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A comparison of technologies for carbon neutral passenger transport

In this study, the use of energy carriers based on renewable energy sources in battery-powered electric vehicles (BPEVs), fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) is compared regarding energy efficiency, emission and cost. There is the potential to double the primary energy compared with the current level by utilising vehi

Statically checked documentation with design patterns

Over the past years, along with the increase in popularity of design patterns, some problems with the use of design patterns have been identified. The so-called tracing problem describes the difficulty in documenting software systems using design patterns. Initial approaches to solving the tracing problem have focused on guidelines for documenting design pattern roles and rules within a system, bu

Antennas and Propagation for the Ear-to-Ear Propagation Channel for Binaural Hearing Aids

We have investigated the possibility of using the 2.45 GHz ISM band for communication between binaural hearing aids. The preliminary investigations were done by FDTD simulations on a modified SAM phantom head, where we have included a simple model of the ear canal. Two different types of hearing aid placements have been investigated: in the outer ear and in the ear canal. Antennas which have been

Hur ser pilgrimens värld ut? En sociologisk analys av Hans-Erik Lindströms pilgrimsteologi

This article analyses and discusses the world view and the theology of Hans-Erik Lindström, author of several pilgrimage books and the founder of the Pilgrim’s Centre in Vadstena. Lindström’s pilgrimage theology is based upon seven keywords: slowness, freedom, simplicity, silence, light-heartedness, sharing and spirituality. These are assumed to be the pilgrim’s longings that can not be found in t

Rock art, trade routes, and languages in prehistoric Amazonia: Exploring correlations through GIS

The aim of this paper is to investigate how Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping of materialized aspects of human culture in pre-conquest Amazonia can increase our understanding of the distribution of indigenous languages and ethno-linguistic entities. The main objective of the project is to build a GIS database for correlating geography, linguistics, material culture (e.g., ceramic style

Feature Informativeness, Curse-of-Dimensionality and Error Probability in Discriminant Analysis

This thesis is based on four papers on high-dimensional discriminant analysis. Throughout, the curse-of-dimensionality effect on the precision of the discrimination performance is emphasized. A growing dimension asymptotic approach is used for assessing this effect and the limiting error probability are taken as the performance criteria. A combined effect of a high dimensionality and feature infor

A Method for the Not-Yet-Seen and the Becoming-coming: Thinking focus group with Deleuze

Often, the research process is hidden under the dominant product, making all decisions, from the research question to the chosen method and theory, seem obvious in retrospect. Consequently, this paper has two tightly intertwined aims: to elucidate the research process of the study on which it is based; and to explore and discuss what this process temporally produced, namely, a focus group intervie

The American Way? Återvändande emigranter i skånsk lokalpolitik under 1920-talet

Forskningen om den svenska utvandringen till Amerika har periodvis varit ett hett ämne inom historieforskningen i Sverige. Mycket av den forskning som är gjord har dock fokuserat på varför människor lämnade Sverige och vad som hände dem i Amerika. Väldigt få har behandlat de cirka tjugo procent som återvände till Sverige. I mitt avhandlingsarbete undersöker jag cirka 1500 återvändande amerikaemigr