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Your search for "*" yielded 535586 hits
Advances in corpus linguistics
Criminally queer: Homosexuality and criminal law in Scandinavia 1842-1999
Förstenade handlingar : försök att gestalta bergartsföremål
Skäggstrån och luftföroreningar - allt mäts med PIXE-metoden
Gubbsjuka fantasier eller brännande realism : Peter Pohls Nu heter jag Nirak och ungdomslitteraturens gränser
Från pol till pol eller från Grytviken till Nuuk.
Growth versus the Environment - Is There a Trade-off?
This book shows that the intensity of use of energy and materials in OECD countries is diminishing over time despite falling metal and energy prices. Material demand is sometimes falling in absolute terms, but there are also a few examples of rapid growth. The supply of fossil fuels and minerals is being exhausted, in some cases at a rapid speed, but the question addressed here is whether the rat
Pharmacological Modulation of Skeletal Homeostasis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Benskörhet (osteoporos) är en sjukdom, som leder till att benstommen förlorar en del av sitt kalkinnehåll och sin styrka. Benbrott kan därigenom uppstå spontant eller vid lättare påfrestningar. Gastrektomi (kirurgiskt avlägsnade av magsäcken, GX) och ovariektomi (kirurgisk avlägsnade av äggstockarna, OVX) leder till benskörhet hos människa såväl som hos försöksdjur. MedBoth ovariectomy (OVX) and gastrectomy (GX) cause osteopenia in several animal species including humans. While the effect of OVX has been ascribed to estrogen deficiency, the underlying mechanism behind GX-induced osteopenia is poorly understood. Nutritional deficiencies, including lack of calcium and vitamin D, have been claimed to cause the osteopenia induced by GX. This thesis attempts to clari
The Psychology of Entrepreneurs: A Self-Regulation Perspective
Strindbergs Inferno som omvändelseroman
Abstract not available.
Genetic Characterization of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ben, brosk och mjukvävnad (utgörs av den tvärstrimmiga muskulaturen, fettväv och fibrös bindväv, men också av det perifera nervsystemet) är vävnader av mesenkymalt eller neuroektodermalt ursprung. De flesta tumörer som uppstår i dessa vävnader är godartade och blir därför ofta inte föremål för behandling, vilket gör det svårt att uppskatta incidensen i befolkningen. EnlBone and soft tissue tumors (BSTT) constitute a heterogeneous group of neoplasms of mesenchymal and neuroectodermal origin. Although many BSTT are rare, it has become clear that BSTT are characterized by recurrent acquired chromosomal aberrations, and the general aim of this thesis have been to apply molecular genetic and molecular cytogenetic techniques to further characterize recurrent breakpoin
Why tourism mobility behaviours must change.
Planeringsspel i bygg och anläggningsföretag
Studies of T- and B-cells for the generation of human antigen specific antibodies.
Human antibodies generated in vitro may be highly valuable for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. For a long time most human antibodies produced in vitro have been of the IgM isotype with rather low affinities. In this thesis a method for production of IgG switched antigen-specific human antibodies is presented. This is a two step protocol, in which the first step is a selection procedure of don
Output Feedback Stabilization of the Moore-Greitzer Compressor Model
This paper presents a number of facts related to theoutput feedback stabilization of the Moore-Greitzer compressor model. We show that quadratic feedback stabilization of the surge subsystem of the three-state Moore-Greitzer compressor model, which ensures absence of additional equilibria and cycles in the closed-loop system augmented with stall dynamics, implies convergence of all solutions to th
Risktagande och skyldigheter mot framtida generationer
Intellectual property & competition law
Swedish researchers with specific interests in European Market law – IPR, competition and marketing law – join forces to review recent Swedish legislative enactments and case-law developments of particular European interest in national Swedish Courts or the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”). This volume also includes comments on general EU developments from a Swedish perspective.
Improved Wall Shear Rate Method for Robust Measurements
The Wall Shear Rate (WSR) represents an important parameter correlated with cardiovascular diseases, like, for example the atherosclerotic plaque formation. The WSR can be obtained as the radial blood velocity gradient assessed in the wall proximity. The WSR is typically approximated by using flow models like Poiseuille and/or Womersley applied to the measured center-line velocity. However these m
Genetic Analysis of Cytosolic PGI in Festuca ovina
Popular Abstract in Swedish Mitt försöksmaterial utgjordes av Festuca ovina, fårsvingel, som är ett mycket vanligt gräs och tillhör familjen Poaceae. Fårsvingel är en perenn korsbefruktare och spridd över den tempererade zonen i Euroasien och Nordamerika. Släktet Festuca är uppdelat i smalbladiga svinglar, dit fårsvingel hör, och bredbladiga svinglar. Släktet Lolium, dit rajgräsen hör, är en nära Festuca ovina, sheep's fescue is a widely distributed perennial outbreeder that belongs to the grass family Poaceae and is very common in the northern temperate zone. The genus Festuca s.l. is partitioned into fine-leaved fescues to which F. ovina belongs, and broad-leaved fescues to which the genus Lolium is a close relative. Wide crosses within the Festuca-Lolium complex often yield fertile hybr