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Investigating circulating microRNAs with next generation sequencing

Små regulatoriska molekyler i vårt blod Sedan det mänskliga genomet kartlades i början av 2000-talet har stora upptäckter gjorts och teknikutvecklingen har gått fort. Dagens sekvenseringsmaskiner är kraftfulla och kan sekvensera hela det mänskliga genomet på bara två dagar. I mitt masterarbete har jag undersökt små korta RNA-molekyler i mänskligt blod. Denna typ av molekyler är mycket lovande somAbstract In recent years focused research aimed at finding new specific and sensitive biomarkers for detection, classification and, monitoring of human cancers has been ongoing. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, 19-24 nucleotides, noncoding RNAs that are stably expressed in body fluids such as blood. These circulating RNAs have shown great promise as biomarkers, because the unique expression patterns

Biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from Willow trees

Popular science Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are a versatile group of non-methane hydrocarbons (chemical compounds made of carbon and hydrogen) emitted by vegetation. The most common BVOCs from plants are some chemical compounds like isoprene, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. BVOCs are involved in plant growth, reproduction and defense mechanisms. Besides, BVOC play an important rol

Genomics of the wine yeast Dekkera bruxellensis

Abstract The yeast Dekkera/Brettanomyces bruxellensis is a distant relative of baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and either has positive or negative effects to beverage flavor development. D. bruxellensis and S. cerevisiae display several similar traits which play very important roles in food industry, such as production of high ethanol levels. In our lab, we determined and annotated the 13.

Estimation of Snow Depth in Northern Sweden: Using Gaussian Markov Random Fields

The goal of this dissertation is to estimate the amount of water in snowpacks at the areas Kultsjön and Rensaren in northen Sweden. A model is built using spatial statistics, and the estimations will be done by Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations (INLA). Then a validation process was done by removing data from the data set to create a validation set, and compare the estimations done by INLA t

Punching Below its Weight? The European Union @ the United Nations General Assembly

The thesis explores and analyses the behaviour of the European Union vis-à-vis the promotion and protection of human rights within the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). It furthermore examines whether the theory of ‘normative power Europe’ is an appropriate theory in characterizing the external action of the EU at the UNGA. Drawing on seven interviews with EU and non-EU officials in both New

Jämförande analys av säkerhetsnivå mellan förenklad och analytisk dimensionering enligt Boverkets byggregler 2012

The aim of this master thesis is to use a risk analysis model to compare the resulting safety level in connection to evacuation of a certain type of building for two types of authority-approved design methods. The purpose of this is to identify if any diffrences in safety level between the two methods can be identified. This is of interest since the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and

Du, jag och staten - ett uträknat förhållande

Since the mid 1900s, the “ the Swedish model ”, has contributed to that all Swedish citiziens has a right to community benefits in case of illnesses, accidents or unemployment. For this system to work, there has to be a mutual trust between the taxpayers and the government; everyone has to take responsibility and notify the government if they´re no longer in need of the benefit. The main focus in

Information structure in modern Hebrew

This paper will examine information structure used in Modern Hebrew, a Semitic language spoken in Israel. More specifically, the study will look into the methods used by Modern Hebrew native speakers to differentiate between old (active) information and new information in spontaneous speech. The study will offer new insights to different constructions of information structure, relating to active a

Synthetic Biology — An Inquiry

Synthetic biology, a branch of the life sciences, can be summarized as the deliberate attempt to design living organisms. It is an emerging technoscience and a potential platform technology portrayed as possibly the next industrial revolution. This thesis is an inquiry into synthetic biology; an exploration based on observations in text. An explorative tool is the question: What is synthetic biolo

Slutligt beslut om skattetillägg - hinder för prövning av åtal för skattebrott?

När den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättig-heterna och grundläggande friheterna (EKMR) inkorporerades genom vanlig lag i svensk rätt, ville lagstiftaren inte att balansen mellan den lagstif-tande och den dömande makten skulle förskjutas. Huvudansvaret för fören-ligheten mellan EKMR och annan intern rätt föll därför på lagstiftaren, vilket manifesterades i grundlagen. KoWhen the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Free-doms (ECHR) was incorporated by law in the Swedish legal system, the intent was to maintain the relation between the legislative power and judici-al power. The legislature is forbidden to legislate in violation of the ECHR. If domestic law is considered to be in conflict with the ECHR, the conflict should, if possible, be solved by

Restriktioner vid häktning ur ett EU-rättsligt perspektiv

I Sverige kan den som blir häktad på grund av misstanke för brott bli ålagd restriktioner enligt 24 kap. 5a § RB, om åklagaren finner att det föreligger risk att den misstänkte kommer att försvåra utredningen genom att undandra bevisning, det vill säga om en kollusionsfara finns. Häktningsrestriktioner innebär att den häktade blir förbjuden att vistas tillsammans med andra intagna, mottaga besök, A person being arrested in Sweden on the suspicion of a crime may be subjected to restrictions according to chapter 24 § 5a RB while incarcerated, if the prosecutor finds there is a risk that the suspect will interfere with the investigation. The detainee being placed under restrictions during detention, may be forbidden to meet other detainees, receive visits from friends and family, receive phon

