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Teaching and Learning Vocabulary in the English Classroom

With the underlying idea that vocabulary is seen as an essential part of language studies, this essay sought to find out how teachers of English in upper secondary schools in southern Sweden perceive of vocabulary teaching and learning, what methods for working with vocabulary are used in the English classroom, and how they relate their teaching of vocabulary to the syllabus for English. The data

The power of Kurdish women - A discourse analysis of the Kurdish Women's Movement in Rojava

The long-lasting tradition of women that tackles roles within the military in the Kurdish free- dom movement is now, in recent years, beheld for better or for worse. This thesis will im- merse into the Kurdish women's agency in the Kurdish Women's Movement and their work of change for a more democratized Rojava by examing the source material "Stateless democracy with the Kurdish movem

‘Be Prepared’ for Peace: The Global Scouting Movement’s Discourse on Youth Agency in Peacebuilding

Perspectives on the role of children and young people in peacebuilding often overlook youth agency. However, the growth of critical theories in peace and conflict studies in the later decades has shone a new light on the need to acknowledge youth as parties to peacebuilding. Through a lens of peace education, this paper analyzes the discourse on youth agency in the context of the largest youth mov

Acceptance of AI technology for lung cancer screening diagnosis: Unpacking the factors affecting the radiologists’ acceptance of AI

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. Much benefit can be found in national screening programs to diagnose cancer early and reduce mortality and such is about to be introduced in Germany. However, the process of screening diagnosis is very time-intensive for radiologists and the workload is not feasible without further support. Artificial Intelligence was assessed to be able to supp

Digital prostitution - Kan brotten köp av sexuell tjänst och utnyttjande av barn genom köp av sexuell handling begås på nätet?

Tänk dig följande scenario. En man instruerar en kvinna att utföra en rad olika sexuella akter, i utbyte mot ersättning, för att tillfredsställa honom sexuellt. Hela händelseförloppet sker över nätet. Skulle du klassificera detta som prostitution? Detta är vad den här uppsatsen syftar att utreda. Syftet kan konkretiseras med följande frågeställningar: ● Finns det i svensk gällande rätt utrymme attImagine the following scenario. A man instructs a woman to perform several sexual things, in exchange for compensation, in order to satisfy him sexually. The entire course of events happens online. Would you classify this as prostitution? That is what this thesis aims to examine. The purpose of this thesis can be explained with the following questions: • Is it possible according to Swedish law to

Indentured sex work migration in an anti-immigration paradigm: A qualitative case study on the effect of immigration laws on migrant street-based sex workers in Copenhagen, Denmark.

This thesis is a qualitative case study that explores how the anti-immigration paradigm in Denmark has affected migrant street-based sex workers in the Red-Light District of Copenhagen. Denmark has been chosen as the geographical location of this thesis because the country is regarded as having one of the world's strictest immigration laws. Additionally, this thesis focuses specifically on str

Anstiftarens uppsåtstäckning vid gärningsmannens error in persona

Uppsatsen baseras på en typsituation som motsvarar situationen i ett verkligt fall som i skrivande stund behandlas i Högsta domstolen. I fallet kom underrätterna fram till att den anstiftade gärningsmannen gjort en identitetsförväxling och dödat anstiftarens kompanjon i stället för det tilltänkta offret. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att med ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv utreda under vilka förutsäThis essay has been based on a situation that corresponds to a case that the Supreme Court in Sweden will adjudicate soon. In the case, the lower courts found that the instigated perpetrator killed the instigator's partner instead of the intended victim. With a rule of law perspective, the aim of this essay has been to investigate if the requirement of criminal intent for the instigator is met

From global to local - Planetary Urbanisation at Kivik Art Center

The Thesis project is taking place at Kivik Art Center, Sweden and it explores the concept of planetary urbanisation. The concept of Planetary Urbanisation has become vividly discussed and it is a topic that expands globally, therefore Kivik Art Center is the key place that offers global connection since it has developed a vibrant identity of art, with artists around the world exhibit their work t

Slow Violence and the Elusiveness of Space and Time

This thesis analyzes a case of transnational environmental justice between Chile and Sweden following toxic waste exports in the 1980’s. Thematic analysis is applied to explore concepts of time and space presented amongst the different actors. Drawing from decolonial environmental justice theory, the thesis compares the use of linear Western time and the indigenous concept of Pachamama. The second

