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Your search for "*" yielded 531636 hits

Temperature-controlled structural alterations of an RNA thermometer

Thermoresponsive structures in the 5'-untranslated region of mRNA are known to control translation of heat shock and virulence genes. Expression of many rhizobial heat shock genes is regulated by a conserved sequence element called ROSE for repression of heat shock gene expression. This cis-acting, untranslated mRNA is thought to prevent ribosome access at low temperature through an extended secon

Towards systematic and objective evaluation of police officer performance in stressful situations

To ensure a continuous high standard of police units, it is critical to recruit people who perform well in stressful situations. Today, this selection process includes performing a large series of tests, which still may not objectively reveal a person’s capacity to handle a life-threatening situation when subjected to high levels of stress. To obtain more systematic and objective data, 12 police o

Glutamate decarboxylase-, insulin-, and islet cell-antibodies and HLA typing to detect diabetes in a general population-based study of Swedish children

Most autoimmune diabetes occurs in those without a diabetic relative, but few cases are identifiable prospectively. To model general population prediction, 491 consecutive newly diabetic children from all of Sweden were tested for autoantibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65ab), insulin (IAA), and islet cells (ICA), and for HLA-DQ genotypes by PCR; 415 matched control children were tested in p

Polyaromatic perfluorophenylsulfonic acids with high radical resistance and proton conductivity

We report on the straightforward metal-free synthesis of poly(p-terphenyl perfluorophenylsulfonic acid)s by efficient superacid catalyzed Friedel–Crafts polycondensations of commercially available perfluoroacetophenone and p-terphenyl, followed by sulfonation of the pendant pentafluorophenyl groups via a selective and quantitative thiolation-oxidation procedure. The stiff and well-defined polymer

Stanna eller gå? SwAge-modellen = hållbart arbetsliv för alla åldrar

Delegationen för senior arbetskraft har i uppdrag att verka för ett mer inkluderande och åldersoberoende synsätt i arbetslivet. Delegationen ska sammanställa och sprida kunskap om forskning om äldres möjligheter och även föreslå åtgärder som motverkar åldersdiskriminering för att bättre tillvarata senior erfarenhet. Som en viktig del av arbetet med uppdraget har delegationen valt att ta fram en se

The association of body mass index, weight gain and central obesity with activity-related breathlessness : The Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage Study

Introduction: Breathlessness is common in the population, especially in women and associated with adverse health outcomes. Obesity (body mass index (BMI) >30 kg/m2) is rapidly increasing globally and its impact on breathlessness is unclear. Methods: This population-based study aimed primarily to evaluate the association of current BMI and self-reported change in BMI since age 20 with breathlessnes

Thermal Assessment of an ERS for Static Charging of Electric Vehicles

A charging infrastructure of electric vehicles is important in order to make the transition from fossil fuels to electricity. There are multiple charging methods, one of which is to use an Electric Road System (ERS)as a static charger. The connection between an ERS and a vehicle is automatic and gives an advantage over other systems which require a human to connect a plug. The focus of the study p

Using Multi-Agent Transport Simulations to Assess the Impact of EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment

Over the last two decades, electrification has gained importance as a means to decarbonise the transport sector. As the number of Electric Vehicles (EVs)increases, it is important to consider broader system aspects as well, especially when deciding the type, coverage, size and location of the charging infrastructure required. In this article, a Multi-Agent model depicting long distance transport i

Species limits in butterflies (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae): reconciling classical taxonomy with the multispecies coalescent

Species delimitation is at the core of biological sciences. During the last decade, molecular-based approaches have advanced the field by providing additional sources of evidence to classical, morphology-based taxonomy. However, taxonomy has not yet fully embraced molecular species delimitation beyond threshold-based, single-gene approaches, and taxonomic knowledge is not commonly integrated into

A prospective analysis of antibodies reacting with pancreatic islet cells in insulin-dependent diabetic children

Islet cell cytoplasmic and cell surface antibodies along with other autogenic tissue antibodies were determined prospectively from the day of diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes in a group of children and adolescents. Prior to the initiation of insulin therapy 30 out of 33 were antibody-positive, 67% having islet cytoplasmic antibodies and 67% islet cell surface antibodies. Among 74 age- and s

2019 updated consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric pulmonary hypertension : The European Pediatric Pulmonary Vascular Disease Network (EPPVDN), endorsed by AEPC, ESPR and ISHLT

The European Pediatric Pulmonary Vascular Disease Network is a registered, non-profit organization that strives to define and develop effective, innovative diagnostic methods and treatment options in all forms of pediatric pulmonary hypertensive vascular disease, including pulmonary hypertension (PH) associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, PH associated with congenital heart disease (CHD), per

Functions of Pericytes in Ischemic Stroke

Ischemic stroke remains one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide, and its burden is predicted to further increase due to the aging population. The only available treatments, thrombolysis or thrombectomy, can only be applied within a limited time window after stroke onset, and thus are applicable only to a small proportion of stroke patients. Therefore, there is an increasing nee

Cell size control – a mechanism for maintaining fitness and function

The maintenance of cell size homeostasis has been studied for years in different cellular systems. With the focus on ‘what regulates cell size’, the question ‘why cell size needs to be maintained’ has been largely overlooked. Recent evidence indicates that animal cells exhibit nonlinear cell size dependent growth rates and mitochondrial metabolism, which are maximal in intermediate sized cells wit