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Studies on hereditary C2 deficiency: Frequent occurrence of severe infections, atherosclerosis and rheumatological manifestations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Komplementsystemet utgör en del av den medfödda immuniteten och är viktigt i försvaret mot angripande mikroorganismer. Ärftlig C2-brist (C2D) är en av de vanligaste bristerna inom komplementsystemet och förekommer i en frekvens av 1: 20 000 hos personer med västerländsk härstamning. I de aktuella undersökningarna har mer än 40 personer med C2D identifierats och observerThe complement system is a part of the innate immunity and is essential in the defence against microorganisms. Hereditary C2 deficiency (C2D) is one of the most common complement deficiency states with an estimated prevalence of 1:20,000 in persons of Western descent. In the present investigation, the identification of more than 40 C2D persons at a single centre combined with long observation peri

Strategies for the transition to breeding in time-selected migration

In time-selected migration birds adapt their fuel deposition and flight behaviour to maximise sustained migration speed. What are the expectations for the final part of spring migration when the transition to breeding takes place and the criterion of a maximum total migration speed is no longer relevant? Two possible strategies representing different ends of the capital – income spectrum are evalu

Enhanced and prolonged efficacy of superantigen-induced cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity by interleukin-2 in vivo

The bacterial superantigen, staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) activates T cells with high frequency and directs them to lyse MHC-class-II-expressing cells in superantigen-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (SDCC). Treatment of mice with SEA induced strong CD8+ T-cell(CTL)-mediated SDCC, as well as abundant cytokine production from CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. However, both cytotoxicity and cytokine r

Reliability based design of fire exposed timber structures : state of art and summary design guide

The following presentation is primarily intended to stimulate and facilitate a future development towards an improved situation for a reliability based structural fire engineering design of timber structures. The state of the art is reviewed and a structure of a design guide or a model code is outlined. The document is written in a partially operational manner, allowing practical application for s

Image solution for clamped finite beams

An image solution for the forced response of a clamped finite beam is developed. The finite beam is replaced by an infinite beam under spatially periodic excitation and periodic support reactions. The response is then found by a Fourier transform approach, making use of the periodicity. An explicit expression is found, using the Poisson sum formula. The aim is to describe the potential of using th

Different protein A immunosorbents may have different binding specificity for rat immunoglobulins

Purified polyclonal immunoglobulin preparations representing the 4 rat IgG subclasses were tested for binding to Staphylococcus aureus protein A attached to 3 different solid phases (Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I bacteria, Sepharose CL4B and Sepharose 6MB). Protein A Sepharose CL4B showed higher reactivity with IgG1 and IgG2b than the staphylococci, whereas protein A Sepharose 6MB showed a lower u

Experimental models to study microcirculatory dysfunction in muscle ischemia-reperfusion and osteomyocutaneous flap transfer

Background. During the past decade, experimental studies have provided convincing evidence that microcirculatory dysfunction plays a pivotal role in the manifestation of tissue injury in ischemia-reperfusion and osteomyocutaneous flap transfer. The study of the mechanisms of injury, however, requires sophisticated experimental in vivo models. With the use of microsurgical techniques, osteomyocutan

A Comparison of Ungerboeck and Forney Models for Reduced-Complexity ISI Equalization

This paper investigates the performance of reduced-state trellis-based intersymbol interference equalizers, which are based on the so-called Ungerboeck and Forney observation models. Although the two models are equivalent when an optimum equalizer is employed, their performances differ significantly when using reduced-complexity methods. It is demonstrated that practical equalizers operating on th

Improved nutrient removal using in situ continuous on-line sensors with short response time

Nutrient sensors that can be located directly in the activated sludge processes are gaining in number at wastewater treatment plants. The in situ location of the sensors means that they can be located close to the processes that they aim to control and hence are perfectly suited for automatic process control. Compared to the location of automatic analysers in the effluent from the sedimentation re

