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Emotional principles for a holistic approach to Universal Design.

Exploring emotional relationships between user and product is an important issue to adress in the design of t non-discriminating everyday products. Universal design is one approach among several, which the industrial designer can use when designing on the basis of on a non-discriminating philosophy. One way to achieve an integration of the user product relationship into the concept of universal de

Thread-level speculation as an optimization technique in Web Applications — Initial results

Web Applications have become increasingly popular as they allow developers to use an uniform platform for user interactions. The dynamic programming language JavaScript used in most Web Applications has performance penalties, that have been addressed by traditional optimization techniques. We have found that while the performance gain of such techniques are positive for a set of established benchm

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Abstract in Romanian Lucrarea a fost gândită să pună în valoare următoarele aspecte: Momente şi aspecte din lupta ideologică şi politică a românilor, reflectate în presă; Idealul naţional şi poezia transilvăneană; Momente ale luptelor naţionale ale românilor oglindite de revista „Familia” în perioada mişcării memorandiste; Cronologie privind acţiunile culturale şi politice din ţinutul Albei Iulia,

A VLSI architecture of the Schnorr-Euchner decoder for MIMO systems

The lattice decoder is shown to approach the performance of Maximum-likelihood decoder for MIMO wireless systems with low complexity. A VLSI architecture of the K-best Schnorr-Euchner lattice decoder is proposed in this paper. The architecture is optimized on both algorithm and architecture levels, and supports a dynamic range of SNR [less-than or equal to] 30 dB. Compared to a conventional VLSI i

Rate-Compatible Spatially-Coupled LDPC Code Ensembles With Nearly-Regular Degree Distributions

Spatially-coupled regular LDPC code ensembles have outstanding performance with belief propagation decoding and can perform arbitrarily close to the Shannon limit without requiring irregular graph structures. In this paper, we are concerned with the performance and complexity of spatially-coupled ensembles with a rate-compatibility constraint. Spatially-coupled regular ensembles that support rate-

Search for Type 2 Diabetes Susceptibility Genes Using Multiple Approaches

Popular Abstract in Swedish Typ 2 diabetes (även kallat sockersjuka eller åldersdiabetes) är en av våra vanligaste förekommande folksjukdomar och ungefär 5% av alla människor beräknas ha sjukdomen. Typ 2 diabetes karakteriseras av kroniskt förhöjda blodsocker-nivåer som orsakas dels av en oförmåga hos insulin att befrämja blodsockerupptag i dess målvävnader, fett och muskel, och dels av en oförmågType 2 diabetes mellitus is a multifactorial disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia resulting from pancreatic dysfunction and insulin resistance. It is a common disorder with a complex pattern of inheritance, likely to reflect the influence of multiple genetic and environmental factors on the diabetes risk. The aim of thesis was to identify genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes. In a g

On the Relative Order of Adverbs in the I-domain: A study of English and Swedish

This dissertation is a theoretical and empirical investigation of the ordering of adverbs in the I-domain. Within the generative-minimalist framework, adverbs have traditionally been analysed as adjuncts, adjoined to the syntactic structure in semantically appropriate positions (e.g. Jackendoff 1972). This view has been questioned and argued against by scholars such as Alexiadou (1997) and Cinque

Simulation of robot paths and heat effects in welding

Popular Abstract in Swedish Svetsning är en av de viktigaste tillämpningarna för robotar är inom tillverkningsindustrin. Normalt så programmeras roboten genom att operatören guidar manuellt robotarmen mellan de olika robotkoordinaterna. För att förbättra noggrannheten vid programmeringen kan man använda ett simuleringsverktyg, så kallat Computer Aided Robotics (CAR). Simulering kan även vara ett kThe objective of this thesis is to develop a simulation tool and a method by which robot trajectories, temperature histories, residual stresses and distortion can be analysed and optimized off-line. This was performed by integrating robot simulation software with finite element analysis software. A special interface was created which facilitated information exchange between the two software progra