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To be or not to be – granting WTO rules direct effect within the EU

I ett antal år har EU-domstolen fått ta ställning till den potentiella konflikt som existerar mellan EU-rätten och reglerna inom WTO. En särskilt uppmärksammad fråga är huruvida WTO-reglerna kan ge upphov till direkt effekt inom EU:s rättssystem, dvs. att de kan åberopas av individer i medlemsländernas domstolar. EU-domstolen har bedömt att WTO-reglerna generellt inte kan ge upphov till direkt effFor a number of years, the European Court of Justice has had to deal with the potential conflict between the law of the European Union and the law of the World Trade Organization. One issue that has gained particular interest is the question of whether the rules of the WTO give rise to direct effect within the EU legal system, meaning that they can be invoked by individuals in the courts of EU Mem

Human rights reporting by Swedish state - owned companies

Den svenska staten bedriver affärsverksamhet via ett femtiotal företag av vilka staten äger minst 50% av företaget i 43 av fallen. År 2007 antog den svenska regeringen en rad nya riktlinjer gällande hållbarhetsrapportering för dessa företag. Dessa nya riktlinjer skulle tas i bruk från och med räkenskapsåret 2008. Hållbarhetsrapporteringen, dvs. den icke finansiella rapporteringen av dessa svenska In 2007 the Swedish government adopted a set of guidelines mandating all Swedish state-owned companies to conduct a non financial report i.e. a sustainability report that is to be independently verified. The sustainability report is to be in line with the internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiative framework (G3), a framework of guidelines for how to conduct sustainability reports. The

Folkmusikaliska influenser i svensk respektive grekisk populärmusik - en komparativ studie. Vilka folkmusikaliska influenser svenska och grekiska folkmusikstudenter finner i populärmusik och hur de resonerar kring dessa.

Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på de eventuella folkmusikaliska influenserna i svensk respektive grekisk populärmusik och göra en jämförelse mellan de båda. Syftet är också att finna likheter och skillnader i hur svenska respektive grekiska folkmusikstudenter resonerar kring folkmusikaliska influenser i populärmusik för att belysa ämnet ur olika perspektiv Svensk och grekisk populärmusik hTitle: Folk musical influences in Swedish and Greek popular music - a comparative study. What folk music influences Swedish and Greek folk music students can find in popular music and how they reason about them. Author: Michael Sideridis The purpose of this study is to determine the possible influences of folk music in Swedish and Greek popular music and make a comparison between the two. It also

"Andra har ingen aning om hur det är för dem som är annorlunda" En kvalitativ studie om hur det är att växa upp med ett syskon med utvecklingsstörning

Title: ”Others don’t have a clue about what it’s like for those who are different” A study about growing up with a mentally retarded sibling. Authors: Irén Palm och Liselotte Christensen Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to enlighten what it can be like growing up with a mentally retarded sibling. We want to know the kind of support a sibling needs to get from its family, surroundings and pro

Computer Aided Manufacturing Software Evaluation

This report describes the evaluation process to find the best possible CAM-solution for a prototype department within Tetra Pak. The purpose is to manufacture unique or small series of aluminium moulds for injection moulding of thermoplastics with a milling machine. The program should be as easy as possible to use while still having enough functionality to achieve satisfying quality of the moulds.

Institutional Quality and Economic Growth - A Comparison across Development Stages

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and compare the effect of institutional quality on the economic growth rate in developed and developing countries. To do this panel data was examined using a pooled regression model and a fixed effects model. Three institutional variables from Freedom House, the International Country Risk Guide and the Database of Political Institutions were used. The resul

Energy Policy Development in a Non-OECD Context - Early Experiences of Energy Efficiency Policy for Residential Buildings in Argentina

The reliability of energy supply is crucial for the well-being of individuals and the prosperityof countries. At the same time, energy production is closely connected to CO2 emissions,which is believed to have an important impact on human-induced global warming. In light ofresultant, partly counteracting challenges, energy efficiency has gained increasing attention as ameans of ensuring energy sup

Muntlig bevisning i hovrätten - en straffprocessuell studie ur ett nordiskt perspektiv

Muntlig bevisning har länge medfört problem i den svenska hovrätten. När ett mål når den andra instansen har kvaliteten på muntlig bevisning blivit sämre, inte minst på grund av att minnesbilder hos förhörspersoner försvagas med tiden. Trots det har utgångspunkten, allt sedan det muntliga och omedelbara förfarandet introducerades genom 1948 års rättegångsbalk (RB), varit att principen om det bästaOral evidence has caused problems in the Swedish courts of appeals for a long time. When a case reaches the higher court, the quality of oral evidence has deteriorated, primarily because the recollections of witnesses and parties have weakened over time. The starting point has, nevertheless, been that the principle of the best evidence requires renewed questioning of witnesses and parties in the c

Effektstudier inom området våld i nära relationer: En komplettering av en år 2002 genomförd metaanalys.