Effects of L-alanyl-L-glutamine dipeptide administration during 35 days of postnatal life on intestinal mucosa, bone properties, and performance of piglets in their early post-weaning period

The experiment was performed on piglets, divided into control and experimental groups The experimental group received orally, from the birth to the 35(th) d of life, 0.4 g/kg b.w./d of L-alanyl-L-glutamine dipeptide (Ala-Gln). One week after weaning the piglets were killed and the small intestine and bones were sampled for histological analyses. Measurements of bone physical and geometric properti

Theoretical study of water adsorption on the Ge(100) surface

We present first-principles density-functional calculations for the adsorption of water on the Ge(100) surface. The dissociation of water molecules into OH and H species is energetically favored over the molecular adsorption, where O forms a bond to the down atom of the Ge dimer, similar to the case of Si(100). However, on Ge(100) the energy barrier for water dissociation is calculated to be simil

Meniscal Tear - A Feature of Osteoarthritis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Artros (ledsvikt) är en vanligt förekommande ledsjukdom, som ofta leder till nedbrytning av ledbrosk och förändring i ledstrukturen i övrigt. Sjukdomen kan medföra symptom som smärta, svullnad och stelhet, vilket leder till nedsatt ledfunktion. I Sverige utförs det per år ca 15000 protesoperationer (utbyte till konstgjord led) p.g.a. artros. Tidigare studier har visat aMeniscectomy is recognized as an important risk factor for the development of knee osteoarthritis (OA), a disease that traditionally has been considered as a simple "wear and tear" phenomenon. However, despite numerous reports, little evidence has been presented that a limited meniscal resection, compared with a more extensive resection, reduces the risk of OA by preserving meniscal function. Why?

Derivation of the supersymmetric Harish-Chandra integral for UOSp(k(1)/2k(2))

The previous supersymmetric generalization of the unitary Harish-Chandra integral prompted the conjecture that the Harish-Chandra formula should have an extension to superspaces. We prove this conjecture for the unitary orthosymplectic supermanifold UOSp(k(1)/2k(2)). To this end, we construct and solve an eigenvalue equation.

Zigenarfrågan : Intervention och romantik

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns två etablerade sätt att beskriva zigenarnas historia i Sverige. Historien talar antingen om hur illa myndigheterna burit sig åt mot zigenare, eller så berättar historien om zigenarnas självvalda isolering. Gemensamt för beskrivningarna är påståendet att zigenare alltid varit desamma och uppvisar ett likartat levnadssätt genom historien. I denna avhandling studThis thesis analyses Swedish gypsy policy between 1880 and 1970, as part of a larger sociopolitical project undertaken by the Swedish authorities to promote social order and stability. During this period, the treatment of marginalized groups was shaped by the same visions and objectives as for the population as a whole. Gypsies in Sweden have been subject to the same regulations for as other poor

Modeling and Performance of Gas Turbine Cycles with Various Means of Blade Cooling

A method for simulating the cooled gas turbine is demonstrated. Based on equations and other knowledge found in the literature, a first-law thermodynamic, non-dimensional model is established and implemented in the equation-solving, programmable software IPSEpro. Increasing the water vapor or carbon dioxide contents of the gas turbine hot gas is found not to have an impact on the Stanton number,

Road profile statistics relevant for vehicle fatigue

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ojämnheter i vägen orsakar påkänningar i åkande fordon. För fordonstillverkare är det intressant att veta egenskaperna hos dessa vägojämnheter. Det är lämpligt att använda statistiska metoder för att analysera mätningar av vägytor/vägprofiler, dels eftersom mätningarna ger stora mängder data och dels eftersom vägytor har ett slumpmässigt beteende (från en 100 meter långRoad profiles are studied from a vehicle fatigue point of view. A wide range of roads have been measured: from smooth motorways to very rough gravel roads. It is observed that the road profiles consist of irregular sections, which makes the stationary Gaussian model unsuitable (Paper A). In Paper B, a method for automatic identification of such irregularities is presented. It is verified that the