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"Ey yo, jag rimmar på tills det går bra nu" - en studie om svensk hiphop

Hiphop is a culture that has grown among youth the last decades. Its based of four elements: breakdance, graffiti, djing and rap and each of these have their own way to express position, social status, power and identity. I want to know more what Swedish hip-hop stands for among rappers and producers. Goal: The goal is to get insight of what hip-hop means for the rappers and how they use hip-hop

Svensk lagstiftning om ansvarsgenombrott i ABL - varför inte?

I Sverige är aktiebolaget idag vår vanligaste associationsform och fördelarna är många. Den förmod¬ligen starkaste av dem är regeln om det begränsade ansvaret för aktieägare. Genom denna regel åtnjuter aktieägare skydd mot att behöva gälda bolagets borgenärer med mer än det redan satsade aktiekapitalet. Med detta som bakgrund kan det begränsade ansvaret sägas vara en direkt förutsättning för förveIn Sweden, the most common type of company is the limited stock company (aktiebolag), which brings about several advantages. The strongest one is probably the shareholders’ limited liability. By this rule, the stock owners acquire protection from having to atone for any company debt exceed¬ing the already submitted equity stock. Keeping this in mind, one can consider the limited liability being an

Energy service contracting in Slovenia: Comparison of the barriers and drivers for Energy service contracting development in Germany and Slovenia

Increased energy efficiency is identified as a key strategy to tackle three energy-relatedchallenges (energy security, climate change and economic development) with low trade-offsand huge win-win opportunities. Energy service contracting represents an instrument of thedemand side energy management that enables cost-effective energy savings. However, theinstrument implementation is many times hinde

Integrationen av romer i Sverige - En studie i mångkulturell integration av etniska minoriteter.

The Roma people have been living in Europe for about a thousand years. But still they have not been integrated in to the European society. In many places around Europe they are being subjected to unfair and sometimes illegal actions due to their ethnicity. At the same time many European countries have adopted multicultural integration policies in which the main goal is to integrate ethnic and cult

Multinationella företag och ansvarsutkrävande i en samtida kontext Fokus: Holländska oljebolaget Trafiguras utsläpp i Elfenbenskusten

This study is about the multinational oil company Trafigura who has offices in 67 countries. Trasfigua put dangerous waste in coast outside Ivoara 2006. It was dangerous because the effects caused dead to a lot of people. One of the main questions of my study is however the company has any responsibility for the things they dump in coast outside of Ivory in the perspective of the actors. The other

Fire safety on intercity and interregional multiple unit trains

This study is an investigation of fire safety on intercity and interregional multiple unit trains. In the study the major fire risks are identified using a Preliminary Hazard Analysis, which is followed by an estimation of the consequences for different fires onboard trains using simulations and hand calculations. The improvements when introducing self-closing doors and a water mist system are als

Temporal analys och aktivitetsmodellering av Tsunamikatastrofen 2004

Part of the acts made by the Swedish government under the Tsunami disaster 2004 showed difficulties in registration, cooperation and command. To facilitate these requirements a technical system is needed. This report discusses different kinds of methods for computer support that enable a better command, cooperation and resource management. A requirement specification was made after activity modell

Brandutredningar - En kvalitativ utredning av omfattningen av polisens utbildning samt ämnesområdets generella problem

This report is an evaluation of the Swedish police force qualifications and competence regarding fire investigations, more specific regarding their knowledge in fire theory and fire behavior. Fire investigations are handled by both the fire service and the police force. The fire service normally investigates accidental fires. Their intention is to gather information about why the fire occurred. Th

Insatsplanering på kärnkraftsverk

The aim of this report is to illustrate that a well done pre-planning effectively helps fire fighting in nuclear power plants. Experiences from this study of fire in nuclear power plants can be used in forthcoming pre-planning.

Det id(EU)logiska samtalet En skiljelinje och två av dess ideologiska dimensioner observerade hos svenska partier i samband med folkomröstningen om EMU

This study examines an ideological content related to Swedish political parties in regards to EMU. In order to do so theoretical starting points has been used, originating from the concepts of cleavages and dimensions. More specifically, the relevant cleavage in this study is the one called: nationalism-supranationalism, and the study also includes two of its dimensions concerning different social