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Prospective Study of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Types, HPV Persistence, and Risk of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix

Background: The link between squamous cell cervical carcinoma and human papillomavirus (HPV) 16/18 is well established, but the magnitude of the risk association is uncertain and the importance of other high-risk HPV (HRHPV) types is unclear. Methods: In two prospective nested case-control series among women participating in cytologic screening in Sweden, we collected 2,772 cervical smears from 51

Fertility and the fast-track: Continued childbearing among professionals in Sweden, 1991-2009

During recent decades women have made considerable advances in education and the labor market, even in fast-track professions such as law, medicine, and academia. While women have entered high-status professions, the career paths of some jobs have changed little and are still inflexible, which implies that professional gains may be offset by familial losses. We investigate continued childbearing,

Probing the molecular mechanisms of neuronal degeneration: importance of mitochondrial dysfunction and calcineurin activation

Cerebral injury is a critical aspect of the management of patients in intensive care. Pathological conditions induced by cerebral ischemia, hypoxia, head trauma, and seizure activity can result in marked residual impairment of cerebral function. We have investigated the potential mechanisms leading to neuronal cell death in pathological conditions, with the aim of discovering therapeutic targets a

Total and Differential Leukocyte Counts in Relation to Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus: A Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study.

OBJECTIVE: High concentrations of leukocytes in blood have been associated with diabetes mellitus. This prospective study aimed to explore whether total and differential leukocyte counts are associated with incidence of diabetes. A missense variant R262W in the SH2B3 (SH2B adaptor protein 3) gene, coding for a protein that negatively regulates hematopoietic cell proliferation, was also studied in

Exploring the Milky Way stellar disk A detailed elemental abundance study of 714 F and G dwarf stars in the solar neighbourhood

Aims. The aim of this paper is to explore and map the age and abundance structure of the stars in the nearby Galactic disk. Methods. We have conducted a high-resolution spectroscopic study of 714 F and G dwarf and subgiant stars in the Solar neighbourhood. The star sample has been kinematically selected to trace the Galactic thin and thick disks to their extremes, the metal-rich stellar halo, sub-

Oral Polio Vaccine Influences the Immune Response to BCG Vaccination. A Natural Experiment

Background: Oral polio vaccine (OPV) is recommended to be given at birth together with BCG vaccine. While we were conducting two trials including low-birth-weight (LBW) and normal-birth-weight (NBW) infants in Guinea-Bissau, OPV was not available during some periods and therefore some infants did not receive OPV at birth, but only BCG. We investigated the effect of OPV given simultaneously with BC

If the landlord so wanted… Family, farm production and land transfers in the manorial system

Abstract in UndeterminedThe manorial system was a salient feature of the pre-industrial economy in Europe from the early middle ages until the late nineteenth century. Despite its importance, it is not usually the main focus of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European economic history. Looking at a vital manorial economy, this article deals with land transmissions, a crucial factor in the

Auditory feedback of one's own voice is used for high-level semantic monitoring: the "self-comprehension" hypothesis.

What would it be like if we said one thing, and heard ourselves saying something else? Would we notice something was wrong? Or would we believe we said the thing we heard? Is feedback of our own speech only used to detect errors, or does it also help to specify the meaning of what we say? Comparator models of self-monitoring favor the first alternative, and hold that our sense of agency is given b

Wnt5a signaling in Malignant Melanoma

The Wnt signaling pathway is highly conserved and crucial during embryonic development. Aberrant Wnt signaling is important in several different disease processes. One such disease process is the development and progression of cancer. Malignant melanoma is a highly aggressive tumor type, in which Wnt signaling is essential. Once a melanoma tumor has spread and formed metastasis, there are few trea

Arterial Thrombosis in Factor V Leiden or Activated Protein C Resistance. Clinical and Experimental Studies.

Abstract The last two decades has seen an avalanche of studies establishing Activated protein C (APC) resistance due to Factor V Leiden mutation as the most prevalent genetic risk factor, yet known, for venous thromboembolism. This has been documented in 20-60% of patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Whether such propensity also exists in arterial circulation is still controversial. The gener

Cellular and molecular pathways in early stages of NK cell development

Natural killer (NK) cells represent the third lymphoid lineage playing important role against viral infections and cancer. In contrast to B and T cell development where both cellular and regulatory pathways are well established, the development of NK cells from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is poorly understood. Although bone marrow (BM) represents the main site for postnatal NK cell development

Highly Scalable Implementation of a Robust MMSE Channel Estimator for OFDM Multi-Standard Environment

Abstract in UndeterminedIn this paper a VLSI implementation of a highly scalable MMSE (Minimum Mean Square Estimator) is presented with the ultimate goal of demonstrating the potential of MMSE as enabler for multi-standard channel estimation. By selecting an appropriate implementation, a complexity reduction of 98% is achieved when compared to Time-Domain Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TDMLE), whe

Vesicle and bilayer formation of diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine (DPhPC) and diphytanoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPhPE) mixtures and their bilayers' electrical stability

Lipid bilayers are of interest in applications where a cell membrane mimicking environment is desired. The performance of the lipid bilayer is largely dependent on the physical and chemical properties of the component lipids. Lipid bilayers consisting of phytanoyl lipids have proven to be appropriate choices since they exhibit high mechanical and chemical stability. In addition, such bilayers have

Reliable LIF/Mie droplet sizing in sprays using structured laser illumination planar imaging

In this article, Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging (SLIPI) is used in combination with the LIF/Mie ratio technique for extracting a reliable two-dimensional mapping of the droplets Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD). We show that even for the case of a fairly dilute spray, where single scattering events are in majority, the conventional LIF/Mie technique still remains largely affected by errors

Routine ultrasound investigations in the second trimester of pregnancy: the experiences of immigrant parents in Sweden

Objective: to describe the experiences of immigrant parents of an ultrasound examination in the second trimester of pregnancy, highlighting information, communication, thoughts, feelings and well-being. Methods: An exploratory, qualitative study using in-depth interviews with parents separately. Content analysis was used. A total of nine Farsi-speaking couples, in all 18 persons, who now live in S

Direct advection measurements do not help to solve the night-time CO2 closure problem: Evidence from three different forests

The ADVEX project involved conducting extensive advection measurements at three sites, each with a different topography. One goal of the project was to measure the [CO2] balance under night-time conditions, in an attempt to improve NEE estimates. Four towers were arranged in a square around a main tower, with the sides of the square about 100 m long. Equipped with 16 sonic anemometers and [CO2] sa

Quality requirements in industrial practice - an extended interview study at eleven companies

Abstract in UndeterminedIn order to create a successful software product and assure its quality, it is not enough to fulfill the functional requirements, it is also crucial to find the right balance among competing quality requirements (QR). An extended, previously piloted, interview study was performed to identify specific challenges associated with the selection, tradeoff, and management of QR i

Embedded DfT Instrumentation: Design, Access, Retargeting and Case Studies

As semiconductor technologies enables highly advanced an complex integrated circuits (ICs), there is an increasing need to have more embedded design-for-test (DfT) instruments for test, debug, diagnosis, configuration, monitoring, etc. As these instruments are to be used not only at chip-level but also at board-level and system-level, a key challenge is how to access these instruments from chip te