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Your search for "*" yielded 533864 hits

Phase separation in binary eye lens protein mixtures

Liquid-liquid phase separation occurs in young mammalian eye lenses and in concentrated solutions of isolated eye lens proteins, and has been linked to some forms of cataract. Here we study theoretically the protein compositions and cloud temperatures of two separated equilibrium phases that form out of concentrated mixtures of model proteins, chosen to have properties similar to those which repro

Software News and Update MOLCAS 7: The Next Generation

Some of the new unique features of the MOLCAS quantum chemistry package version 7 are presented inthis report. In particular, the Cholesky decomposition method applied to some quantum chemical methods is described. This approach is used both in the context of a straight forward approximation of the two-electron integrals and in the generation of so-called auxiliary basis sets. The article describe

The cultural policies of minor cinema practices: The Swedish film workshop during its first years 1973–76

The essay is a description of the first years of the Stockholm film workshop, Filmverkstan, founded in 1973. The activities of the workshop are put into the framework of the new cultural policies of Sweden and the question of cultural democracy, as well as alternative ways of producing and distributing film. The output of the early years is set into generic and film historical contexts, connected

Flotation as a tool for indirect DNA extraction from soil

Nowadays, soil diversity is accessed at molecular level by the total DNA extraction of a given habitat. However, high DNA yields and purity are difficult to achieve due to the co-extraction of enzyme-inhibitory substances that inhibit downstream applications, such as PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and DNA ligation. Therefore, there is a need for further development of sample preparation method

Targeting the hematopoietic stem cell to correct osteopetrosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Min avhandling har fokuserat på att öka förståelsen för den ovanliga, allvarliga genetiska sjukdomen infantil malign osteopetros (IMO), med målet att utveckla genterapi som en ny behandlingsform för sjukdomen. IMO finns redan vid födseln och orsakas av att osteoklasterna, cellerna ansvariga för nedbrytning av ben, inte fungerar. Sjukdomen kan orsakas av flera olika gendThis thesis focuses on developing stem cell targeted gene therapy for the severe hereditary disorder Infantile Malignant Osteopetrosis (IMO) as well as increasing the understanding of how the genetic defect present in IMO affects the hematopoietic stem cells and hematopoiesis in general. IMO is a rare congenital disorder associated with an increased number of non-functional osteoclasts and the a

A capacitive immunosensor for detection of cholera toxin

Contamination of food with biological toxins aswell as their potential use asweapons of mass destruction has created an urge for rapid and cost effective analytical techniques capable of detecting trace amounts of these toxins. This paper describes the development of a sensitive method for detection of cholera toxin (CT) using a flow-injection capacitive immunosensor based on self-assembled monola

Beroendevård i socialtjänst och sjukvård - En svensk modell att utmana.

Addiction treatment often requires medical, psychosocial and social expertise - and benefits from collaboration. The pronounced role of social authorities in evaluation and treatment is unique to the addiction field. Unified responsibility for evaluation and treatment of addiction is under consideration. Treatment of psychiatric and physical co-morbidity benefits from a unified responsibility with

Array based characterization of a terminal deletion involving chromosome subband 15q26.2: an emerging syndrome associated with growth retardation, cardiac defects and developmental delay.

BACKGROUND: Subtelomeric regions are gene rich and deletions in these chromosomal segments have been demonstrated to account for approximately 2.5% of patients displaying mental retardation with or without association of dysmorphic features. However, cases that report de novo terminal deletions on chromosome arm 15q are rare. METHODS: In this study we present the first example of a detailed molecu

We are Sweden Democrats because we care for others: Exploring racisms in the Swedish extreme right

During the last decades there has been an upsurge in research on xenophobic populist parties, mirroring their political successes. In the Swedish context, characterised by neoliberal restructuring, issues of race', citizenship and belonging have been important elements of the public debate. These issues have unfolded in parallel with the presence of a neo-Nazi social movement and the emergence of

High current density Esaki tunnel diodes based on GaSb-InAsSb heterostructure nanowires

We present electrical characterization of broken gap GaSb-InAsSb nanowire heterojunctions. Esaki diode characteristics with maximum reverse current of 1750 kA/cm2 at 0.50 V, maximum peak current of 67 kA/cm2 at 0.11 V, and peak-to-valley ratio (PVR) of 2.1 are obtained at room temperature. The reverse current density is comparable to that of state-of-the-art tunnel diodes based on heavily doped p-

Insulin-like growth factor 1 has multisystem effects on fetal and preterm infant development.

Poor postnatal growth after preterm birth does not match the normal rapid growth in utero and is associated with preterm morbidities. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis is the major hormonal mediator of growth in utero and levels of IGF-1 are often very low after preterm birth. We reviewed the role of IGF-1 in fetal development and the corresponding preterm perinatal period to highlight the

Historisk spelfilmsanalys : exemplet Gustaf Molanders Vi som går köksvägen 1932

The aim of this article is to offer an object lesson in how historians could make use of feature film as primary source material if they were to use the analytical tools developed in the field of film studies and by historians who started to work with film in the 1970s and 1980s. My own work on representations of maidservants in Swedish feature films in the 1930s and 1940s is used as a case in poi

C-14 in spent ion-exchange resins and process water from nuclear reactors – A method for quantitative determination of organic and inorganic fractions

A method of separately quantifying organic and inorganic 14C compounds present in spent ion-exchange resins and process water from nuclear power reactors has been developed. Extraction of carbon compounds is accomplished by means of acid stripping (inorganic 14C) and subsequent wet oxidation (organic 14C) or by N2 purging in combination with a catalytic furnace (oxidized and reduced gaseous compou

Three-dimensional measurement of the local extinction coefficient in a dense spray

Laser extinction, signal attenuation and multiple scattering are the three main phenomena limiting qualitative and quantitative measurements in planar laser imaging of sprays. In this paper, a method is presented where structured laser illumination planar imaging is used to remove the signal contribution from multiply scattered light. Based on this technique, data from side scattering and transmis

The mid-Ordovician Osmussaar breccia in Estonia linked to the disruption of the L-chondrite parent body in the asteroid belt

The Middle Ordovician (466 Ma) Osmussaar breccia, situated along the northwestern coast of Estonia, is rich in angular chromite grains of extraterrestrial origin (>13 grains kg(-1)) and shocked quartz. The angularity of the chromite grains implies that they have not been transported or reworked to any large extent, connoting that the brecciation is the result of a contemporary impactor, either as