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Neo-Roman Liberty in the Philosophy of Human Rights

It is my contention here that Quentin Skinner’s conception of neo-roman liberty as it is articulated in Liberty Before Liberalism serves to establish two normative premises for human rights philosophy. Those premises are, first, that human rights should offer the strongest protection for those persons who are most vulnerable and liable to social and political discrimination and marginalisation. Se

Konstitutioner och konflikter om mänskliga rättigheter i Thailands moderna politiska historia

Utifrån det moderna Thailands historia problematiseras föreställningen om konstitutionen som en garant för rättigheter. I Thailand har konstitutionen utgjort ett otillräckligt verktyg och ibland rentav ett hinder för att institutionalisera mänskliga rättigheter. Kapitlet åskådliggör hur de mänskliga rättigheternas historia i Thailand är sammanlänkad med en historia om statskupper, auktoritära regi

Molecular and Structural Biomarkers of Inflammation at Two Years After Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Do Not Predict Structural Knee Osteoarthritis at Five Years

Objective: To determine the role of inflammatory biomarkers at 2 years post–anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury to predict radiographic knee osteoarthritis (OA) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)–defined knee OA at 5 years postinjury, with a secondary aim of estimating the concordance of inflammatory biomarkers assessed by MRI and synovial fluid (SF) analysis. Methods: We studied 113 patient

Importance of the N-terminal sequence in porcine pancreatic colipase

Colipase exists in pancreatic juice in a pro-form which is activated by limited trypsin hydrolysis. During this activation, the N-terminal pentapeptide 1Val-Pro-Asp-Pro-5Arg is cleaved. The new N-terminal sequence formed, 6Gly-Ile-Ile-Ile-10Asn, contains three isoleucine residues. The importance of these for stimulating lipase activity has been investigated by successive Edman degradation of epsil

Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells Suppress T Cell Activation in In Vivo Models of Homeostatic Proliferation in a Prostaglandin E2-Dependent Manner

Lymphodepletion strategies are used in the setting of transplantation (including bone marrow, hematopoietic cell, and solid organ) to create space or to prevent allograft rejection and graft versus host disease. Following lymphodepletion, there is an excess of IL-7 available, and T cells that escape depletion respond to this cytokine undergoing accelerated proliferation. Moreover, this environment

Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with hadronically decaying τ -leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum using pp collisions at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one hadronically decaying τ-lepton is presented. Two exclusive final states with either exactly one or at least two τ-leptons are considered. The analysis is based on proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb-1 delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and re

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Folkesundhed – bag om intentioner og strategier stiller skarpt på de eksisterende sundhedsforståelser i Danmark samt de rammer, tiltag og inventioner, som aktuelt udspiller sig med sigte på at styrke folkesundheden.Bogens hovedsigte er danne at grundlag for og inspiration til nuancerede og kritiske refleksioner over de aktuelle folkesundhedspraksisser og -strategier. Bogen belyser bl.a. medicinske

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Fysisk aktivitet, eller motion, er en KRAM-faktor, der tænkes som bærende element for et sundt liv og en sund befolkning. Fysisk aktivitet sætter sig igennem i samfundet som noget, der er vigtigt at gøre, og. motion anvendes i stigende grad som forebyggende indsats og behandlingsform i det medicinske felt. Fysisk aktivitet indgår ofte som et element i sundhedsprofessionelles udviklingsprojekter, t

Myt1l safeguards neuronal identity by actively repressing many non-neuronal fates

Normal differentiation and induced reprogramming require the activation of target cell programs and silencing of donor cell programs. In reprogramming, the same factors are often used to reprogram many different donor cell types. As most developmental repressors, such as RE1-silencing transcription factor (REST) and Groucho (also known as TLE), are considered lineage-specific repressors, it remain

Medical engagement and organizational characteristics in general practice

BACKGROUND: Medical engagement is a mutual concept of the active and positive contribution of doctors to maintaining and enhancing the performance of their health care organization, which itself recognizes this commitment in supporting and encouraging high quality care. A Medical Engagement Scale (MES) was developed by Applied Research Ltd (2008) on the basis of emerging evidence that medical enga


En del barn får åka utomlands på semester. En del barn måste fly till ett annat land.På en flygplats står ett barn med sina föräldrar i världens längsta kö. Plötsligt syns ett annat barn som smyger omkring i kön. Äntligen! En kompis!Spelar det någon roll att man inte förstår varandras språk? Man kan ju leka i alla fall. Till exempel kurragömma. Kompisen är väldigt bra på att gömma sig!En del barn

Utbildningsfältets omvandling och läraryrkenas professionalisering

Kapitlet behandlar läraryrkenas positioner och professionsstatus på utbildningens fält. Efter ett kort inledande avsnitt om fältet följer en översikt över svensk skolpolitik de senaste decennierna. Översikten fokuserar skolan och läraryrkenas samhälleliga inbäddning och förutsättningar efter skolverksamhetens kommunalisering och avreglering. Skolan som arbetsorganisation, rektorers framskjutna pos

Monte Carlo generators and the CCFM equation

We discuss three implementations of the CCFM evolution equations in event generator programs. We find that some of them are able to describe observables such as forward jet rates in DIS at HERA, but only if the so-called consistency constraint is removed. We also find that these results are sensitive to the treatment of non-singular terms in the gluon splitting function.