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Seventeen week pregnancy in a rudimentary uterine horn revealed at routine ultrasonography
Pregnancy in a rudimentary horn of a bicornuate uterus is a rare and often fatal event. A case is presented of such a pregnancy detected in the second trimester routine ultrasonographic examination.
Integrated selective enrichment target (ISET) - A generic microfabricated sample preparation device
A combined sample preparation and sample presentation device, Integrated Selective Enrichment Target (ISET), consisting of an array with 96 perforated nanovials is described. Each perforated nanovial can be filled with soild-phase extraction media for purification and concentration of biomolecules prior to mass spectrometry. The ISET platform provides an efficient, economic and generic sample trea
Alla barn med CP följs systematiskt. Samarbetsprojekt mellan barnortopedi och barnhabilitering i södra Sverige
Byggfukt i betongplatta på mark : torknings- och mätmetoder. Del 2, Fuktmätning
Modeling and Identification of a Nuclear Reactor
Highly Deformed Band Structure in 57Co
Rotational bands have been found in 57Co using the 28Si(32S,3p) reaction at 130 MeV. The bands, extending the mass 60 region of large deformation down to Z=27, are signature-partner sequences. Their quadrupole moments are similar to those of bands in the neighboring nuclei. The features of the new bands are described by Skyrme Hartree-Fock calculations favoring a configuration assignment with one
Datorstödd undervisning i samhällsvetenskaplig utrednings- och forskningsmetodik : ett läromedelsprojekt
Programpaketet HERAKLES för undervisning på gymnasie- och grundskolan.
Identification of Helicobacter pylori and other Helicobacter species by PCR, hybridization, and partial DNA sequencing in human liver samples from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis or primary biliary cirrhosis
Helicobacter pylori was identified in human liver tissue by PCR, hybridization, and partial DNA sequencing. Liver biopsies were obtained from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 12), primary biliary cirrhosis (n = 12), and noncholestatic liver cirrhosis (n = 13) and (as controls) normal livers (n = 10). PCR analyses were carried out using primers for the Helicobacter genus, Helicobac
Immune problems in central nervous system cell therapy
Transplantation of cells and tissues to the mammalian brain and CNS has revived the interest in the immunological status of brain and its response to grafted tissue. The previously held view that the brain was an absolute "immunologically privileged site" allowing indefinite survival without rejection of grafts of cells has proven to be wrong. Thus, the brain should be regarded as a site where imm
Heavy-resistance training in older Scandinavian men and women: short- and long-term effects on arm and leg muscles
The short- and long-term effects of heavy-resistance training (85% of one-repetition maximum (RM)) on elbow flexion and knee extension dynamic and isokinetic strength and on morphology in the biceps brachii and vastus lateralis muscles were evaluated during 1 year in 35 Scandinavian men and women, aged 70-77 years, 12 of whom formed a control group. After the first 11 weeks of training (n = 23; 3
NANC transmitters in the female pig urethra--localization and modulation of release via alpha 2-adrenoceptors and potassium channels
1. To investigate further the release, localization and identity of a non-nitrergic mediator of smooth muscle relaxation in the female pig urethra, we studied the effects of drugs acting at alpha 2-adrenoceptors or K+ channels, the effects of capsaicin and chemical sympathectomy, and the actions of several transmitter candidates. 2. Electrical field stimulation (EFS; frequencies above 12 Hz) of sp
Genet age in marginal populations of two clonal Carex species in the Siberian Arctic
During a Swedish-Russian expedition to northern Siberia 1994, we sampled two marginal populations of two Carex species at two high arctic sites (C. stuns Drej. on Faddeyevsky Island and C. ensifolia V. Krecz ssp, arctisibirica Jurtz. at north-eastern Taymyr Peninsula), both north of previously documented localities in that areas for the two species. These populations were composed of a few distinc
Kritisk analys av skattningar av samhällets kostnader för alkoholkonsumtion – en diskussion om fem studiers metodval och resultat
The consumption of alcohol imposes costs on the society and several cost-of-illness studies have been conducted to estimate these costs. This essay presents the results from five cost-of-illness studies and examines the methodology used. The differences in results are discussed in reference to the differences in the applied methods. The results differ immensely from US$ 91 to US$ 2,433 per capita.
Structure, luminescence, and dynamics of Eu2O3 nanoparticles in MCM-41
The structure, luminescence spectroscopy, and lifetime decay dynamics of Eu2O3 nanoparticles formed in MCM-41 have been investigated. Both X-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopic observations indicate that Eu2O3 nanoparticles of monoclinic structure are formed inside channels of MCM-41 by heating at 140 degreesC. However, heat treatment at 600 or 700 degreesC causes
Optimizing flow cytometric DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction as independent prognostic markers for node-negative breast cancer specimens
Developing a reliable and quantitative assessment of the potential virulence of a malignancy has been a long-standing goal in clinical cytometry. DNA histogram analysis provides valuable information on the cycling activity of a tumor population through S-phase estimates; it also identifies nondiploid populations, a possible indicator of genetic instability and subsequent predisposition to metastas
Alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases of plant mitochondria
Plant mitochondria have a highly branched electron transport chain that provides great flexibility for oxidation of cytosolic and matrix NAD(P)H. In addition to the universal electron transport chain found in many organisms, plants have alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases in the first part of the chain and a second oxidase, the alternative oxidase, in the latter part. The alternative activities are
Soft Security and the Presidency: Swedish Policy towards the Northern Dimension
The Council Presidency offered Sweden a possibility to contribute not only to a number of important issue areas but also to what we may call the ‘foreign policy’ side of the EU.A general question was, of course, what sort of impact Sweden could make in this field, given its background as a nonaligned and small state — a country generally regarded as hesitant in terms of supranational policy-making