Med bröd i ena handen och vapen i den andra – islamistiska sociala rörelser och socialt arbete. En fallstudie av Hamas och Jamaat-ud-Dawa

With bread in one hand and weapons in the other - Islamic social movements and social work. A case study of Hamas and Jamaat-ud-Dawa. Hamas and Jamaat-ud-Dawa are two examples of Islamic social movements who successfully have been involved in both social work and armed struggle. In this thesis the author examines how the movement’s social work manifests and what kind of basis there might exist fo

Ett möte mellan Reggio Emilias pedagogiska filosofi och Rytmik

Denna studie handlar om ett möte mellan Reggio Emilias filosofi och Rytmik. Följande frågor behandlas: Vad händer med barns lärande i mötet mellan Reggio Emilias pedagogiska filosofi och Rytmik? På vilket sätt påverkar förskolans förutsättningar lärandet? På vilket sätt utforskar barnen musik? Vad lär sig barnen? Studien, som genomförts med aktionsforskning, har gjorts på en förskola i en barngrupTitle: A meeting between the Reggio Emilia pedagogical philosophy and Eurhythmics. This study is about a meeting between the Reggio Emilia philosophy and Eurhythmics. The following questions are addressed: What happens to children's learning in the meeting between the Reggio Emilia philosophy and Eurhythmics? How do preconditions affect learning? How do children explore music? What do they lea

The Comparative Study on Corporate Governance between Mainland China and Hong Kong

The corporate governance mechanism should be evaluated by both region and company levels, since legislation setting and regulatory enforcement are equally critical. It is found that Hong Kong outperforms than Mainland China at both levels, hereby more converge towards OECD Principles. There are root causes contributing to the differences and similarities of corporate governance in the regions, whi

Specifications of an Embodiment Design and Detail Design Support Tool

The last part of the product design process is called embodiment design, it aims to give a “physical body” to the product so as to make it ready to use. It is on that particular part of the design activity that I was working, I was included in the research for the embodiment design team of the machine design division in LTH. The main research work was upon the process of this phase, to try to unde

Improve Sofa Assembly through Automation and Redesign of the Processes Case: Current Design

Objective: To redesign the current assembly process of the Ektorp Sofa from IKEA in order to improve cycle times, quality levels and to reduce, if possible, costs associated with manufacturing, production times and materials. IKEA wants to increase either the productivity or the quality standard of the Ektorp Sofa by simplifying the processes involved in the construc-tion of the sofa and modernizi

To be or not to be – granting WTO rules direct effect within the EU

I ett antal år har EU-domstolen fått ta ställning till den potentiella konflikt som existerar mellan EU-rätten och reglerna inom WTO. En särskilt uppmärksammad fråga är huruvida WTO-reglerna kan ge upphov till direkt effekt inom EU:s rättssystem, dvs. att de kan åberopas av individer i medlemsländernas domstolar. EU-domstolen har bedömt att WTO-reglerna generellt inte kan ge upphov till direkt effFor a number of years, the European Court of Justice has had to deal with the potential conflict between the law of the European Union and the law of the World Trade Organization. One issue that has gained particular interest is the question of whether the rules of the WTO give rise to direct effect within the EU legal system, meaning that they can be invoked by individuals in the courts of EU Mem

Human rights reporting by Swedish state - owned companies

Den svenska staten bedriver affärsverksamhet via ett femtiotal företag av vilka staten äger minst 50% av företaget i 43 av fallen. År 2007 antog den svenska regeringen en rad nya riktlinjer gällande hållbarhetsrapportering för dessa företag. Dessa nya riktlinjer skulle tas i bruk från och med räkenskapsåret 2008. Hållbarhetsrapporteringen, dvs. den icke finansiella rapporteringen av dessa svenska In 2007 the Swedish government adopted a set of guidelines mandating all Swedish state-owned companies to conduct a non financial report i.e. a sustainability report that is to be independently verified. The sustainability report is to be in line with the internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiative framework (G3), a framework of guidelines for how to conduct sustainability reports. The

Folkmusikaliska influenser i svensk respektive grekisk populärmusik - en komparativ studie. Vilka folkmusikaliska influenser svenska och grekiska folkmusikstudenter finner i populärmusik och hur de resonerar kring dessa.

Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på de eventuella folkmusikaliska influenserna i svensk respektive grekisk populärmusik och göra en jämförelse mellan de båda. Syftet är också att finna likheter och skillnader i hur svenska respektive grekiska folkmusikstudenter resonerar kring folkmusikaliska influenser i populärmusik för att belysa ämnet ur olika perspektiv Svensk och grekisk populärmusik hTitle: Folk musical influences in Swedish and Greek popular music - a comparative study. What folk music influences Swedish and Greek folk music students can find in popular music and how they reason about them. Author: Michael Sideridis The purpose of this study is to determine the possible influences of folk music in Swedish and Greek popular music and make a comparison between the two. It also