Denna studie är en komplettering av en tidigare, år 2002, genomförd metaanalys. En experimentell och två quasiexperimentella studier analyseras dels utifrån frågeställningen om de interventioner, som används för att minska återfallsrisken med avseende på våld i nära relationer, har önskad effekt och dels utifrån frågeställningen om de i det här sammanhanget använda interventionerna kan anses vara

Strengthening Community Led Resilience to Threats of Climate Change in Africa. Case Study Uganda

Impacts of extreme events caused by climate change, particularly heavy rains that lead tofloods and the prolonged recurrent droughts are now a regular occurance across the entireAfrican continent, hindering the region’s ability to be able to meet the MDGs by 2015. Africais already described as the most vulnerable and least prepared continent to these impacts andwith the lowest adaptive capacity le

Anknytningens betydelse och utvecklingen av de känslomässiga banden mellan barn och missbrukande föräldrar

Abstract Author: Annika Johansson, Anette Elmbert Title: The importance of attachment and the development of emotional bonds between child and drug abusing parents Keywords: attachment bond, abusive parents, treatment and health Supervisor: Anders Lundberg Assessor: Carina Tigervall The aim of this study was to examine the attachment bond between mother and child in treatment of abuse, at the

Att lära hur man lär sig. En studie om övningsinstruktioner inom instrumentalundervisning på musik- och kulturskolor.

Studiens syfte är att undersöka förmedlingen av övningsinstruktioner inom instrumentalundervisningen på musik- och kulturskolor. Med utgångspunkt i lektionstillfällen undersöks övningsinstruktionernas innehåll, förmedlingssätt samt elevens uppfattning av dessa instruktioner. I studien undersöktes det tre violoncellpedagogers undervisning, totalt tolv lektioner, varav hälften var gruppundervisning.Title: To teach how to learn – A study of practice instructions in the field of music education. The purpose of this study is to examine how instructions concerning practicing a musical instrument are conveyed during a lesson. The content of the instructions and the way they were presented during the lesson were examined, as well as the student's perception of these instructions. The study wa

Proper property rights for foreigners?

The development of tourism is important for Indonesia and has potential to increase economic growth. Lack of capital is a constraint that affects the growth potential negatively. However, capital gaps can be filled with foreign direct investments. Lombok is the closest neighbor to tourism flourishing Bali and has a big potential to expand its tourism industry. An international airport is planned t

Mellan fem stolar - samverkan inom individ- och familjeomsorg kring kvinnofrid

Abstract Authors: Julia Folkesson and Katarina Kristensson Titel: Between five chairs - the interaction at individual and family care regardning womens safety. Supervisor: Lotta Mulder The aim of our study is to analyze the interaction at the individual and family care in a small community in southern Sweden regardning violence against women. We chose to study the interaction from a professional

Aid Fragmentation and Swedish Bilateral Development Assistance

A recently discovered problem concerning foreign development assistance is that of its fragmentation. The concept of aid fragmentation refers to the composition of the flow of aid into a recipient country in terms of its origin. Highly fragmented aid is by definition that which is made up by contributions from a large share of the total number of potential donors. Sufficiently high fragmentation i

Brandskydd på byggarbetsplatser - finns det?

The purpose of this report is to investigate the problem with fire safety at construction sites. If it is found necessary, the report will try to present methods of how the situation can be bettered. Investigations have been made through interviews, visits to building sites and by examining statistics of fires at construction sites. Swedish laws have been studied with the purpose to evaluate how t

Införande av one stop clinic - en simuleringsstudie på Klinisk kemi, Helsingborgs lasarett

Klinisk kemi på Helsingborgs lasarett analyserar prover från sjukhuset, kringliggande vårdcentraler och prover från patienter som kommer till den närliggande provtagningscentralen (PTC). En önskan om att erbjuda ett one stop clinic-koncept till ett antal diabetespatienter har växt fram. Det skulle innebära att patienterna kommer för provtagning till PTC och besöker läkaren vid ett och samma tillfäThe division of Clinical Chemistry at Helsingborg Hospital analyses human biological samples from the hospital, adjacent care centres and from patients who take the samples at the neighbouring centre (PTC). The division of Clinical Chemistry has a vision of being able to offer a one stop clinic-concept to a group of patients diagnosed with diabetes. This would mean that the patient could take the

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Linden köpcentrum, Norrköping

The report contains an evaluation of the fire safety at Linden shopping centre in Norrköping, Sweden. The evaluation concerns evacuation times, fire development, smoke filling and smoke layer temperatures. The modelling has been executed with the computer models FDS, ARGOS, AST/CFAST and SIMULEX which were validated with hand calculations. The report includes suggestions for improvement of the bui

Brandteknisk riskvärdering ICA Maxi Motala

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the fire safety in the retail store ICA Maxi located in Motala, Sweden. One of our main areas of focus was the safe evacuation of the customers. The analysis of the fire safety of the building is based on literature, computer simulations, hand calculations and a site visit. ICA Maxi is separated from other stores in the same building and has several fire sa

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Galleria Domino

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Norrköping shopping mall Domino and the report focus on evacuation and human safety. During a visit in Norrköping three different scenarios were found based on an analysis of consequences. The scenarios have been evaluated and simulated in for example CFast, Simulex and DetactT2. Different parameters as for example smoke filling and temperature rise have