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Metabolic Activity of Lymphoma Cells and Clinical Course in Non‐Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)

By microcalorimetry the metabolic activity of malignant cells from 21 patients with non‐Hodgkin lymphoma was monitored. Heat production, a measure of the metabolic activity of cells, showed positive correlation with the clinical‐course of the disease. The heat produced by tumor cells from patients with progressive disease was 5.5 pW/cell, while that from patients responding to treatment was 3.1 pW

Immunoglobulin-A producing probably primary lymphoma of the breast

A breast tumour from a 65-year old woman was found to be a primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a very rare primary malignancy in this location. The lymphoma was of a diffuse histiocytic type according to the classification of Rappaport, or polymorphic immunocytoma according to the Kiel classification. Immunohistochemistry, not previously reported for breast lymphomas, revealed the production of IgA. In

Treaty Abuse, General International Law, and the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent BEPS: What Can Be Achieved by Applying the Multilateral Convention That Cannot Already Be Achieved by Applying General International Law?

The concept of treaty abuse, although being of great significance to the operation of international tax treaties, is by no means peculiar to this particular branch of law. A treaty abuse doctrine exists in general international law since long. As this paper argues, current work within the OECD, and especially the existence of the recently negotiated Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty

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While all institutions are silent toward the war and crime in yemen, we can see the free journalistic institution can play a positive role to fight against violations.

Bertil Matérn

Bertil Matérn (1917–2007) was a Swedish forester and mathematical statistician.HismostimportantcontributionwashisdissertationSpatialVariation,which contains much of the mathematical foundation of spatial statistics.Bertil Matérn (1917–2007) was a Swedish forester and mathematical statistician. His most important contribution was his dissertation Spatial Variation, which contains much of the mathematical foundation of spatial statistics.

Effects of starch granules differing in size and morphology from different botanical sources and their mixtures on the characteristics of Pickering emulsions

The aim of this work was to investigate how mixtures of starch granules of different size and shape from different botanic sources affect starch-stabilized Pickering emulsions, and to understand which type of granules that dominate at the interface of the emulsion droplets. Pickering emulsions were prepared by combining quinoa starch with waxy maize or oat starch. The effects of the individual sta

Salt-Induced Universal Slowing Down of the Short-Time Self-Diffusion of a Globular Protein in Aqueous Solution

The short-time self-diffusion D of the globular model protein bovine serum albumin in aqueous (D2O) solutions has been measured comprehensively as a function of the protein and trivalent salt (YCl3) concentration, noted cp and cs, respectively. We observe that D follows a universal master curve D(cs,cp) = D(cs = 0,cp) g(cs/cp), where D(cs = 0,cp) is the diffusion coefficient in the absence of salt

Storylines : an alternative approach to representing uncertainty in physical aspects of climate change

As climate change research becomes increasingly applied, the need for actionable information is growing rapidly. A key aspect of this requirement is the representation of uncertainties. The conventional approach to representing uncertainty in physical aspects of climate change is probabilistic, based on ensembles of climate model simulations. In the face of deep uncertainties, the known limitation

Conceptualizing multiple drug use in patients with comorbidity and multimorbidity : proposal for standard definitions beyond the term polypharmacy

With older and aging populations, patients experience multiple chronic diseases at the same time. Individual chronic disease guidelines often recommend pharmacological therapies as a key intervention, resulting in patients being prescribed multiple regular medications for their different diseases. Although the term “polypharmacy” has been applied to the use of multiple medications, there is no con

Multi-User Processing for Ray-Based Channels

The performance of linear multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems has been extensively studied for classical statistical channel models. In contrast, there is little analysis for ray-based models, which are physically motivated, feature prominently in standards and have been experimentally validated. Thus, we present a novel analysis framework for zero forcing (ZF) and maximal

Swedish Economists in the 1930s Debate on Economic Planning

The 1930s, characterised by repercussions from World War I and the Great Depression, was an era of populism, nationalism, protectionism, government intervention and attempts to create planned economies. The perceived need for economic planning emerged in Sweden in part due to the increasing political strength of the Social Democrats and their evolution from a party hampered by Marxist fatalism to

Relief of Pruritus as an Early Sign of Spinal Cord Compression in Hodgkin's Disease

ABSTRACT In a patient with advanced Hodgkin's disease (HD) associated with generalized pruritus, an unexpected relief of itching was found to be an early sign of spinal cord compression. Following irradiation of an extradural mass at the Th II level, itching recurred. Although the mechanisms bringing about itching in HD are unknown, the relief and recurrence of the symptom in our patient are in li

What Are the Functions of the General Principles? Good Faith and International Legal Pragmatics

To assist current efforts of the academic community to develop a fuller understanding of the function of general principles of international law, this article inquires into the operation of the principle of good faith. As argued, first, good faith serves as a principle of international legal pragmatics. It helps to explain the understanding of conduct in much the same way as, say, the requirement

LOVD v.2.0 : the next generation in gene variant databases

Locus-Specific DataBases (LSDBs) store information on gene sequence variation associated with human phenotypes and are frequently used as a reference by researchers and clinicians. We developed the Leiden Open-source Variation Database (LOVD) as a platform-independent Web-based LSDB-in-a-Box package. LOVD was designed to be easy to set up and maintain and follows the Human Genome Variation Society

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This article discusses the difficulties and threats that face the peace advocates in Yemen.