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Low temperature deposition of silicon nitride using Si3Cl8

We demonstrate the deposition of SixNy thin films using octachlorotrisilane (Si3Cl8) and ammonia between 300 and 500 degrees C by an atomic layer deposition-like growth mechanism. Although there are chemical vapor deposition growth mechanisms present, which lead to an incomplete saturation, a step coverage >80% in high aspect ratio (>60:1) trenches could be achieved. The deposited films oxidize af

Reduced expression of ezrin in urothelial bladder cancer signifies more advanced tumours and an impaired survival: validatory study of two independent patient cohorts.

Reduced membranous expression of the cytoskeleton-associated protein ezrin has previously been demonstrated to correlate with tumour progression and poor prognosis in patients with T1G3 urothelial cell carcinoma of the bladder treated with non-maintenance Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (n = 92), and the associations with adverse clinicopathological factors have been validated in another, unselected, coh

Exploring Photoinduced Excited State Evolution in Heterobimetallic Ru(II)-Co(III) Complexes

Quantum chemical calculations provide detailed theoretical information concerning key aspects of photoinduced electron and excitation transfer processes in supramolecular donor-acceptor systems, which are particularly relevant to fundamental charge separation in emerging molecular approaches for solar energy conversion. Here we use density functional theory (DFT) calculations to explore the excite

Readiness of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for LHC collisions

The Tile hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS detector has undergone extensive testing in the experimental hall since its installation in late 2005. The readout, control and calibration systems have been fully operational since 2007 and the detector has successfully collected data from the LHC single beams in 2008 and first collisions in 2009. This paper gives an overview of the Tile Calorimeter perf

Health, economics, and ancient Greek medicine

A period of two and a half millennia separates us from the Classical period of ancient Greece. Nevertheless, looking at ancient Greek medicine from the perspective of modern health economics is an interesting endeavour in that it increases our understanding of the ancient world and provides insights into contemporary society. Ancient Greece is rightly famous for pioneering secular and scientific m

Species- and stratification-dependent diel vertical migration behaviour of three dinoflagellate species in a laboratory study

This study shows that different species of the same genus can behave differently in relation to a salinity gradient and suggests that a halocline can act as a barrier to the diel vertical migration (DVM) of dinoflagellate species. In a laboratory study, we found that the dinoflagellates Ceratium furca, C. tripos and Dinophysis acuta did not cross a salinity gradient of 5 psu, but instead exhibited

Attitudes and beliefs about national guidelines for schizophrenia. A study among stakeholders.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Intresset för evidens-baserad vård växer snabbt men trots att nya forskningsresultat produceras och publiceras löpande, tar det lång tid innan de får genomslag i den vård som erbjuds patienter och brukare. Det finns beräkningar som talar för att det tar mellan åtta och trettio år innan tillgängliga forskningsresultat har blivit implementerade och börjat användas rutinmäThe aim of this thesis was to investigate and synthesise the knowledge base concerning leadership and its influence on the implementation of evidence-based practice. A further aim was to investigate attitudes and beliefs among politicians, healthcare managers and mental healthcare professionals about the Swedish national guidelines for schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like conditions. Data was colle

Thermally Activated Exciton Dissociation and Recombination Control the Carrier Dynamics in Organometal Halide Perovskite

Solar cells based on organometal halide perovskites have seen rapidly increasing efficiencies, now exceeding 15%. Despite this progress, there is still limited knowledge on the fundamental photophysics. Here we use microwave photoconductance and photoluminescence measurements to investigate the temperature dependence of the carrier generation, mobility, and recombination in (CH3NH3)PbI3. At temper

Impact structures and events - a Nordic perspective

Abstract in UndeterminedImpact cratering is one of the fundamental processes in the formation of the Earth and our planetary system, as reflected, for example in the surfaces of Mars and the Moon. The Earth has been covered by a comparable number of impact scars, but due to active geological processes, weathering, sea floor spreading etc, the number of preserved and recognized impact craters on th

Yeast reveals unexpected roles and regulatory features of aquaporins and aquaglyceroporins

Background: The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae provides unique opportunities to study roles and regulation of aqua/glyceroporins using frontline tools of genetics and genomics as well as molecular cell and systems biology. Scope of review: S. cerevisiae has two similar orthodox aquaporins. Based on phenotypes mediated by gene deletion or overexpression as well as on their expression pattern, the y

The ATP Receptors P2X7 and P2X4 Modulate High Glucose and Palmitate-Induced Inflammatory Responses in Endothelial Cells.

Endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are principal players in vascular inflammatory responses. Dysregulation of endothelial cell function caused by hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and hyperinsulinemia often result in impaired vasoregulation, oxidative stress, inflammation, and altered barrier function. Various stressors including high glucose stimulate the release of nucleotides thus initiating

A Legitimate or an Ilegitimate problem? : How School Nurses Establish a Logic of Distinctions among Children who are Overeweight or Suffer from Obesity

Overweight and obesity among children has gained increased attention as one of the most unequally distributed health problems. This article draws on interviews with school nurses, who in their daily work handle this problem. Their responses articulate a discrepancy between the general view on overweight and obesity as a “disaster” for the afflicted children and the practice of turning "a blind eye

Sensitivity of peatland carbon loss to organic matter quality

Peatland soils store substantial amounts of organic matter (OM). During peat formation, easily decomposable OM is preferentially lost and more recalcitrant moieties accumulate. In a peat profile, OM quality thus scales with depth. Drainage and ongoing climate change poses the risk of rapid OM loss when formerly anoxic peat layers oxidize. During peat decomposition, deeper, more recalcitrant peat i