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Frequency estimation by demodulation of two complex signals

This paper presents a method for frequency estimation in a power system by demodulation of two complex signals. In power system analysis, the αβ-transform is used to convert three phase quantities to a complex quantity where the real part is the in-phase component and the imaginary part is the quadrature component. This complex signal is demodulated with a known complex phasor rotating in opposite

Effect of maternal dexamethasone and alpha-ketoglutarate administration on skeletal development during the last three weeks of prenatal life in pigs

Background. The effect of dexamethasone (Dex) on postnatal bone formation processes is known to decrease the synthesis of collagen and bone matrix, but the effect of alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is to induce positive effects on growth and skeletal development during postnatal life. However, the effects of Dex and AKG treatment on the prenatal processes of skeletal development have not been investigat

A theoretical study of the spin-forbidden reaction Fe(CO)(4) + CO -> Fe(CO)(5)

The spin-forbidden reaction of Fe(CO)(4)+CO -> Fe(CO)(5) has been investigated with multiconfigurational quantum chemical methods (CASSCF/CASPT2). The structure of the minimum energy crossing point ( MECP) between the singlet and triplet energy surfaces as well as the equilibrium structures of Fe(CO)(5) ( a singlet state) and Fe(CO)(4) ( a triplet state) has been determined. The partition rational

Interactive metronome training for a 9-year-old boy with attention and motor coordination difficulties

The purpose of this case report is to describe a new intervention, the Interactive Metronome, for improving timing and coordination. A nine-year-old boy, with difficulties in attention and developmental delay of unspecified origin underwent a seven-week training program with the Interactive Metronome. Before, during, and after training timing, accuracy was assessed with testing procedures consiste

Hepatitis C virus antibodies and hepatitis C virus RNA in Chinese blood donors determined by ELISA, recombinant immunoblot assay and polymerase chain reaction

Antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) were determined in Chinese blood donors from the city of Wuhan by a second generation ELISA screening test and a confirmatory recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA II). Two materials of 281 and 222 sera were sampled under similar conditions in 1989 and 1990, respectively. The first collection of sera was sent to Sweden in lyophilized form, the second directl

The influence of aerosol concentrations on the glaciation and precipitation of a cumulus cloud

The response of the glaciation and precipitation of U multi-thermal cumulus cloud to changes in the aerosol concentration has been assessed in a series of sensitivity tests with the UMIST Explicit Microphysics Model (EMM). A simulation of this cloud from the Met Office cloud-resolving model (CRM) has been utilized in these tests. This cumulus cloud was observed h aircraft during the initial stage

Torrötning av rejekt från förbehandling av matavfall.

När källsorterat matavfall från hushållen rötas i en biogasanläggning av modellen omrörd tank behövs en förbehandling för att göra materialet pumpbart och ta bort orenheter. En typ av förbehandling innebär att avfallet passerar genom en skruvpress som delar avfallet i en pumpbar fraktion och en torr fraktion, så kallat rejekt. På NSR förbehandlas matavfallet med denna teknik och rejektet skickas i

Detection of methane with mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy

We report on the application of polarization spectroscopy in the midinfrared spectral region for the detection of methane by probing its asymmetric ro-vibrational transitions. Tunable infrared laser radiation, near 3.4 mum, was obtained from difference-frequency generation in a LiNbO3 crystal. Infrared polarization spectroscopy (IRPS) spectra of the P, Q and R branches of the nu(3) band, recorded

Total hip replacement with a zirconium oxide ceramic femoral head: a randomised roentgen stereophotogrammetric study.

We investigated the wear characteristics and clinical performance of four different total hip joint articulations in 114 patients. Wear and migration was measured by roentgenstereophotogrammetric analysis at five years or at the last follow-up. The mean annual wear was 0.11 mm for a stainless steel/Enduron articulation, 0.34 mm for stainless steel/Hylamer cup, 0.17 mm for zirconium oxide ceramic/E

Fifty-two-week efficacy and safety of vildagliptin vs. glimepiride in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus inadequately controlled on metformin monotherapy

To examine the efficacy and safety of vildagliptin vs. glimepiride as add-on therapy to metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a 52-week interim analysis of a large, randomized, double-blind, multicentre study. The primary objective was to demonstrate non-inferiority of vildagliptin vs. glimepiride in glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA(1c)) reduction at week 52. Patients inadequately co

Effects of norethisterone acetate addition to estradiol in long term HRT

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) among postmenopausal women living in the Lund area of Southern Sweden and to analyze treatment effects in different types or routes of HRT administration, as well as to compare with unopposed estrogen therapy. METHOD: in an ongoing, large population-based, prospective cohort study, t

A comprehensive analysis of the androgen receptor gene and risk of breast cancer: results from the National Cancer Institute Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium (BPC3)

Introduction Androgens have been hypothesised to influence risk of breast cancer through several possible mechanisms, including their conversion to estradiol or their binding to the oestrogen receptor and/ or androgen receptor ( AR) in the breast. Here, we report on the results of a large and comprehensive study of the association between genetic variation in the AR gene and risk of breast cancer

Multi-colour fluorescence imaging in connection with photodynamic therapy of delta-amino levulinic acid (ALA) sensitised skin malignancies

Abstract A system for multi-colour fluorescence imaging of tissue is described. The instrument is mainly developed for tissue diagnostics to identify and localise malignant tumours, but might also be useful for real-time monitoring of the therapeutic dose delivered during photodynamic therapy. In vivo examples from various malignant skin lesions following topical δ-amino levulinic acid (ALA) admi

Postexercise Cardiac Performance Among Patients With Mild Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) is associated with cardiac disease. This prospective study was designed to investigate changes in cardiac function before and after parathyroidectomy. Resting and post exercise cardiac function was compared with matched control subjects. Fifty patients (mean age 62.9 +/- 11 years, 45 women) and 50 healthy control subjects, matched for age and sex were studied. Re

Assessing Quality and Functionality of DNA from Fresh and Archival Dried Blood Spots and Recommendations for Quality Control Guidelines.

Background: Dried blood spots (DBS) are a convenient and inexpensive method for biobanking. Although many countries have established population-based DBS biobanks from neonatal screening programs, the quality and usefulness of DNA from DBS have not been extensively assessed. Methods: We compared 4 common DNA extraction methods (Qiagen, EZNA, Chelex 100, and alkaline lysis) in a pilot study using

Magnetic resonance imaging of the knee in chronic knee pain. A 2-year follow-up

Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the change over time of cartilage defects, subchondral lesions and meniscal abnormalities of the knee using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with a 2-year interval in patients with chronic knee pain. Design: In the format of a prospective study of early osteoarthritis (OA), the signal knee (most painful at the inclusion in the study 1990) in 47 indivi

Guiding motor-propelled molecules with nanoscale precision through silanized bi-channel structures

We report on the design and fabrication of a channel structure for high precision guidance and achieving excellent confinement properties for motor-propelled molecular shuttles. The techniques used to manufacture the channel structure are mainly e-beam lithography and selective monolayer functionalization. The structure consists of two lateral layers of concentric channels on a SiO2 surface made b