Omläsning : Donna Haraway, "Manifesto for cyborgs: science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the 1980s"
Essay rereading Haraways Cyborg Manifesto
Essay rereading Haraways Cyborg Manifesto
Recently, fish farming instead of traditional agriculture has been seen as a way to increase agricultural profits from saline affected land. Concerns, however, have been raised that fish farming may increase the salinity problems. In the salinity affected soils of the El-Salam canal project area in Egypt, farmers are giving tip traditional farming for fish farming due to possibilities to increase
Relative to vascular plants, little is known about what factors control bryophyte communities or how they respond to successional and environmental changes. Bryophytes are abundant in boreal forests, thus changes in moss community composition and functional traits (for example, moisture and nutrient content; rates of photosynthesis and respiration) may have important consequences for ecosystem pro
We hypothesized that habitats differing in water flow regime would differ in bacterial function either because of differences in the local environment, in bacterial community composition (BCC), or in the mechanism shaping BCC (community assembly). In 20 lakes and 17 inlet streams BCC was analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism of the gene coding for 16S ribosomal RNA, and bac
Angiogenesis is one of the hallmarks of breast cancer. The status of angiogenesis is important in therapy choice. Spider telangiectasias (telangiectasias) may reflect an increased ability to form vessels. Our first aim was to identify patient and tumor characteristics associated with the occurrence of telangiectasias at the time of breast cancer diagnosis. The second aim was to study the overall s
Strandberg R., Hake M., Klaassen R.H.G. & Alerstam T. 2012. Movements of immature European Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus in tropical Africa. Ardea 100: 157-162. Immature European Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus are believed to remain in tropical Africa during the first years of their lives. We studied their movements during this period with the aid of satellite telemetry. After crossing the Sa
The association between exposure to perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis has been sparsely investigated in humans and the findings are inconsistent.
We consider simple approximations of variances and covariances for order statistics from the standard extreme value distribution. Exact values and simulation results of the variances and covariances for certain sample sizes are used to determine the validity of the suggested approximations.
BACKGROUND: Understanding the dispersal and genetic structure of invasive insects across islands is important for designing management plans that are appropriate at spatial and temporal scales. For invasive parasites, population dynamics are largely determined by the distribution and density of their host species. The introduced parasitic fly, Philornis downsi, parasitises nestlings of endemic bir
This paper analyzes the persistency in innovation behavior of firms. Using five waves of the Community Innovation Survey in Sweden, we have traced the innovative behavior of firms over a ten-year period, i.e., between 2002 and 2012. We distinguish between four types of innovations: process, product, marketing, and organizational innovations. First, using transition probability matrix, we found evi
Abstract In recent years, more intensive chemotherapy regimens for mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) have been associated with prolongation of survival. In this study, our aim was to investigate prognostic factors and evaluate improvement in survival in MCL on a population level. The cohort included all patients diagnosed with MCL from 1 January 2000 to 31 March 2010 in the Swedish Lymphoma Registry. At
This essay reviews work in sociology and cognate fields regarding pharmaceutical marketing and its regulation. In particular, it considers how this literature contributes to a better understanding of the process of pharmaceuticalization, defined as “the translation or transformation of human conditions, capabilities, and capacities into opportunities for pharmaceutical intervention.” The review ad
Purpose: We compared the rates of febrile urinary tract infection, kidney damage and reflux resolution in children with vesicoureteral reflux treated in 3 ways, including antibiotic prophylaxis, endoscopic therapy and surveillance with antibiotics only for symptomatic urinary tract infection. Materials and Methods: Children 1 to younger than 2 years with grade reflux were recruited into this prosp
The Cambrian 'Orsten' fauna comprises exceptionally preserved and phosphatised microscopic arthropods. The external morphology of these fossils is well known, but their internal soft-tissue anatomy has remained virtually unknown. Here, we report the first non-biomineralised tissues from a juvenile polymerid trilobite, represented by digestive structures, glands, and connective strands harboured in
A search for pair-produced massive coloured scalar particles decaying to a four-jet final state is performed by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV. The analysed data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1). No deviation from the Standard Model is observed in the invariant mass spectrum of the two-jet pairs. A limit on the scalar gluon
Background Sex determination processes vary widely among different vertebrate taxa, but no group offers as much diversity for the study of the evolution of sex determination as teleost fish. However, the knowledge about sex determination gene cascades is scarce in this species-rich group and further difficulties arise when considering hybrid fish taxa, in which mechanisms exhibited by parental spe
Twenty-six children in 3rd grade were observed while surfing freely on their favourite websites. Eye movement data were recorded, as well as synchronized screen recordings. Each online advert was analyzed in order to quantify low-level saliency features, such as motion, luminance and edge density. The eye movement data were used to register if the children had attended to the online adverts. A mix
Human carbonyl reductase 1 (CBR1), that is one of the enzymes responsible for the reduced efficiency of treatments by the antineoplastic agents anthracyclines, was functionally expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. CBR1 was purified and kinetically characterised using daunorubicin as substrate. CBR1-catalysed reduction of daunorubicin followed an apparent Michaelis-Menten kinetics with K-M = 85.2
The objective of the paper is to explore and give an overview of two central policy alternatives to improve the integration between the European Union and developing countries by removing barriers to trade: trade preferences and trade facilitation. The author reviews the relevant literatures and discusses the issues which constitute problems or opportunities for practitioners and researchers in bo