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Simulated mechanisms of soil N feedback on the forest CO2 response

An improved understanding of the response of forest ecosystems to elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is crucial because atmospheric CO2 concentration continues to increase at an accelerating rate and forests are an important sink in the global carbon cycle. Several CO2-enrichment experiments have now been running for more than 10 years, with highly variable short-term results after the first

If I were a Drongo bird: tankar om längtan, fantasi och skaparkraft tillägnade Håkan Lundström

Förutom att vara en uppskattning av Håkan Lundström är detta en bok av intresse för alla som funderar i konstnärliga termer och framför allt i en akademisk miljö. Boken består av en mosaik av idéer om allt möjligtsom ryms under det konstnärliga idéparaplyet och som har något slags anknytning till festföremålet. Utgångspunkten är drongo-fågeln som är en metafor för längtan i kammudiktningen, som haApart from appealing to those who know and appreciate Håkan, this book is likely to interest the artistically inclined, particularly those in an academic environment. It is a mosaic of texts, more than a mere memorial, that allows us to accompany Håkan on a journey to many of the places contained under the artistic umbrella, especially those which happen to have a more intimate connection with our

Free will and the human act in seventeenth century Eastern Orthodox theology

This article analyses the doctrine of free will (autexousion) in the confessions of St. Peter Mogila and Dositheos II Notaras of Jerusalem. Free will is a central concept in Eastern Christian anthropology and these two monuments of theology represent how the understanding of the concept of free will developed in Eastern Orthodox theology in the context of the confrontation with Western theologies

Investigating the development of creativity : The Sahlin hypothesis

How should the development of creativity be approached? Many accounts of children’s creativity focus on the relation between creativity and pretend play, placing make-believe and the mental exploration of possible scenarios about the world at the fore. Often divergent thinking and story-telling are used to measure creativity with fluency, originality, and flexibility as indicators. I will argue th

Evolutionary dynamics of migration and breeding in wild birds: genetic architecture, sexual conflicts and evolutionary constraints

Popular Abstract in Swedish När vi ser oss omkring i naturen är det lätt att överväldigas av den otroliga variationen i olika former, färger och mönster som förekommer. Var kommer all denna variation ifrån? Samma fråga ställde sig Charles Darwin för mer än 150 år sedan – svaret publicerade han 1859 i sin bok ”Om arternas uppkomst”. Evolution är den process som genom selektion gynnar vissa egenskapOur knowledge of the evolutionary potential of traits involved in different selective episodes, especially in natural populations, is still limited. This is true for questions such as the genetic basis and inheritance of traits, how natural and sexual selection acts on them, and how selective conflicts influence the evolutionary response to selection. In my thesis, I investigate these questions, u

Protein Interactions: Electrostatics and Ligand Binding

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteiner I varje cell i kroppen finns en kopia av vårt DNA. DNA är uppdelat i en massa gener som vart och ett innehåller en karta för uppbyggnaden av ett protein. Dessa proteiner kontrollerar nästan alla aspekter av det vi kallar liv. De transporterar syre, bygger upp vävnad, extraherar energi ur den föda vi stoppar i oss och bygger upp alla molekyler som behövs för våThis thesis deals with Ca2+ binding to proteins, electrostatic interactions in and between proteins as well as inter- and intramolecular interactions. A computer program was developed to determine Ca2+ binding constants from experimental titration data of proteins. We further studied the effect of deamidation in the Ca2+ binding site of Calbindin D9k on the Ca2+ binding and cooperativity and concl