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Cross-Reactive Antibodies With the Capacity to Mediate HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein-Targeted Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Identified in HIV-2-Infected Individuals

Disease progression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is delayed by HIV type 2 (HIV-2) in individuals with dual HIV-1/HIV-2 infection. The protective mechanisms, however, are still to be revealed. In the current study we examined type-specific and cross-reactive antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) in HIV-1 and HIV-2 monoinfection or dual infection. Of note, intertype cross

Synthesising colloidal molecules with tunable interactions from soft responsive microgel particles

Kolloider, partiklar i storleksordningen en nanometer till en mikrometer, är inom materialvetenskapen attraktiva byggstenar vid konstruktion av olika material eftersom de spontant organiserar sig i periodiska strukturer. Till skillnad från biologiska kolloider såsom proteiner, röda blodkroppar, bakterier och virus, är de syntetiska kolloider som man har tillgång till inom materialvetenskapen i regColloidal self-assembly is an attractive bottom-up approach to new superstructures and materials with new properties. However, the typical spherical shape and isotropic interaction potential limit the repertoire of ordered structures that can be obtained from synthetic colloids. In order to expand the repertoire of structures, much effort has over the last decades been directed towards the prepara

Supercritical fluid chromatography and two-dimensional liquid chromatography : From new applications to technical innovations

Lignin depolymerisation can be utilized to produce value-added aromatic compounds. One of the major challenges in lignin depolymerisation study is the development of effective analytical tools to unravel the huge complexity of the depolymerisation product mixture. Traditional gas chromatography (GC) and high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods applied for this purpose are often in laLignin depolymerisation can be utilized to produce value-added aromatic compounds. One of the major challenges in lignin depolymerisation study is the development of effective analytical tools to unravel the huge complexity of the depolymerisation product mixture. Traditional gas chromatography (GC) and high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods applied for this purpose are often in la

Key Performance Indicators in Manufacturing Operations Management : A Case Study of the IS022400-Standard Applied at Volvo Cars

The ISO 22400 has defined a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the performance of manufacturing operation. Though the calculation formulas and tendency analysis of KPIs are given in the standard, it is important to evaluate how the standard performs when implemented in an industrial setting. Based on analyzing the production process in Volvo car, an aggregation KPI evaluation sys

Formation of planetary systems by pebble accretion and migration : Growth of gas giants

Giant planets migrate though the protoplanetary disc as they grow their solid core and attract their gaseous envelope. Previously, we have studied the growth and migration of an isolated planet in an evolving disc. Here, we generalise such models to include the mutual gravitational interaction between a high number of growing planetary bodies. We have investigated how the formation of planetary s

Long-term effects of myoinositol on behavioural seizures and biochemical changes evoked by kainic acid induced epileptogenesis

Epilepsy is one of the most devastating neurological diseases and despite significant efforts there is no cure available. Occurrence of spontaneous seizures in epilepsy is preceded by numerous functional and structural pathophysiological reorganizations in the brain-a process called epileptogenesis. Treatment strategies targeting this process may be efficient for preventing spontaneous recurrent s

A Nordic perspective on supranational place branding

The chapter concerns the supranational place branding by the Nordic countries. Earlier studies highlighlight the obstacles in supranational place branding initatives and the challanges for involved stakeholders’ to agree as geographical size and complexity increases. The branding initiative of the Nordic countries, executed by the Nordic Council of Ministers, represents a rare example of a group o

Global parameters sensitivity analysis of modeling water, energy and carbon exchange of an arid agricultural ecosystem

Agricultural ecosystems are important for regulating terrestrial hydrological and carbon cycles. Hydrological and carbon processes in agricultural ecosystem models are complex due to interactions between parameters. It is therefore crucial to identify parameter sensitivity before a process-based model is applied for simulations and predictions of water, energy and carbon fluxes in agricultural ec

A thiocarbonate sink on the enzymatic energy landscape of aerobic CO oxidation? Answers from DFT and QM/MM models of Mo–Cu CO-dehydrogenases

We present a theoretical investigation providing key insights on a long-standing controversial issue that dominated the debate on carbon monoxide oxidation by Mo–Cu CO-dehydrogenases. Previous investigations gravitate around the possible occurrence of a thiocarbonate intermediate, that was repeatedly reported to behave as a thermodynamic sink on the catalytic energy landscape. By using a hierarchy

4-quinolone antibiotics : Positive genotoxic screening tests despite an apparent lack of mutation induction

The effects of different 4-quinolone antibiotic derivatives (4-Qs) in a number of short-term tests commonly employed for the evaluation of genetic toxicity were studied. Incorporation of [3H]thymidine into mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes was strongly enhanced at a low concentration (1.56 μg/ml) for most of the tested 4-Qs, whereas DNA strand breakage in lymphoblastoid cells was evi

Evidence that the antibiotic ciprofloxacin counteracts cyclosporine‐dependent suppression of cytokine production

The fluoroquinolone antibiotic ciprofloxacin (cipro) has been reported to upregulate interleukin 2 and interferon-γ production in lectin-stimulated lymphocytes. The aim of this study was to elucidate whether cipro and the immunosuppressive agent CsA have antagonistic action on cytokine synthesis. Accumulation of IL-2 and IFN-γ protein and mRNA were analyzed in polyclonally (PHA or Con A) or alloan