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Kommunalt säkerhetsarbete – en modell för 4Yes kommunerna

The municipalities 4Yes have to present an action programme for the public sector and for the rescue service. As a base for their action programme the municipality needs a model. In the model there are two groups which have to cooperate with each other. A safety group and the public administrations and those who have an establishment that is described in the law “protection against accidents” chap

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av High Chaparral

This report has been done to evaluate the fire safety in saloon Cheyenne with staff area at High Chaparral. It has been a goal in this report to be able to give a specific number of people to each of the departments and this has been done. Different safety systems have been added to the building during simulations and the requirement of the systems has been investigated. The safety systems have be

Brandteknisk riskvärdering, Borgsmoskolan, Norrköping

This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Borgsmoskolan in Norrköping, Sweden. It is a school for 13 to 15 years old children. There are totally 430 people in the school. The purpose is to look at individual safety. Computer simulations with Simulex has been used to see how long time evacuation takes in some different scenarios, and fire modelling has been made with CFAST to see how long it

Utvärdering av personsäkerheten vid brand på Frölunda kulturhus

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the fire safety of Frölunda Kulturhus in Gothenberg, Sweden. The report focuses on the safety of people within the building and does not concern protection of property. The evaluation is based on calculations regarding smoke filling, gas temperature, visibility and evacuation time. The engineering tools that have been used are CFAST, FDS 3.1,

Umgänge mellan barn och föräldrar - i överensstämmelse med barnets bästa och vilja?

En grundläggande utgångspunkt enligt svensk lag, är att barn har rätt till umgänge med den förälder som barnet inte bor tillsammans med – men hur värnas denna rätt? Barn är omyndiga och har ingen legal möjlighet att väcka talan vid domstol i dessa ärenden. Enligt domstolsverket avgjordes dock cirka 3000 fall år 2009 avseende vårdnad, boende och umgänge vid domstolarna i landet. Närmare en halv mChildrens right of access to the parent with whom they don’t reside is a fundmental point of view according to Swedish law – but how is this right maintained? Children are regarded as minors and they have no means to institute legal proceedings before the court, in these matters. However, according to the national courts administration, around 3000 cases regarding custody, residence and access we

En studie av Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice Simulator

Syfte: Att utvärdera det resultat APSIM ger, utifrån urvalsstorleken av aktier i simuleringen och huruvida den är en användbar metod inom portföljvalsteorin med hänsyn till mängden data vilken måste förberedas. Metod: Studien är av en kvantitativ, deduktiv metod och baseras på historisk marknads- och aktiedata hämtad ifrån Affärsvärldens Generalindex (AFGX) samt respektive akties utveckling under

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Kärnan, Värnamo

The purpose of this project was to evaluate the fire safety of a shopping mall called Kärnan. The whole project has been carried out as a part of the students' education. The most important part of the evaluation has been the safety of the occupants in case of a fire. As a result of this a lot of different estimations have been made, such as the size of the fire, its location in the building a

Brandlarmsystemet EBL512 - undersökning av nya algoritmer till tredje generationens sensorer

Signals from three analouge sensors has been evaluated. The sensors are an optical sensor, a heat sensor and a multi sensor. The components of the multi sensor are an optical sensor and a heat sensor. The signals came from disturbing sources and test fires at a full scale test. The purpose is to find algorithms that filtrate some of the disturbing sources but does not delay the alarm from the test

Personskydd i vårdrum - en jämförelse mellan sprinklat och osprinklat utförande

The report evaluates in which manner a sprinkler system affects evacuation safety in hospitals. Primarily hospitals are categorised in two groups, one where patients are able to evacuate by themselves and one where patients need nurses to evacuate. Margins to untenable conditions during fire are simulated and compared individually depending on the presence of a sprinkler system. The evaluation sho

Känslighetsanalys av FDS och dess undermodeller i ett tunnelscenario

This report contains CFD-simulations of a tunnel fire in a scaled down road tunnel, 1:8, with the CFD-code FDS. FDS and its different sub models are evaluated by different configurations of grid nets, the radiation model and slight changes in the material database and the results with respect to temperature and u-velocity are compared to each other. Comparisons of the gain and loss in time by usin

Towards international emergency management standards

This report concerns development of international standards within the field of emergency management. A main issue has been to examine if international emergency management standards should be developed, and if so, how and by whom. The research for the purpose of this report has resulted in many arguments associated with potential international emergency management standards. The main conclusion o

Nitrocellulosa, lagerhållning och hantering inom tryckfärgsindustrin

The purpose of this report is to provide a basis for routines pertaining to the storage and handling of nitrocellulose at Torda Ink AB. Experiments on flashpoints, auto ignition and extinguishing were performed. Current routines and the way nitrocellulose is actually handled has been observed and checked against regulations. Recommendations for new routines has been given based on the findings in

Branden på Potatisåkern 2007 - En nätverksanalys av insatt ledningspersonal

On the night between October 26 and 27 in 2007, a five storey building at Potatisåkern in Malmö, Sweden caught fire, probably due to an incorrectly installed stove near the buildings attic. The scope of the ensuing fire is rare in Sweden, and 122 tennants in 80 apartments lost their homes that night. To handle this fire 26 units from local fire departments were involved. In this report a networkan

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering av Motala Folkets Hus

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the fire safety of Motala Folkets Hus. This report has been carried out as a part of the students´ education and does not concern protection of property or environment, but focuses on the safety of people during egress. Motala Folkets Hus is a commercial five-storey building, which consists of a library, theatre, cafeteria, restaurant, school and a variety

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Landskrona Teater

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Landskrona Theatre, a 100-year old theatre in Sweden. Times to critical conditions have been calculated with ARGOS in three cases and with FDS4 in one case. Evacuation time has been calculated with Simulex. The fire safety for people in the building has been evaluated based upon the results of the calculations and suggestions to improve the fire safety of

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av varuhuser Oden, Trollhättan

This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Oden 8, a shopping mall located in Trollhättan, Sweden. The evaluation is based on Swedish laws and regulations, manual calculations, fire modelling using CFAST 3.1.7 and egress simulations using Simulex 2.0. The results have been evaluated with a sensitivity analysis. Conclusions drawn using these results has been used to present suggestions to imp