductive output and their offspring's fitness via parental effects. Perceived predation risk can affect both parent and offspring phenotype, but it remains unclear to what extent offspring behavioral traits are affected when the mother is exposed to predation risk. This is particularly unclear in live-bearing species where maternal ef

Pulmonary Vasodilator Therapy in Children with Single Ventricle Physiology : Effects on Saturation and Pulmonary Arterial Pressure

In children with single ventricle physiology, increased pulmonary vascular resistance may impede surgical progression or result in failing single ventricle physiology. The use of pulmonary vasodilators has been suggested as a potential therapy. However, knowledge on indication, dosage, and effect is limited. A retrospective case notes review of all (n = 36) children with single ventricle physiolog

The human bone marrow harbors a CD45 CD11B+ cell progenitor permitting rapid microglia-like cell derivative approaches

Microglia, the immune sentinel of the central nervous system (CNS), are generated from yolk sac erythromyeloid progenitors that populate the developing CNS. Interestingly, a specific type of bone marrow-derived monocyte is able to express a yolk sac microglial signature and populate CNS in disease. Here we have examined human bone marrow (hBM) in an attempt to identify novel cell sources for gener

Interplay between shell structure and trap deformation in dipolar Fermi gases

Finite fermion systems are known to exhibit shell structure in the weakly interacting regime, as is well known from atoms, nuclei, metallic clusters, or even quantum dots in two dimensions. All these systems have in common that the particle interactions between electrons or nucleons are spatially isotropic. Dipolar quantum systems as they have been realized with ultracold gases, however, are gover

The PL-Detective Revisited

The semantics of programming languages comprise many concepts that are alternatives to each other, such as by-reference and by-value parameter passing. To help teach these concepts, Diwan et al. introduced the programming language Mystery, with fixed syntax but configurable semantics, and described how this language enables new approaches to teaching programming languages concepts. In this paper,

Deep body and surface temperature responses to hot and cold environments in the zebra finch

Global warming increasingly challenges thermoregulation in endothermic animals, particularly in hot and dry environments where low water availability and high temperature increase the risk of hyperthermia. In birds, un-feathered body parts such as the head and bill work as ‘thermal windows’, because heat flux is higher compared to more insulated body regions. We studied how such structures were us

Grain and dietary fiber intake and bladder cancer risk : a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies

BACKGROUND: Higher intakes of whole grains and dietary fiber have been associated with lower risk of insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and inflammation, which are known predisposing factors for cancer. OBJECTIVES: Because the evidence of association with bladder cancer (BC) is limited, we aimed to assess associations with BC risk for intakes of whole grains, refined grains, and dietary fiber.

The right to life under the eu charter and cooperation with third states to combat human smuggling

According to EU policy documents, "[s]aving lives of people in distress is a primary goal of EU action in relation to managing the EU external borders."The EU preferred strategy to achieve this objective is to take measures against human smuggling - including the establishment of cooperation with third countries - ostensibly so that migrants are contained and their irregular movement is prevented.