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Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, annual report for 2014

This is the fifth annual report of the Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, a national monitoring programme coordinated by Lund University for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency since 2010. The programme is a partnership between the Entomological Society of Sweden, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Lund University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Swedish

Compulsory treatment for alcohol use disorders: Clinical and methodological studies of treatment outcome

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sammanfattning på Svenska: Avhandlingen handlar om tvångsvård av alkoholister och presenterar såväl metodologiska som kliniska studier av behandlingsutfall. Innebörd av tvångsvård Alkoholister kan uppleva många olika typer av påtryckning för att gå in i behandling. Fysisk och psykisk smärta, sociala påtryckningar från närstående eller arbetsgivare, samt olika typer avThis thesis concerns involuntary social treatment for alcoholism. Alcoholics who were compulsorily committed according to the Swedish Act of Care of Addicts in Certain Cases (LVM) were treated together with voluntary patients. They were followed up by mail questionnaires to patients, significant others and social workers. Self-reports were in satsifactory agreement with collateral reports concerni

Organizational creativity and psychological well-being : Contextual aspects on organizational creativity and psychological well-being from an open systems perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Organisationskreativitet och psykologiskt v älbefinnande. I den föreliggande avhandling föreslås det att hur kreativitet och innovation uttrycks i organisationen är kontextberoende. Att kreativitet och innovation kan bidra till en ekonomisk tillväxt är allmänt känt. I denna avhandling föreslås det att kreativtet och innovation också kan leda till ett bättre psykologisktOrganizational creativity and psychological well-being. Present day organizations in a globalized society are experiencing external challenges and changes more than ever before and in order to adapt and react to these changes creativity and innovation are seen as some of the most important means. The standpoint in this thesis is that all employees have creative potential, and how the creative pote

Synthesis and Photophysics of One Mononuclear Mn(III) and One Dinuclear Mn(III,III) Complex Covalently Linked to a Ruthenium(II) Tris(bipyridyl) Complex

The preparation of donor (D)-photosensitizer (S) arrays, consisting of a manganese complex as D and a ruthenium tris(bipyridyl) complex as S has been pursued. Two new ruthenium complexes containing coordinating sites for one (2a) and two manganese ions (3a) were prepared in order to provide models for the donor side of photosystem II in green plants. The manganese coordinating site consists of bri

The creative world of middle childhood : Creativity, imagination, and self-image from qualitative and quantitative perspectives

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inledning Kreativitet kan definieras på många olika sätt. I denna avhandling definieras kreativitet som ”ett generativt eller produktivt nytt sätt att uppleva verkligheten och sig själv på”, vilket är en något modifierad version av Smith och Carlssons (1990) kreativitetsdefinition. Det produktiva sättet att se på verkligheten uppkommer just av att man kan rekonstruera Four studies on creativity, imagination and self-image in 10-year-old children constitute the basis of this dissertation. A total of 179 participants were involved. Study I investigated two new creativity measurements comprising The Drawing Task, which had its starting-point in a brief story, and The Activity Questionnaire, which included questions about the children’s spare time activities. The h

LTE Over Copper - Potential and Limitations

The densification of mobile networks in order to meet increased capacity demands is ongoing, needed and costly. A few papers have been published based on the insight that the fixed broadband networks offer a multitude of sites, for instance our homes, for potential small cell deployment providing backhaul capacity and power without site costs. However, in order to reach economical large-scale bene

Gränser som förenar – ett grundmotiv i postjugoslavisk film

Texten tar upp gränsmotivet i jugoslavisk film, framför allt genom att lyfta fram två filmer, Innan regnet faller (Pred Dozhdot, Mancevski, 1994) och Ingenmansland (Nicija zemlja, Tanovic, 2001). Dessutom diskuteras begrepp som jugoslavisk och postjugoslavisk film.