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The Finnish Homelessness Strategy – An International Review

Abstract in Finnish Arvioinnin kohteena oli vuosien 2008–2011 ja 2012–2015 aikana toteutettu pitkäaikaisasunnottomuuden vähentämisohjelmakokonaisuus, Paavo I ja Paavo II. Arvioinnissa keskityttiin ohjelmakokonaisuuteen ja sen eri osa-alueisiin näkökulmana asunto ensin -mallin toteuttaminen suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Arviointiraportissa on kuvattu Iso-Britannian, Ruotsin ja USA:n asunnottomuustyThe review covered the whole of the programme to reduce long-term homelessness implemented during 2008–2011 and 2012–2015, Paavo I and Paavo II. The review focused on the programme as a whole as well as its different aspects from the point of view of implementing the Housing First model in Finnish society. The review report described work on homelessness done in the United Kingdom, Sweden and the

Review and prospects of desalination as a water supply method in China

With the development of urbanization and deterioration of water environment, the fresh water shortage in eastern coastal cities of China is more and more serious. Desalination, as the only way to increase the amount of fresh water, should be more applied in this region, while the actual development is not as expected for some reasons. The study reviews the desalination status in China from the per

Pharmaceutical treatment patterns for patients with a diagnosis related to chronic pain initiating a slow-release strong opioid treatment in Sweden

Slow-release strong opioids (SRSO) are indicated in patients with severe chronic pain. Side effects, lack of efficacy and risk of dependency limit their use in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to explore prescription patterns of SRSO in Swedish real-world data on patients with a diagnosis related to chronic pain (DRCP). Patient-level data were extracted from the national prescriptions

A comparison of annual and seasonal carbon dioxide effluxes between sub-Arctic Sweden and High-Arctic Svalbard

Recent climate change predictions suggest altered patterns of winter precipitation across the Arctic. It has been suggested that the presence, timing and quantity of snow all affect microbial activity, thus influencing CO2 production in soil. In this study annual and seasonal emissions of CO2 were estimated in High-Arctic Adventdalen, Svalbard, and sub-Arctic Latnjajaure, Sweden, using a new trace

Greedy distinguishers and nonrandomness detectors

We present the concept of greedy distinguishers and show how some simple observations and the well known greedy heuristic can be combined into a very powerful strategy (the Greedy Bit Set Algorithm) for efficient and systematic construction of distinguishers and nonrandomness detectors. We show how this strategy can be applied to a large array of stream and block ciphers, and we show that our meth

Development and evaluation of methods for starch dissolution using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation. Part II: Dissolution of amylose.

In this paper, we investigate whether dissolution in water under autoclaving conditions (140 °C, 20 min) or in dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO (100 °C, 1 h), is preferable for characterization of amylose. Two types of amylose, potato and maize, were dissolved either in water using an autoclave or in DMSO. On the aqueous solutions obtained, the extent of molecular dissolution of the sample (referred to as

Influence of wall ribs on the thermal stratification and self-pressurization in a cryogenic liquid tank

Self-pressurization in a cylindrical ribbed tank which is partially filled with liquid hydrogen is investigated numerically under different rib spacing-to-height ratios. The Volume of Fluid (VOF) method is employed as well as a phase change model. Appropriate models are incorporated into the Ansys Fluent by the user-defined functions to carry out the computations. The ribbed surface is modeled as

A European summertime CO2 biogenic flux inversion at mesoscale from continuous in situ mixing ratio measurements

A regional variational inverse modeling system for the estimation of European biogenic CO2 fluxes is presented. This system is based on a 50 km horizontal resolution configuration of a mesoscale atmospheric transport model and on the adjoint of its tracer transport code. It exploits hourly CO2 in situ data from 15 CarboEurope-Integrated Project stations. Particular attention in the inversion setup

Fermentation of the Straw Material Paja Brava by the Yeast Pichia stipitis in a Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Process

Paja Brava is a native South American grass with a high carbohydrate content. In the current work, the potential of us- ing this feedstock for ethanol production using a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process with the xylose-fermenting yeast Pichia stipitis (Scheffersomyces stipitis) CBS6054 was investigated. The straw material was subjected to SO2 catalyzed steam pretreatmen

M4 Muscarinic Receptor Signaling Ameliorates Striatal Plasticity Deficits in Models of L-DOPA-Induced Dyskinesia.

A balanced interaction between dopaminergic and cholinergic signaling in the striatum is critical to goal-directed behavior. But how this interaction modulates corticostriatal synaptic plasticity underlying learned actions remains unclear-particularly in direct-pathway spiny projection neurons (dSPNs). Our studies show that in dSPNs, endogenous cholinergic signaling through M4 muscarinic receptors

Genetic analysis shows that Rubus vikensis is a distinct species with a disjunct distribution

Rubus vikensis A. Pedersen ex G. Wendt (sect. Corylifolii) was recently described from a restricted area in north western Scania, Sweden. In this investigation, I show that the same species occurs also on the Onsala peninsula in northern Halland and on a single locality in the middle of Halland. It has 35 chromosomes in all parts of the distribution area. Moreover, I show by random amplified polym

Management of bleeding disorders in children

Haemophilia, if not properly managed, can lead to chronic disease and lifelong disabilities. The challenges and issues in infants/young children are different from those in older children and adults although episodes of bleeding still predominate as the diagnostic trigger. Awareness of clinical manifestations and treatment complications are crucial in instituting appropriate management and impleme

Structure and function of chitinases from glycoside hydrolase family 19

Glycoside hydrolase family 19 chitinases are found in plants, bacteria and viruses, playing various roles. Plant chitinases are important for defence and development, whereas bacterial examples are useful for nutrition. The available structural studies show that family 19 enzymes are highly alpha-helical bi-lobed structures with a wide cleft lined by conserved residues important for catalysis and

Gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy - from basic studies to biomedical applications

The recently introduced Gas in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy (GASMAS) technique provides novel possibilities for analysis in biophotonics. Free gas in pores or cavities is monitored with narrow-band laser radiation, which can discern the gas absorptive imprints which are typically several orders of magnitude more narrow than the features of the surrounding tissue through which the diffu

Assessing the differences between the IntCal and Greenland ice-core time scales for the last 14,000 years via the common cosmogenic radionuclide variations

Variations in galactic cosmic rays reaching the Earth's atmosphere produce globally synchronous variations in the production rates of cosmogenic radionuclides. In consequence, they leave their imprint in tree-ring 14C and ice-core 10Be records. By identifying this signal and correcting for the known geochemical influences on the radionuclides, it is possible to compare and synchronize the tree-rin

Lawyers in Venture Capital Contracting: Theory and Evidence

Real-world financial contracts are sometimes so complex that it can be difficult to understand their exact payoff consequences. We develop and test a theoretical model of a venture capitalist (VC) negotiating with an entrepreneur who may overweigh or underweigh the payoff consequences of contractual downside protection (DP). A lawyer with expertise in venture capital can inform the entrepreneur ab