Incentives and actions of a transitioning industry

This thesis seeks to investigate the role of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement, and the Swedish Climate Act in the transition to net-zero in energy intensive industries, with a focus on the steel sector. Several empirical studies have previously been done on both national and international policies and how they influence low-carbon transitions and technological innovati

Lowering energy need and improving indoor climate - A case study of rural dwellings in Gammalsvenskby, Ukraine

A vast majority of rural dwellings in Ukraine are inefficient from an energy perspective, with a major need for energy-efficient renovations. A lot of these buildings are also having problems with the indoor climate, with poor ventilation combined with indoor combustion of fuel which can cause negative health effects. A large part of Ukrainian households is also suffering from energy poverty which

Incumbents Facing Disruptive Innovation

How can established companies successfully manage disruptive innovations that change the basis of market demand? Since the publication of Clayton Christensen’s influential book on disruptive innovation, research on managing disruptive innovation has primarily focused on finding effective strategies for industry-leading companies (incumbents). However, there is a lack of research into what key fact

Decarbonisation potential of multi-family Swedish Homes

Global warming is mainly caused by greenhouse gas emissions. The building sector is responsible for a significant share of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Most of the existing buildings in Europe were built before 2001 and the vast majority will remain in place after 2050 when EU aims to achieve climate neutrality. Thus, renovation of the European building stock is needed to reduce operat

I paradiset finns sovplatser av trä

Homelessness is a major concern in todays society. Nevertheless, the place of the church S:ta Clara in Stockholm, Sweden, has an individual will to diminish homeless individuals and improve their standard of living. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate the place and space of S:ta Clara. It’s about the everyday life of homeless individuals who socialize and could obtain security

Application of the Essential Facilities Doctrine to data: The doctrine's applicability to data in relation to fundamental rights

Förevarande uppsats analyserar utvecklingen av doktrinen om ’essential facilities’ i EU rättspraxis under Artikel 102 TFEU och vidare, i vilken utsträckning kan leveransvägran, särskilt doktrinen om ’essential facilities’ vara applicerbar på data och hur relaterar de fundamentala rättigheterna (näringsfrihet och rätt till egendom) till sådan tillämpning. Analysen av utvecklingen i rättspraxis, säThe thesis examines the development of essential facilities doctrine in EU case law under Article 102 TFEU and further, to what extent can refusal to supply, in particular the essential facilities doctrine, be applicable to data and how do fundamental rights (the freedom to conduct business and the right to property) relate to such extension. The analysis of the development of the case law, espe

Academically skilled refugees’ experience of discrimination while integrating through the Danish and Swedish labor market

From empirical material collected through semi-structured interviews, this master’s thesis is conducting a critical discourse analysis, investigating to what extent discoursive structures entails discriminatory treatments of academically skilled refugees in the integration process of entering the Danish and Swedish labor market. Academically skilled refugees and relevant caseworkers from both Denm

The Use of Pesticides is “A Global Human Rights Concern”— Pesticide Application Affects the Occupational Safety and Health and the Access to A Healthy Environment of Agricultural Workers

In a working world faced with technological innovation, rampant viruses, environmental and climate change, and a volatile global political situation, agricultural workers face the continuing dual human rights dilemma of occupational health and safety and access to a healthy environment. More than a third of the world's working population is engaged in agriculture, which plays a vital role in d

Integrating and Communicating Sustainability Case Study: A global brand’s integration of sustainability in its corporate brand identity & external brand communication; a globalized & standardized vs. localized approach

This thesis has the purpose to research how a global brand integrates sustainability as part of its corporate brand identity and how the brand communicates sustainability to the local market, using a standardized or localized communication approach. The theoretical perspective is to incorporate the Corporate Brand Identity Matrix & Integration for sustainability — implementation model to analy

Environmental CSR impact on consumer purchase intention: A Cross-country Comparison

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this research is to find out which Environmental CSR concerns addressed by corporations impacts consumer purchase intention. This research also aims to examine whether the cultural dimension of collectivism/individualism has an impact on consumers' purchase intention toward CSR. Theoretical perspective: The theoretical perspective was based on the earliest theor