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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Abatacept in rheumatoid arthritis : Survival on drug, clinical outcomes, and their predictors - Data from a large national quality register

Background: There are limited data regarding efficacy of abatacept treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) outside clinical trials. Quality registers have been useful for observational studies on tumor necrosis factor inhibition in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to investigate clinical efficacy and tolerability of abatacept in RA, using a national register. Methods: RA patients that

Synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis of arsenic chemical speciation in human nail clippings

Environmental context Chronic ingestion of arsenic leads to its accumulation in keratinous tissues, which can represent a risk factor for developing cancer. We use synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy to investigate chemical bonding of arsenic in the keratins from nail clippings of volunteers from areas in Atlantic Canada with low-to-moderate arsenic contamination of drinking water. The study

Simulated life-threatening emergency during robot-assisted surgery

Background: With the increasing use of robot-assisted techniques for urologic and gynecologic surgery in patients with severe comorbidities, the risk of a critical incidence during surgery increases. Due to limited access to the patient the start of effective measures to treat a life-threatening emergency could be delayed. Therefore, we tested the management of an acute emergency in an operating r

Type i IFN system activation in newborns exposed to Ro/SSA and La/SSB autoantibodies in utero

Objective In utero exposure of the fetus to Ro/La autoantibodies may lead to congenital heart block (CHB). In the mother, these autoantibodies are associated with activation of the type I interferon (IFN)-system. As maternal autoantibodies are transferred to the fetus during pregnancy, we investigated whether the type I IFN-system is activated also in newborns of anti-Ro/La positive mothers, and w

PtyNAMi : Ptychographic nano-analytical microscope

Ptychographic X-ray imaging at the highest spatial resolution requires an optimal experimental environment, providing a high coherent flux, excellent mechanical stability and a low background in the measured data. This requires, for example, a stable performance of all optical components along the entire beam path, high temperature stability, a robust sample and optics tracking system, and a scatt

Probabilistic fibre-to-target assignment algorithm for multi-object spectroscopic surveys

Context. Several new multi-object spectrographs are currently planned or under construction that are capable of observing thousands of Galactic and extragalactic objects simultaneously. Aims. In this paper we present a probabilistic fibre-to-target assignment algorithm that takes spectrograph targeting constraints into account and is capable of dealing with multiple concurrent surveys. We present

SUMER measurement of the fex 3p43d 4D5/2,7/2 energy difference

Recent studies have shown that magnetic fields in the solar corona are strong enough to significantly mix the two 3p43d 4D5/2,7/2 levels in Cl-like Fe X. This mixing gives rise to a magnetically induced transition (MIT) component in the bright Fe X 257.3 Å line, commonly observed by current instrumentation, that can be used for coronal magnetic field diagnostics. This line, commonly observed by th

3d phase-contrast nanotomography of unstained human skin biopsies may identify morphological differences in the dermis and epidermis between subjects

Background: Enteric neuropathy is described in most patients with gastrointestinal dysmotility and may be found together with reduced intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD). The aim of this pilot study was to assess whether three-dimensional (3d) imaging of skin biopsies could be used to examine various tissue components in patients with gastrointestinal dysmotility. Material and methods: Four

Restoration of low-dose digital breast tomosynthesis

In breast cancer screening, the radiation dose must be kept to the minimum necessary to achieve the desired diagnostic objective, thus minimizing risks associated with cancer induction. However, decreasing the radiation dose also degrades the image quality. In this work we restore digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) projections acquired at low radiation doses with the goal of achieving a quality co

Human Physiology of Genetic Defects Causing Beta-cell Dysfunction

The last decade has revealed hundreds of genetic variants associated with type 2 diabetes, many especially with insulin secretion. However, the evidence for their single or combined effect on beta-cell function relies mostly on genetic association of the variants or genetic risk scores with simple traits, and few have been functionally fully characterized even in cell or animal models. Translating

Required to be creative : Everyday ways for dealing with inaccessibility

Today’s society promises that people with disabilities can access anything, but in practice there are numerous obstacles, and the ways in which people deal with them can be easily missed or taken for granted by policy makers. This article draws on a project in which researchers ‘go along’ people with disabilities in Sweden who demonstrate and recount accessibility troubles in urban and digital setToday’s society promises that people with disabilities can access anything, but in practice there are numerous obstacles, and the ways in which people deal with them can be easily missed or taken for granted by policy makers. This article draws on a project in which researchers ‘go along’ people with disabilities in Sweden who demonstrate and recount accessibility troubles in urban and digital set

Sektorsansvar och energiberedskap : Förslag till arbetsmodell för att utforma ett sektorsansvar med förmågor i fokus

Den återupptagna totalförsvarsplaneringen med syfte att öka beredskapen inför kriser och krig innebär ökade ansträngningar för många samhällsaktörer med olika roller, ansvar och uppgifter. Detta har aktualiserat behovet av ett förtydligat sektorsansvar.I denna rapport diskuteras vilka beståndsdelar ett sektorsansvar kan ha, med energisektorn som exempel, inklusive de styrningskedjor som kan använd