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Recurrent studies of chloride ingress in uncracked marine concrete at various exposure times and - elevations

Uncracked reinforced concrete slabs were field exposed mounted on a floating pontoon and partly submerged for 5 years at the Swedish west coast. The total chloride ingress was analysed at various exposure times at 3 elevations representing a submerged, a splash, and an atmospheric exposure zone. The concrete mixtures varied in w/c ratio, type of cement, and amount and type of pozzolan used in the

Time-gated imaging in planar and tomographic x-ray imaging

Time-gated imaging is a new technique for scatter suppression in radiological imaging, based on the use of ultrashort x-ray pulses in combination with a fast gatable detector. We demonstrate scatter suppression in both planar and computed tomography (CT) radiography in an experimental model using x rays from a laser-produced plasma. The scatter-suppression efficiency of time-gated imaging is found

Falska läkemedel växande och underskattat hälsohot

Miljardmarknad med dödliga konsekvenser. Falska mediciner är ett nästan okänt hälsohot för svensk allmänhet, trots att de dyker upp bland läkemedel som köps på internet. Andelen svenskar som handlar mediciner på nätet ökar. Nu krävs tydlig och återkommande information om farorna med förfalskningar, skriver Susanne Lundin.

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Abstract in Danish Blandt geografer huskes Gudmund Hatt nok især som professoren, der efter besættelsen blev afskediget for „uværdig national optræden“. Det skyldtes ikke mindst de „tyskvenlige“ geopolitiske analyser, han som en del af samarbejdspolitikken udfoldede i radioen og i det Berlingske Blade. Nogle vil måske også huske Hatt for de lidet flatterende racistiske passager i Jorden og Mennesk

Plasma alkylresorcinols C17:0/C21:0 ratio, a biomarker of relative whole-grain rye intake, is associated to insulin sensitivity: a randomized study.

Background/Objectives:Few studies have used biomarkers of whole-grain intake to study its relation to glucose metabolism. We aimed to investigate the association between plasma alkylresorcinols (AR), a biomarker of whole-grain rye and wheat intake, and glucose metabolism in individuals with metabolic syndrome (MetS).Subjects/Methods:Participants were 30-65 years of age, with body mass index 27-40

Maternal drug use during pregnancy and asthma risk among children.

Maternal use of some drugs, notably paracetamol and drugs for gastroesophageal reflux, has been associated with an increased risk of childhood asthma in the child. We wanted to analyze these associations with consideration to the confounding of maternal asthma.

Tracing Changes in the Microbial Community of a Hydrocarbon-Polluted Soil by Culture-Dependent Proteomics

Hydrocarbon contamination may affect the soil microbial community, in terms of both diversity and function. A laboratory experiment was set-up, with a semi-arid control soil and the same soil but artificially contaminated with diesel oil, to follow changes in the dominant species of the microbial community in the hydrocarbon-polluted soil via proteomics. Analysis of the proteins extracted from enr