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Laparoscopic hernia surgery in Sweden 2010 to 2020—scientifically highlights from the national Swedish Hernia Register

The Swedish Hernia Register (SHR) is a national quality register with more than 350,000 prospectively registered groin hernia repairs. Studies from the SHR have addressed important and clinically relevant issues within the field of laparoscopic groin hernia surgery and the aim of this paper is to present five of the most innovative patient-oriented publications including analysis of laparoscopic h

A New International Treaty to End Plastic Pollution: From Ambition to Concrete Commitments, Meaningful Action and Effective Governance

Early March 2022 saw the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) in Nairobi, Kenya. The UNEA is the highest-level international decision-making body on the environment, gathering delegates from 175 UN member countries to set shared goals and coordinate policy on global environmental issues. In a remarkable achievement, governments agreed at UNEA on a resolution to launch negotiations on a

Thermal effectiveness of solar collector using Graphene nanostructures suspended in ethylene glycol–water mixtures

Flat plate solar collectors (FPSCs) are the most often used as solar collectors due to their easiness of installation and usage. The current research investigates the energy efficiency of FPSC using different mass concentration with varied base fluids containing Graphene nanofluids (T-Gr). Mass concentration of 0.1%-wt., 0.075%-wt., 0.050%-wt. and 0.025%-wt. were mixed with ethylene glycol (EG) an

Search for long-lived neutral particles produced in pp collisions at s =13 TeV decaying into displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS inner detector and muon spectrometer

A search is presented for pair production of long-lived neutral particles using 33 fb-1 of s=13 TeV proton-proton collision data, collected during 2016 by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. This search focuses on a topology in which one long-lived particle decays in the ATLAS inner detector and the other decays in the muon spectrometer. Special techniques are employed to reconstruct the displaced trac

Ethics education to support ethical competence learning in healthcare: : an integrative systematic review

BackgroundEthical problems in everyday healthcare work emerge for many reasons and constitute threats to ethical values. If these threats are not managed appropriately, there is a risk that the patient may be inflicted with moral harm or injury, while healthcare professionals are at risk of feeling moral distress. Therefore, it is essential to support the learning and development of ethical compet

Parallellsamhällets möjligheter

En del av det systemskifte Sverige genomgått senaste decennierna har inneburit att mer ansvar för social trygghet flyttats från det offentliga till civilsamhället. En rad forskare har menat att civilsamhället därmed riskerar att bli en svagare politisk röst. I detta kapitel diskuterar vi med avstamp i den ideella organisationen Helamalmö hur civilsamhället genom att skapa social trygghet också kan

Optimum dog-leg angle for mass and bearing force optimization of multistage gear reduction

This paper describes a method to minimize bearing forces as well as bearing and housing mass for a multistage gear reduction. This is done by finding the optimum dog-leg angles for the stages while leaving other aspects of the design unaltered. The optimization is demonstrated first for spur gears, and then for helical gears typically used in electric vehicles. A numerical example shows how bearin

Climate Policy and Financial Markets

Climate change represents a serious, as-yet-unresolved global commons problem. After decades of international climate negotiations, 195 nations adopted the Paris climate agreement in December 2015. The subsequent election of Donald Trump as US president in 2016 was seen as a setback for climate policy. However, evaluating the impacts of both events is difficult because their results in terms of mi

Improving lighting energy efficiency through user response

Technological advances have increased the energy performance of integrated daylighting and lighting systems to unprecedented levels. The shift to LED technologies, innovative shadings, and advanced lighting and shading controls promises a dramatic reduction in energy use for lighting. Work will continue to save more energy with technological solutions, but additional savings can be attained by und

On the capacity of finite state multiple access channels with asymmetric partial state feedback

We provide a single letter characterization of the capacity region for independent, identically distributed, finite-state channels, with partial (quantized) state information, when the channel state information is available at the receiver. The partial state information is asymmetric at the encoders. The problem is practically relevant, and provides a tractable optimization problem. We also consid

Group codes outperform binary-coset codes on nonbinary symmetric memoryless channels

Typical minimum distances and error exponents are analyzed on the 8-PSK Gaussian channel for two capacity- achieving code ensembles with different algebraic structure. It is proved that the typical group code over the cyclic group of order eight achieves both the Gilbert-Varshamov bound and the expurgated error exponent. On the other hand, the typical binary-coset codes (under any labeling) is sho

Study of the relationship between sigma receptor expression levels and some common sigma ligand activity in cancer using human cancer cell lines of the nci-60 cell line panel

Sigma (σ) receptors have attracted great interest since they are implicated in various cellular functions and biological processes and diseases, including various types of cancer. The receptor family consists of two subtypes: sigma-1 (σ1) and sigma-2 (σ2). Both σ receptor subtypes have been proposed as therapeutic targets for various types of cancers, and many studies have provided evidence that t

ESS DTL Tuning Using Machine Learning Methods

The European Spallation Source, currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, will be the world's most powerful neutron source. It is driven by a proton linac with a current of 62.5 mA, 2.86 ms long pulses at 14 Hz. The final section of its normal-conducting front-end consists of a 39 m long drift tube linac (DTL) divided into five tanks, designed to accelerate the proton beam from 3.6 MeV to 90 M

Complement C4 copy number variation is linked to SSA/Ro and SSB/La autoantibodies in systemic inflammatory autoimmune diseases

OBJECTIVE: Copy number variation of the C4 complement components, C4A and C4B, has been associated with systemic inflammatory autoimmune diseases. We asked if C4 copy number variation is connected to the autoimmune repertoire in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) or myositis.METHODS: Using targeted DNA sequencing, we determined the copy number and genetic variants

The Origins and Evolution of Design : A Stage-Based Model

Within a broader definition of design, as the conception and planning of everything that is artificial, the place of tools is central. With the help of cognitive semiotics in general and Donald’s theory of the evolution of the human mind in particular, we propose a stage model for the evolution of design, consisting of four stages: Proto-design, Simple design, Complex design, and Advanced design,

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Abstract in Spanish:El estudio de la relación entre la cultura material y el lenguaje tiene una larga tradición, desde los avances en el campo de la evolución de la cultura hasta los hallazgos de las ciencias cognitivas. Las recientes conclusiones de estos estudios se inclinan por la diversidad lingüística y la lingüística evolutiva desestimando el rol de los universales. Este artículo explora el The study of the relationship between material culture and language has a long tradition, from the studies of cultural evolution to the findings of the cognitive sciences. The recent conclusions of these studies in relation to the universals of language tend towards linguistic diversity and evolutionary linguistics, neglecting the role of universals. This article explores the role of artifacts in