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Influence of temperature, particle size and humidity on the gypsum dehydration process. Investigations in a Cahn-thermobalance
The aim of the present work was to compare natural and chemical gypsums with respect to dehydration rate and to investigate the influence of air temperature, particle size and air humidity. No difference in calcination rate could be observed between natural and FGD-gypsum. However the small samples did not permit tests of setting times or simulation of the mixer behaviour. The calcination rate was
Test-retest variability in glaucomatous visual fields
Asymmetric optokinetic after-nystagmus induced by active or passive sustained head rotations
Asymmetric vestibular function affects optokinetic after-nystagmus (OKAN) in man, but little is known about the involvement of cervical proprioception in the visual-vestibular interaction reflected as OKAN. We studied the effect of asymmetric cervical proprioception induced by active maximal, or passive 70 degrees sustained horizontal head rotations on OKAN in 16 healthy subjects. We evoked optoki
Deuterium NMR study of slow relaxation dynamics in a polymerlike micelles system after flow-induced orientation
We present a first time-resolved deuterium NMR study on wormlike micelles under shear. For the investigation, a micellar system made of soybean phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), D2O, and cyclohexane was studied in the concentrated regime, in the vicinity of the isotropic/nematic transition but positioned in the equilibrium isotropic phase. The D2O dispersed in the micellar core was used as a probe t
Methods for Control of Liquid Slosh
Horizontal movement of liquid containers is a common operation in an industrial packaging machine. During the movement the acceleration of the container induces motion of the liquid within the container, this is referred to as liquid slosh or liquid vibration. If there is too much slosh the liquid might wet the sealing surfaces of the container and even contaminate the machine. There is no measure
DYMOLA - A Structured Model Language for Large Continuous Systems
Dietary habits after myocardial infarction - results from a cross-sectional study.
Objective. Comparing habitual nutrient intakes in persons with a history of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and age-matched controls. Design. Cross-sectional study. Subjects. Men and women (525 cases and 1890 matched controls), aged 47-73 years, of the population-based Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort. Methods. Nutrient intakes were assessed by a validated modified diet history method. Body fatn
Institutions, Events and Theory, A Comparison af the Monetary Policy Shifts of 1844/45 in England and Sweden
The CACE project -- Steering Committee Meeting 1989-09-08
Lower active force generation and improved fatigue resistance in skeletal muscle from desmin deficient mice.
The mechanical effects of the intermediate filament protein desmin was examined in desmin deficient mice (Des-/-) and their wild type control (Des+/+). Active force generation was determined in intact soleus muscles and in skinned single fibres from soleus and psoas. A decreased force generation of skinned muscle fibres from Des-/- mice and a tendency towards decreased active force in intact soleu
Superimposed electrical stimulation - Assessment of voluntary activation and perceived discomfort in healthy, moderately active older and younger women and men
Objective: An inability of the nervous system to fully activate the muscle is one factor that can contribute to age-related muscle weakness. Superimposed electrical stimulation can be used to determine voluntary muscle activation (VA). The aim of this study was to assess VA of the quadriceps muscle in healthy older and younger subjects. Design: Electrical stimulation causes moderate discomfort in
Electrochemical etch-stop technique for silicon membranes with p- and n-type regions and its application to neural sieve electrodes
In this study the field effects on electrochemic ally controlled silicon etching in KOH during three- and four-electrode pn etch-stop have been investigated. When a p-doped bulk area is surrounded by n-doped silicon and the n-doped silicon is electrochemic ally passivated, small lines of bulk silicon in between the n-doped silicon would not etch. The size of the bulk silicon that did not etch coul
The Internalization of External Effects in Swedish Transport Policy - A Comparison Between Road and Rail Traffic
Popular Abstract in Swedish De nu gällande trafikpolitiska principerna för kostnadsansvaret lades fast i 1988 års trafikpolitiska beslut (Regeringens proposition 1987/88:50 om trafikpolitiken inför 1990-talet). Utgångspunkten för kostnadsansvaret är trafikavgifter på samhällsekonomiska villkor med syfte att ge rätt beteendesignaler på transportområdet. Från denna utgångspunkt har kostnadsansvaret Transport is a key factor for economic growth. It has enabled both the economic scale of production and an increase in competition. No one can question this role of transportation. There is, however, a back-side to the coin: the environmental challenge. Present trends show that transportation is not compatible with sustainable development. The need to internalise the external effects from trans-po
Breast cancer is a truly heterogenous disease, reflected in the existence of a wide spectrum of phenotypic subsets of tumours with varying intrinsic aggressiveness as well as ability to respond to a given treatment. Recent advances in large-scale genomic and proteomic screening techniques have confirmed this heterogeneity also at a molecular level, but there is still a bottleneck to be overcome be
Action spectrum for inhibition by ultraviolet-radiation of photosystem-II activities in spinach thylakoids
The effect of UV radiation (half-band width 10 nm) in the wavelength range 248-340 nm on chlorophyll fluorescence from a thin layer of spinach thylakoid suspension was investigated. The parameter most sensitive to UV radiation was the rise time of variable fluorescence. The increase in rise time was proportional to UV photon fluence and was used for the determination of an action spectrum. The act
The Pd(100)-(root 5 x root 5)R27 degrees-O surface oxide revisited
Combining high-resolution core-level spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy and density-functional theory calculations we reanalyze the Pd(100)-(root5 x root5)R27degrees-O surface oxide phase. We find that the prevalent structural model, a rumpled PdO(001) film suggested by previous low energy electron diffraction (LEED) work [Surf. Sci. 494 (2001) L799], is incompatible with all three employ
Inför ett nationellt diabetesincidensregister! Socialstyrelserapport visar på sjukdomens betydelse för folkhälsan
Beaming effect of optical near-field in multiple metallic slits with nanometric linewidth and micrometer pitch
The beaming effect and interference patterns on the exit surface of multiple nano metallic slits with micrometer pitch were observed by scanning near-field optical microscopy. The near-field light intensity for multiple slits had a longer propagation tail and a smaller diverging angle as compared to that in a single slit. From finite-difference time-domain calculations, we verify that these fringe