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Regular column on theatre in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).
Regular column on theatre in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).
Popular Abstract in Swedish Idag baserat på konceptet grön kemi - börjar man att utveckla nya miljövänliga processer i produktionen av kemikalier, genom att använda förnyelsebara råvaror och minska giftigt avfall. I denna avhandling används enzymer för att bilda kemikalier som en del i utvecklingen av nya miljöprocesser. Enzymer är proteiner som påskyndar (katalyserar) kemiska reaktioner för olikaThe constant need to develop environmental friendly processes using renewable raw materials and to reduce harmful waste production motivates the present investigation focusing on biocatalyst development for enzymatic synthesis, a biotechnological approach in the field of green chemistry. At first, structural functional experiments were made for a β-glucosidase from T. neapolitana (TnBgl3B). As a
The inclusion of triphenyl bismuth (TPB) as an alternative radiopacifier in bone cements with good tensile properties was reported. Using Servohydraulic Testing Machine in accordance with ISO 5833 standard using cylindrical specimens where the ratio of the length to the diameter is 2:1, the compression testing was performed. It was observed that the addition of TPB does not degrade the flexural or
Objectives: To analyse and present the outcome of longitudinal change and possible subgroups with respect to Activities of daily living (ADL) function measured by different scales (PSMS, FAST and IADL) in patients treated with donepezil for three years (n=435). Methods: The Swedish Alzheimer Treatment Study (SATS) is an open, 3-year, multicentre study in a routine clinical setting. The patients we
This paper discusses class-related issues in the popular television programme Th L-Word.
In this article, I ask if Deutero-Isaiah, by adapting earlier forms of psalms, also in some way might have preserved or reshaped the contents of earlier psalms, and suggests that two basic notions of use could be observed. While complaint psalms provided means for a message of hope, royal psalms were collectively reinterpretated, and re-oriented towards the future.
Antikfilm förknippas oftast med storslagna Hollywoodproduktioner, men antika motiv och händelser var även föremål för en lång rad b-filmer producerade i Italien från slutet av 1950-talet. Denna artikel diskuterar denna brokiga skara av mestadels förbisedda filmer. Hur förhöll sig dessa ”B-filmer” till den antika historien och vilken bild av antiken var det som nådde publiken när budget, ambition l