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Your search for "*" yielded 536171 hits

Challenging the set mining path : Agency and diversification in the case of Kiruna

The paper follows the development of the tourism industry in a small, traditional mining town in northern Sweden. It highlights local agency in the diversification process, as well as interpath relations between tourism and mining. Drawing on 21 semi-structured interviews, the paper finds that the two seemingly unrelated paths share the need for a variety of local endowments and in so the dominant

Microbial functional genes influenced by short-term experimental drought across European agricultural fields

Agricultural intensification and extreme weather events can represent considerable stress to soil microorganisms and their functions by influencing the key players behind the degradation of soil organic matter. A better understanding of the diversity and abundance of microbial functional genes that predict the functional potential of soils, can link the microbial communities to their key ecosystem

Enzyme encapsulation in nanostructured self-assembled structures : Toward biofunctional supramolecular assemblies

Enzymes have come into use for many new applications outside their natural biological environment, taking advantage of their high efficiency and selectivity as biocatalysts. Such new application often requires encapsulation to preserve the structure and activity of the enzyme, but also to regulate and control the activity. Here, we will discuss two types of encapsulation, soft matrices consisting

Large eddy simulation of bluff body flames close to blow-off using an Eulerian stochastic field method

This paper reports on Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of turbulent premixed methane/air flames approaching blow-off. The study focuses on a stable flame, and on a flame just prior to blow-off, both stabilized by the Cambridge bluff-body burner. For turbulence-chemistry interaction, a model based on transported probability density function (TPDF) in conjunction with Eulerian stochastic fields is used.

Transverse momentum dependence of D-meson production in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

The production of prompt charmed mesons D0, D+ and D∗+, and their antiparticles, was measured with the ALICE detector in Pb-Pb collisions at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair, (Formula presented.) , of 2.76 TeV. The production yields for rapidity |y| < 0.5 are presented as a function of transverse momentum, pT, in the interval 1–36 GeV/c for the centrality class 0–10% and in the interval

Industrial automation and intergenerational income mobility in the United States

This article examines how the automation of jobs has shaped spatial patterns of intergenerational income mobility in the United States over the past three decades. Using data on the spread of industrial robots across 722 local labor markets, we find significantly lower rates of upward mobility in areas more exposed to automation. The erosion of mobility chances is rooted in childhood environments

Predictors of Mortality and Cardiovascular Outcome at 6 Months after Hospitalization for COVID-19

Clinical outcome data of patients discharged after Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are limited and no study has evaluated predictors of cardiovascular prognosis in this setting. Our aim was to assess short-term mortality and cardiovascular outcome after hospitalization for COVID-19. A prospective cohort of 296 consecutive patients discharged after COVID-19 from two Italian institutions during

Stellar escapers from M67 can reach solar-like Galactic orbits

We investigate the possibility that the Sun could have been born in M67 by carrying out N-body simulations of M67-like clusters in a time-varying Galactic environment, and following the Galactic orbits of stars that escape from them. We find that model clusters that occupy similar orbits to M67 today can be divided up into three groups, which we call hot, depleted, and scattered clusters. Hot clus

Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of charge transfer states in blends of pentacene and perfluoropentacene

Charge transfer states in blends of organic semiconductors have significant importance for the functioning of organic optoelectronic devices, but are also interesting from the perspective of fundamental research as many of their properties as well as their influence on the photophysics of the material are not yet completely understood. We report on a time-resolved photoluminescence study of the ph

Last interglacial (MIS 5e) sea level proxies in the glaciated Northern Hemisphere

Because global sea level during the last interglacial (LIG; 130–115 ka) was higher than today, the LIG is a useful analogue for improving predictions of future sea level rise. Here, we synthesize sea level proxies for the LIG in the glaciated Northern Hemisphere for inclusion in the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS) database. We describe 82 sites from Russia, northern Europe, Gre

Perfluoroalkyl substances influence DNA methylation in school-age children highly exposed through drinking water contaminated from firefighting foam: a cohort study in Ronneby, Sweden

Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are widespread synthetic substances with various adverse health effects. A potential mechanism of toxicity for PFASs is via epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation. Previous studies have evaluated associations between PFAS exposure and DNA methylation among newborns and adults. However, no study has evaluated how PFASs influence DNA methylation among children

The Distributional Implications of Fiscal Devaluations

This paper explores the distributional implications of a fiscal devaluation acquired through a shift from labor to consumption taxes in an open-economy Heterogeneous Agents New Keynesian model with incomplete markets and uninsurable income risk. A permanent fiscal devaluation perfectly mimicking a nominal devaluation in aggregate implies an increase in transfers balanced by lower profits. This lea

Circulating Tumor Cell Kinetics and Morphology from the Liquid Biopsy Predict Disease Progression in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Following Resection

The liquid biopsy has the potential to improve current clinical practice in oncology byproviding real-time personalized information about a patient’s disease status and response to treatment. In this study, we evaluated 161 peripheral blood (PB) samples that were collected aroundsurgical resection from 47 metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients using the High-DefinitionSingle Cell Assay (HDSC