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Energieffektivitet av ett gammalt tegelhus

Much attention has been put on making new buildings have a "low energy" standard, but old buildings also need to become more energy efficient. In this paper, the emphasis has been put on trying to insulate the house so much that it complies with BBR's requirements. The house chosen is a house that is almost entirely constructed of brick. Exterior walls consist of double brick with an

Upphandling av animaliska livsmedel – Djurskydd i offentlig upphandling

Upphandlingsreglerna i Sverige vilar på en komplicerad normbakgrund bestående av Lissabonfördraget, EU:s upphandlingsdirektiv och LOU. Livsmedelsupphandlingar har i upphandlingsutredningen (SOU 2011:71) identifierats som ett särskilt problemområde och det råder en stor osäkerhet om vilka krav som är tillåtna att ställa. En stor andel livsmedelsupphandlingar har blivit överprövade och många livsmeThe procurement rules in Sweden rests on a complex standard background consisting of the Lisbon Treaty, EU procurement directives and the Swedish procurement law LOU. Food procurements have in the public procurement report (SOU 2011:71) been identified as a particular problem area and there is a great insecurity of what demands that are allowed to be set. A great number of food procurements has b