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Visibility of microcalcification clusters and masses in breast tomosynthesis image volumes and digital mammography: A 4AFC human observer study.
Purpose: To investigate the visibility of simulated lesions in digital breast tomosynthesis (BT) image volumes compared with 2D digital mammography (DM). Methods: Simulated lesions (masses and microcalcifications) were added to images of the same women acquired on a DM system (Mammomat Novation, Siemens) and a BT prototype. The same beam quality was used for the DM and BT acquisitions. The tota
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Tightly Coupled Positioning and Multipath Radio Channel Tracking
Radio based localization is an active research topic with a wide range of applications. In this paper, we focus on localization of a radio receiver equipped with an inertial measurement unit. The localization is performed while simultaneously constructing a map of the small scale fading pattern in the local radio environment. The map in our case is a ray-trace-based multipath channel model. This s
Individuella anställningsförhållanden i Sveriges nya internationella privaträtt - en översikt
The FAO Seed Treaty: sowing benefits
OP14.12: Outcome after active delivery before 30 gestational weeks of pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction and ARED flow.
Abstract is not available
Testicular prosthetic implants in boys and teenagers with primary or secondary anorchism.
From 1989 to 2005, 13 patients aged between 5 and 18 years had testicular prostheses implanted at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden. The most common indication for surgery was aplastic or vanishing testes. In 13 patients and 19 operations 7 unilateral and 12 bilateral testicular prostheses were implanted. Each prosthesis was implanted through
On computing logarithms over GF(2p)
In this paper we present a new, heuristic method for computing logarithms over GF(2P). When 2P-1 is a Mersenne prime
Occupational health epidemiology in the Nordic countries – status and trends
This overview aims to give an indication of the current status and trends in occupational health epidemiology in the Nordic countries. As indicated by recent biometric reviews, Nordic countries currently rank among the top five globally in terms of research output on the work environment. However, birth-cohort effects and rapid change in institutions and funding may seriously jeopardize this posit
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Impact of MDCT with intravenous contrast on the survival in patients with acute superior mesenteric artery occlusion.
Acute thromboembolic occlusion in the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) is a condition with high mortality and morbidity. Multi-detector computerised tomography with intravenous contrast enhancement (MDCTiv) may improve diagnostic accuracy and survival. Patients with acute SMA occlusion were identified between 2004 and 2008 at Malmö University Hospital, Sweden. Medical records were analysed. Each M
Svar till Per Sonnerby och Björn Tyrefors. Konkurrens snarare upphov till problem
Demand Patterns and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade with Special Reference to North-South Trade
Abstract is not available
Prevalence of dementia subtypes: A 30-year retrospective survey of neuropathological reports.
We investigated the distribution of neuropathologically defined dementia subtypes among individuals with dementia disorder. The neuropathological reports were studied on all patients (n=524; 55.3% females; median age 80, range 39-102 years) with clinically diagnosed dementia disorder who underwent complete autopsy including neuropathological examination within the Department of Pathology at the Un
Powerful goodness-of-fit tests for the extreme value distribution
Exit of pediatric pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cells from the bone marrow to the peripheral blood is not associated with cell maturation or alterations in gene expression.
BACKGROUND: Childhood pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a bone marrow (BM) derived disease, which often disseminates out of the BM cavity, where malignant cells to a variable degree can be found circulating in the peripheral blood (PB). Normal pre-B cells are absolutely dependent on BM stroma for survival and differentiation. It is not known whether transformed pre-B ALL cells retain any
Perceived Unmet Rehabilitation Needs 1 Year After Stroke: An Observational Study From the Swedish Stroke Register.
Met care demands are key aspects in poststroke quality of care. This study aimed to identify baseline predictors and 12-month factors that were associated with perceived unmet rehabilitation needs 1 year poststroke.
High prevalence of defects in Cesarean section scars at transvaginal ultrasound examination.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the ability to correctly identify Cesarean section scars, to estimate the prevalence of defective scars, and to determine the size and location of scar defects by transvaginal ultrasound imaging. METHODS: Two hundred and eighty-seven women underwent transvaginal ultrasound examination 6-9 months after delivery: 108 had undergone one Cesarean section, 43 had had two Cesarea