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The uses of scandal: Nils Rudolf Munck af Rosenschöld, and the radical democratic tradition in Sweden

This article analyses the events in Lund in 1852 and 1853 when the radical newspaper Fäderneslandet was started. The editor Nils Rudolf Munck af Rosenschöld represented an in many ways typical nineteenth century radicalism where the roots of society's evils primarily were political. His views on Swedish history, justice and the law, and sexual morals are in particular focus. It is argued that Nils

Preliminary Results of Combining Thread-Level Speculation and Just-in-Time Compilation in Google’s V8

We present the first implementation of Thread-Level Speculation in combination with Just-in-time compilation. The implementation is done in Google’s V8, a well-known JavaScript engine, and evaluated on 15 popular web application executing on 2, 4, and 8 core computers. Our results show an average speedup of 2.9 on 4 cores, without any JavaScript code modifications. Further, we have found that the

Herschel's "Cold Debris Disks": Background Galaxies or Quiescent Rims of Planetary Systems?

Infrared excesses associated with debris disk host stars detected so far peak at wavelengths around ~100 μm or shorter. However, 6 out of 31 excess sources studied in the Herschel Open Time Key Programme, DUNES, have been seen to show significant—and in some cases extended—excess emission at 160 μm, which is larger than the 100 μm excess. This excess emission has been attributed to circumstellar d

Marx and the Moral Depreciation of Technology.

For Marx, technologies are either tools or machines and both are physical things. He was interested in the study of their intrinsic labor value in the capitalist production process. He recognizes that the life of a machine depends first on two physical factors: 1) erosion by use and 2) corrosion by abandonment: However, Marx recognizes also a third “moral” factor that depreciates the productivity

International Geological Correlation Programme. Project 591 "The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution". Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting : Lund, Sweden, 9–19 June 2013

The abstracts within this volume were presented at the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting, which was held in Lund, Sweden, in June 2013. This meeting was co-arranged with the International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy (ISCS), the International Subcommission on Ordovician Stratigraphy (ISOS) and the International Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy (ISSS). The formal theme of the meeting was

The befenits of parallel multibody simulation and its application to vehicle dynamics

In summer 1987 most of the multibody dynamics community met at the JPL, Pasadena, to discuss the needs and the open problems in multibody system simulation, especially for space applications. P. W. Likins stated in his survey [16]: “Computational questions focused initially on the selection of subroutines for numerical integration, matrix inversion, or eigensystem analysis,and lately have shifted

Edge-wear analysis in Archaeology. The current state of research

The analytical method by which macroscopic and above all microscopic traces of wear are studied, in order to reach conclusions about how flint tools were employed, has been applied with varying success in western archaeology since the 1960s. Two main approaches can be distinguished, where each approach examines somewhat different wear traces using different microscopic equipment. The scanning elec

Measuring progress towards a ‘Green Energy Economy’: Who is really winning the race?

This paper provides the first regional econometric decomposition of CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in eight regions of the world. Using the best publically-available time series data (1971–2011), the analysis examines the key determinants and relationships of the ‘Green Energy Economy’ (GEE) in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Non-OECD Europe and countries from t

Antidepressant drug effects in vivo: Focus on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic responses in different experimental paradigms

Popular Abstract in Swedish Leverencefalopati (LE) är ett neuropsykiatriskt sjukdomstillstånd som kan ses i samband med en försämrad leverfunktion. Den bakomliggande orsaken till LE är ofta levercirrhos (skrumplever) p.g.a. alkoholmissbruk, men andra orsaker såsom kronisk hepatit, kirurgi, och olika gifter kan också ligga bakom detta. Vid levercirrhos försämras leverns blodflöde p.g.a. en ökad kärPharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic activities of the antidepressants venlafaxine (VEN) and citalopram (CIT) were investigated in the portacaval shunted (PCS) rat, a model of chronic hepatic encephalopathy (HE), and normal/control rats. The levels of VEN in serum and brain were higher in PCS rats than in controls after a single injection and chronic treatment with VEN (10 mg/kg). After reducing th