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Your search for "*" yielded 530603 hits

Repulsion between oppositely charged macromolecules or particles

The interaction of two oppositely charged surfaces has been investigated using Monte Carlo simulations and approximate analytical methods. When immersed in an aqueous electrolyte containing only monovalent ions, two such surfaces will generally show an attraction at large and intermediate separations. However, if the electrolyte solution contains divalent or multivalent ions, then a repulsion can

Within-plant variation in induced defence in developing leaves of cotton plants

According to optimal defence theory (ODT) plants should invest in stronger defence in the most valuable parts, such as reproductive or young tissue. Cotton plants are known to express high resistance to herbivore feeding in the developing leaves at the top of the plant after herbivore-damage. Cotton plants also have developing leaves on side shoots from the nodes all along the plant. This allowed

Recurrent thromboembolism in pregnancy and puerperium. Is there a need for thromboprophylaxis?

By sending a questionnaire (response rate 93%) to 321 women with a history of venous thromboembolism and previous coagulation tests, 72 patients were identified who had a total of 87 pregnancies after the thromboembolic episode. The main aim of the study was to analyze the influence of prophylaxis during pregnancy and delivery on the development of further thromboembolic complications. During preg

Reduced colonization of newborns with group B streptococci following washing of the birth canal with chlorhexidine

Possible measures for prevention of neonatal group B streptococcal (GBS) septicemia include active or passiv immunoprophylaxis and administration of penicillin to mothers and infants. In a previous study we have found GBS to be extremely sensitive to chlorhexidine. Furthermore vaginal washing with chlorhexidine diminished the recovery of GBS from parturients. In order to study the effect of chlorh

ELTs, AO wavelengths and science output

A study is presented of the impact on science data from extremely large telescopes of a transformation of wavelength base for optimization of actuator architecture from 2 200 to 1250 nm. From the optical path difference (OPD) data for Euro50, we transform to E-ELT OPDs. We compute the corresponding power spectrum, in which we simulate a higher actuator density via high-pass filtering to convert fr

Modeling the interactions between aerosols and liquid water clouds with a self-consistent cloud scheme in a general circulation model

To model aerosol-cloud interactions in general circulation models (GCMs), a prognostic cloud scheme of cloud liquid water and amount is expanded to include droplet number concentration (N(d)) in a way that allows them to be calculated using the same large-scale and convective updraft velocity field. In the scheme, the evolution of droplets fully interacts with the model meteorology. An explicit tr

Less local pain on intravenous infusion of a new propofol emulsion

Background: Local pain at the site of intravenous (iv) injection of propofol remains a considerable problem in clinical anaesthesiology, and particularly so in infants. The aim of the present study was to compare the influence of two different emulsions of propofol on local pain following iv administration. Methods: Eighty adult patients (ASA I-II) scheduled for ear-nose-throat or plastic surgery

MRI thermometry in phantoms by use of the proton resonance frequency shift method: application to interstitial laser thermotherapy

In this work the temperature dependence of the proton resonance frequency was assessed in agarose gel with a high melting temperature (95 degrees C) and in porcine liver in vitro at temperatures relevant to thermotherapy (25-80 degrees C). Furthermore, an optically tissue-like agarose gel phantom was developed and evaluated for use in MRI. The phantom was used to visualize temperature distribution

Activation of dopamine D-4 receptors by ABT-724 induces penile erection in rats

Apomorphine, a nonselective dopamine receptor agonist, facilitates penile erection and is effective in patients suffering from erectile dysfunction. The specific dopamine receptor subtype(s) responsible for its erectogenic effect is not known. Here we report that the dopamine D-4 receptor plays a role in the regulation of penile function. ABT-724 is a selective dopamine D4 receptor agonist that ac

On Commodification and the Governance of Academic Research

The new prominence given to science for economic growth and industry comes with an increased policy focus on the promotion of commodification and commercialization of academic science. This paper posits that this increased interest in commodification is a new steering mechanism for governing science. This is achieved by first outlining what is meant by the commodification of scientific knowledge t

Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis and management of liver tumours

BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to investigate the value of percutaneous fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis and management of liver tumours. METHODS: FNAC followed by histopathological examination was carried out in 216 patients with suspected liver tumours. The final diagnosis was primary liver cancer in 106, colorectal metastases in 51, non-colorectal metastases in 46,

Persistent organic pollutants in river food webs: influence of trophic position and degree of heterotrophy

We investigated how the degree of autotrophy/heterotrophy and organism trophic position influenced the bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in 10 benthic river food webs consisting of terrestrial detritus, periphyton, invertebrates, and age-0 brown trout (Salmo trutta) in southern Sweden. Concentrations of PCBs increased with trophic position, estimated from delta(15)N and delta(13)

Employer investments in employee health - Implications for the family as health producer

The model presented in this paper further extends the demand-for-health model in which the family is the producer of health investments, to consider the case in which an employer has incentives for investing in the health of a family member. The household and the employer are assumed to interact strategically in the production of health. The general insight provided is that the conditions which de

Visualization and characterization of the extracellular matrix of Bipolaris sorokiniana

Extracellular matrix (ECM) surrounding conidia and germlings of B. sorokiniana was studied using light microscopy (LM), scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Conidial ECM surrounding dry-inoculated, ungerminated conidia was fluid-like and observed only using a cryo-preparation technique, suggesting that the material was water soluble. ECM enveloping germlings appeared fibrilla