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Your search for "*" yielded 530143 hits

Comparison of platelet immunity in patients with SLE and with ITP

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is characterized by the development of a specific anti-platelet autoantibody immune response mediating the development of thrombocytopenia. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the production of a wide variety of autoantibodies. In 15-20% of SLE cases, patients develop thrombocytopenia which appears to be autoimmune

Landscape changes over 30 years of intense economic activity in the upper Paraná River basin

In this study, we show the complexity associated with the recent land cover changes by elucidating the paths of 30 years of changes in the Upper Paraná River Basin (UPRB), a region severely impacted by agricultural activity, one of the areas with the highest density in the production of hydroelectricity, biofuels and food in the world. In this sense, a post-classification comparison approach based

Number marking in Nadëb

Abstract på spanskaUna de las fuentes más sólidas de nuevo conocimiento sobre las categorías tipológicas proviene de nuestro creciente entendimiento de las lenguas indígenas de América del Sur, una región que hasta hace poco ha estado significativamente subrepresentada en los estudios tipológicos. Este artículo ofrece un ejemplo a través de la investigación del número en nadëb, un miembro de la peOne of the most robust sources of fresh insights into typological categories comes from our growing knowledge of the indigenous languages of South America, a region that until recently has been significantly under-represented in typological studies. This paper offers a case in point through the investigation of number in Nadëb, a member of the small Naduhup family of the northwest Amazon, which re

An Approach to Justifying Normative Arguments in Sustainability Science, with Insights from the Philosophy of Science and Social Theory

In this paper, I put forward an argument that sustainability science can make objectively grounded normative claims about what courses of action society should pursue in order to achieve sustainability. From a survey of the philosophy of science, social theory and sustainability science literature, I put forward an approach to justifying these normative arguments. This approach builds on the insig

Worldwide impacts of atmospheric vapor pressure deficit on the interannual variability of terrestrial carbon sinks

Interannual variability of the terrestrial ecosystem carbon sink is substantially regulated by various environmental variables and highly dominates the interannual variation of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Thus, it is necessary to determine dominating factors affecting the interannual variability of the carbon sink to improve our capability of predicting future terrestrial carb

Post-fire forest management methods in Sweden: Societal perception and biological aspects

Skogsbränder - en biologisk gåva eller ett ekonomiskt nederlag? I samband med ett allt varmare klimat, inte minst på de nordliga delarna av jordklotet, ökar även antalet stora skogsbränder i våra svenska skogar. Detta är förödande, inte minst för de skogstokiga svenska folket, utan också för de många skogsägarna och den svenska ekonomin i helhet. På många sätt kan däremot skogsbränderna också sesWith an increasing global temperature, at rates twice as fast as the global average in the northern boreal forests, an increasing wildfire frequency is to be expected. Previous studies have shown that forest areas in Eurasia with high risk of wildfires today are expected to more than double in size in the following 30 years. This will have a great impact on the fire regime, biodiversity, economic

Migration in a landscape of fear - stopover ecology in European robins

Long-distance bird migrants face three main constraints: time, energy, and predation risk during migration. As a result, their migratory strategies may be altered. Since migratory birds spend most of their time refueling during migration, they are particularly vulnerable to predation risk at stopover sites. The trade-off between energy intake and predation risk is widely acknowledged. However, the

Generation of α-synuclein reporter iPSC lines using CRISPR/Cas9 for studies on Lysosomal Storage Disorders

Generation of cell model using stem cells and genome engineering to study lysosomal storage disorders Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are a group of approximately 70 diseases and many cause childhood neurodegeneration. There is no treatment for neurological symptoms of LSDs due the complexity of nervous system and lack of accurate study models. Stem cells are a promising tool to be used for st

Biologically informed neural network for subphenotype classification in septic AKI

Sepsis is a life threatening condition where the body’s reaction to an infection results in a dysregulated immune response - ultimately causing damage to tissues and organs. The syndrome is diverse, both in underlying biology, disease manifestation and severity, and is therefore divided into endotypes and further into subphenotypes. Further understanding of the biological pathways of the various sUtilizing machine learning to understand sepsis Sepsis is one of the deadliest syndromes in modern time, with little to no effective therapies available. In this project, machine learning was utilized to gain insight into the underlying biology of sepsis - a necessary step in finding novel and effective treatments and diagnostic tools. Sepsis is a syndrome (collection of symptoms) which is respon

Insight of Anomaly Detection with NWDAF in 5G

Data analytics is regarded as an important function of 5G networks. The Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF) is standardized in 3GPP to enhance 5G network performance by analyzing data from network functions and user equipment. Abnormal behavior detection, which is part of the NWDAF framework, has the potential to be a powerful tool to improve 5G network security. Despite this, only limited res

Guest Editorial : Recent and Future Evolution of Wi-Fi

The IEEE 802.11 standard, often referred to as Wi-Fi, underpins wireless networking applications around the world that impact our daily lives, such as wireless access to the Internet from offices, homes, airports, hotels, restaurants, trains, and aircraft. Today's laptops, tablets, and smartphones are typically equipped with at least one IEEE 802.11 radio. IEEE 802.11 standards have enabled a whol

Diving response and apneic time in humans

The aim of this study was to compare apneic time with the human diving response, defined as heart rate (HR) reduction and reduced skin blood flow, in groups with varying degrees of breath-hold diving experience. Apneic time and HR reduction at apneas in air and apneas with face immersion in cold water were thus recorded in nine groups. Skin capillary blood flow was recorded in six of the groups. A

Effects of repeated apneas on apneic time and diving response in non-divers

Human breath-hold divers usually perform a series of dives with short intervals. Repeated apneas prolong apneic time, and an accentuated diving response has been suggested to be the cause. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of repeated apneas on apneic time and diving response in humans. Forty-one subjects performed a series of five apneas with face immersion in water of 10 degree

När tvångsvården tar slut – betydelsen av återföreningsprincipen när tvångsvården upphör för barn som varit familjehemsplacerade med stöd av 2 § LVU

När barn tvångsvårdas på grund av brister i hemmiljön enligt Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU) är avsikten att de ska återförenas med sina föräldrar när grunden för vården upphör enligt den s.k. återföreningsprincipen. Strävandet kan tillgodoses när domstol fattar beslut om hemtagning enligt 21 § LVU, varpå vården upphör och barnet får flytta tillbaka till sina föräldrThe principle of reunification is the guiding principle when a child is taken care of in a family home in accordance with the Care of Young Persons Act (LVU). This means that the purpose is that a child shall be reunited with its parents once the conditions that founded the decision no longer exist. Hence, the court can decide to end the care based on 21 § LVU, whereafter the child moves home to i

Flykten från klimatförändringarna – En undersökning av möjligheten till skydd genom EKMR och principen om non-refoulement

Inom den internationella migrationsrätten finns en lucka när det gäller de personer som, frivilligt eller ofrivilligt, flyttar från sina hemländer med anledning av klimatförändringarnas effekter. Individerna faller inte inom definitionen av flyktingar i FN:s flyktingkonvention. Resultatet blir en brist på skydd och rättigheter för en grupp människor som förutspås växa exponentiellt vid en ökad gloWithin international migration law, there is a gap regarding people who, voluntarily or involuntarily, leave their home states because of climate change. These individuals do not fall within the definition of refugees in the UN Refugee Convention. The result is a lack of protection and rights for a group of people who are predicted to grow exponentially in connection with an increased global avera